IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Also, De4life left out Watch Them Feed. Sure, R2R was great to begin with, so the song doesn't exactly stand out, but it's pretty good nonetheless.

I have mixed feelings on Watch Them Feed. The production and lyrics are terrible. It's the first and only IF song that included the word fuck(s), I think? I guess Anders was feeling rebellious that day. The song has good energy though.

I left out all of the bonus tracks from the older albums because the older albums had a lot of good songs on them, whereas the newer albums seem to leave the good songs as bonus tracks or stuck on EPs. Go figure.

I'm actually not sure if there's any bonus track from In Flames that I don't like. Even "Discover Me Like Emptiness" is a decent song.
I also found this interview of Anders in German.
According to him the new album will arrive possibly next year, unfortunately. He says that it doesn't depend on him and that there are a lot of people, it has to do with the record company.
Furthermore, it seems Tanner wasn't just a temporary replacement of Joe for the summer shows. Joe is no longer in the band and it's up to Tanner if he wants to become a permanent member ( personally I prefer Tanner to Joe, he sounds more powerful).
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We're in september. There are no singles, no release dates, no real info. A late 2018 release was almost impossible.
Tanner :D it's like they go for the most stereotypical american musicians possible. Still, at least this one is presumably not a bible thumper. A slight improvement.
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The comments section is supportive as usual.

awesome idea... maybe they can stay in the US and enjoy BBQs with howard benson every day.

They should set up a turnstile and have a line of bassists and drummers waiting for their chance and call the band revolving door

What's a tanner wayne?

I wish they would replace their goat-soundalike hipster singer

I'm sure the next album will be a shit sandwich
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Sad with such delayed release dates. I know Children of Bodom already recorded their album like a month ago and they're releasing it in MARCH, it's fucking insane, you don't need over 7months. Especially when I think they're touring before March as well.
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Personally I'm not really anticipating this. I'm in no rush for them to drop another stink bomb on us.
What the fuck is wrong with nuclear blast? Cob new album was supposed to be released in September 2018 and they push it back in March 2019.
The same thing with In Flames. It was clearly announced that the new album will land later this year and then they changed their minds. What's the point of having a finished album sitting for 7 months or so?

I'm upset for not listening to new music any time soon.
But the label did not force the recording and they have their own schedule. To my opinion, releasing an album at the end of the year is a suicide, unless you're a big band.

They will, probably, also have in mind the releases from other companies. First weekend sales are important If you want the album to be a success. So it should not coincide with other releases that can compete with it.

They must have a good reason to delay the release. And I must say that the band itself doesn't seem to be very excited about the new album.
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No it's just standard label bullshit. It has started to happen to a bunch of bands the last couple years.
For no reason. It makes sense. Or maybe they hate the bands and don't want to sell shit.
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I loved the instrumental version of Deliver Us, so I was searching and I found this:

You can hear some pretty interesting things, like the chorus lead guitar of In Plain View

Great find — thanks for linking! There was some slap bass on "Through Oblivion" that I've never heard before. Especially liked hearing the chorus of "Monsters in the Ballroom." Those guitar chords and Muse-like synth cut me to the core.

Wish I could turn down Daniel's fucking snare, since it overpowers the whole album, but shit snare sounds comes with the Roberto Laghi territory. The guy gets such a rich and clean guitar sound but I hate his drum production.
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Speaking of production, I don't think there's any In Flames album with *excellent* production. Across all 12 albums there's always something that's unsatisfying or bad. I always thought Come Clarity had the best overall production but even that album bugs me these days (the crash cymbals drown everything out).
Firstly, In Flames is a big band. It isn't such a disaster for them to release an album the last week of November or the first week of December. Also, I see no announced album in late November/early December that could compete In Flames ( at least in heavy metal). So, I see no reason for the delay except poor planning. I don't think that Metal Hammer felt free to write that the album will land later this year without the record company's approval. Something went wrong and they had to change their plans and surely it's not the band's fault, considering the article was publiced after they were done recording.
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In flames is a big band? Compared to what?

They have to compete with the black friday, christmas, big musical releases leven if they're not metal) late year movie premieres, new year sales. Maybe that's not important to you but there's a chance that many people willing to buy the new cd will wait until the new year.

I don't know about poor planning but i think that the labels know enough about their business. If the release has been postponed must be due to some serious reason, not because they hate the band or don't know how to do their job.