In Flames - The Jester Race

rammpeth said:
i love IF i must admit, i even liked RTR somewhat and a couple of tracks off STYE (so shoot me lol) but nobody can deny their glory days are over.however,their live power is tough to match.A question, why does bjorn play all the solos now? jespers too nü metal to solo or something?

first, their live power is actually pathetic. ive seen them 6 times and i cant remember one show where they looked like they had any energy. jesper never headbangs and he looks bored on stage. bjorn plays the solos because, well, i dont know why. he just does. but, for a band that has such powerful material on record i find their live shows to be quite a disappointment.
1. I prefer Lunar Strain / Subterannean

2. Opeth needs a off-topic forum like CoB has.
Deadlift said:
Yes, easily their best album for sure. But not very related to Opeth :p

Not that I haven't voiced my opinion about TJR enough but I think it's a very weak album. I will always think that pre-TJR In Flames is the best. Biosphere has got to be one of the coolest songs I've heard in a long time simply for the fact that the first time I heard it I immediately thought about pirates.
In Flames are pretty cool, I think Clayman and Colony are the best albums. Later stuff isn't that great, although I think "Evil In A Closet" is an awesome song.

I kinda find it weird how people say they have changed so much, I don't think they have changed their sound that much. I personally don't think they sound much different, just the songwriting quality is much worse to be honest.
ive seen them live and think they do have a good live performance, but thats really subjective i guess
I was going to start an in flames thread here because I was wondering what opeth fans thought of them... I've been listening to them a LOT lately and I just can't believe how the last couple albums SUCK SOOOO BAD... I mean I think the jester race is absolutely incredible, as well as lunar strain and subterranean. I think whoracle and colony are really great, too, I just love embody the invisible. Clay man was mediocre at best. But seriously, how can a band that wrote such amazing songs release such utter CRAP now. I can't find one song I like on reroute, soundtrack, or come clarity.. it's all just SHIT... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THIS BAND?!?!?!
December Flower is one of their best songs. and The Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance is by far their best cd, although Colony was really good. Whoracle didn't do alot for me. Too...formulaic with the Gothenburg elements.
The Jester Race is pretty much responsible for getting me into metal, at least the kind with harsh vocals. I've listened to that album so much that it's like a part of me; i know it backwards and forwards, and it's quite rewarding. I would say that point was the height of their songwriting. Whoracle is the second best complete album, followed by lunar strain/subterranean, then colony. I don't know why they "progressed" the way they did, they had so much potential. Oh well, thanks for the jester race at least, In flames.
do you think its anders fault? i mean can one guy in a whole group have so much influence? i mean, if its like opeth, that mike writes everything, maybe,,,,but anders didnt even do the lyrics in the first couple of albums, which were the good lyrics anyway
TJR was a great album. I really liked December Flower and... Waefarer (Odd how In Flames' best songs tend to be insturmentals isn't it?) Colony and Clayman were my favorite In Flames albums, however. Whoracle wasn't bad; Morphing into Primal was about bumping uglies, so how can it possibly be bad!?

I'm not a big fan of their first album and the following EP, however; mostly because I hated the sound quality and the god awful "pukey" vocals. Upon and Oaken Throne was one of the few songs worth listening to. Reroute... wasn't THAT bad, but yeah, Soundtrack to Your Escape made me want to cry.
To tell the truth, I never really noticed. He's probably just submitting to the fact that Bjorn is a better guitar player than he is. Ever heard that Sinergy album he did? He didn't do anything close to a solo, he left it all in Alexi's hands.
Armeanic said:
To tell the truth, I never really noticed. He's probably just submitting to the fact that Bjorn is a better guitar player than he is. Ever heard that Sinergy album he did? He didn't do anything close to a solo, he left it all in Alexi's hands.

Dude, Jesper wrote like 90% of everything on the first 4 albums. He's an amazing guitarist and song writer. I don't really understand why Bjorn plays the solos live, since jesper pretty much writes all that shit. To be honest, I don't know why jesper is still even in In flames.
Glory days behind them? No. Perhaps they're not as good as they used to be, but the fact is they're still awesome and if you've managed to listen to any of it, they're going to prove you unbelivers wrong on Come Clarity. A lot of people were dissapointed with Soundtrack and yea it's probably the weakest album, it doesn't have and memorable songs but it wasn't bad was it? So they'll never produce another Whoracle or Clayman, but don't right them off just yet.
One of their songs off Come Clarity sounded more like one of their other really strong songs off R2R... Reminded me of Egonomic, except longer. If anything, In Flames should sound a lot more like their alter-ego, Dark Tranquility. Those guys know how to write GOOD music(their last album was pretty awesome). Maybe Come Clarity won't dissappoint as much though... who knows?