In your opinion, what's up next in Anthrax's future?


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2005
First off, I know no one knows for certain, including the band members, and I know that it may not be the most popular idea among the band that we speculate about something that hasn't been decided. But since this is where we discuss all things Anthrax, I was just curious as to what the fans thought as to a) what they want from Anthrax after the reunion tour and more curiously b) what you think will actually happen with the band after the reunion tour.

What I want: I like John Bush, cool guy and great singer, but Joey Belladonna is just straight up the voice of this band. Even if he didn't write the band's classic material, his voice is so unique and full of character, and gave the band a personality that just wasn't there quite as much the last three albums. I'd also love to see Dan Spitz return. I never realized until recently how distinct his lead work is. It might not be that fair to base my entire opinion of Rob by the one album, but there was absolutely no memorable anything there. He might be talented, but in terms of creativity, it was a bore. So yeah, in a perfect world, the reunited lineup would gel again, and they would release something like from where POT left off. And I like John, so how about Saint releasing another album?

What I think will actually happen: I'll be honest, as much as I love the reunion, I'm unsure about the sincerity of it all. Scott and Charlie have always portrayed themselves as passionate guys with what they were doing, and seemed to be having a great time with the WCFYA lineup. But nowadays they seem really reserved, and going by the extra footage on the DVD, the actual live shows, and various interviews compared to how they've always been and acted, it doesn't seem like they have as much enthusiasm for this than they did with the other lineup. It seems like Frank will have fun doing whatever and Joey is having the time of his life all over again. But they don't really hold the future of the band in their hands.

Maybe I'm totally off and the only one getting this vibe, but when I read between the lines as to what S&C say about the future of the band, it seems to me like they're saying "We're going to ride this reunion tour out, but more likely than not, unless the reaction to the reunion is mindblowingly amazing, afterwards we'll go back with Bush and Caggiano for a new album. But we won't say so right now to be fair to Spitz and Belladonna and this tour." It seems like Spitz is out and Caggiano is in no matter which way they go, but it's going to be VERY interesting to see what will happen if Joey finds himself out of a job again for no other reason than his voice, which is preferred by many fans anyway. And those fans who prefer Joey, especially the ones who stuck through the John era, will feel really fucking alienated if they do the reunion and just go back to the WCFYA lineup. I know I will. I just wish the reunited five could find themselves on the same page again to take that next step in creating new music, but it just doesn't seem like that's happening based on the mixed messages. Ever since they made the vocalist change to begin with, it seems like Scott and Charlie get along with John more, think his voice is better than Joey's, and think John's voice will sell more records (particularly to the young crowd). That's a shame.

Either way, it'll be interesting to see. This sure is a complicated mess.
Damn, all these Ms. Cleo's among us.
Why don't ya work up odds so everyone can bet on your speculation?
Why do so many people think they have it all figured out?
You know what vibe I get from all these posts that question Anthrax's sincerity, passion, comittment and so on?
Read between the lines lFUCK YOUl They said what meant in their answers/statements and they don't need you to translate it into something else.
If you think they have no integrity then why are you here?
Who wants who to stay and go bullshit............
It's their entire life's work let them live it.
Where is Wu?
There is no reason for the band too tell us shit here because everyone has it all figured out before it happens anyway.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
What I want: I like John Bush, cool guy and great singer, but Joey Belladonna is just straight up the voice of this band. Even if he didn't write the band's classic material, his voice is so unique and full of character, and gave the band a personality that just wasn't there quite as much the last three albums. I'd also love to see Dan Spitz return. I never realized until recently how distinct his lead work is. It might not be that fair to base my entire opinion of Rob by the one album, but there was absolutely no memorable anything there. He might be talented, but in terms of creativity, it was a bore. So yeah, in a perfect world, the reunited lineup would gel again, and they would release something like from where POT left off. And I like John, so how about Saint releasing another album?

Who give a FLYING FUCK whaT YOU WANT..... Rob is a Class Act...... you said,"but there was absolutely no memorable anything there. He might be talented, but in terms of creativity, it was a bore.''

Dude are you on Crack............... WTF...... Rob is a talented guitar player and on the TGOTE he Kick ass on Dan Leads.....

Johnny C. are you there???????
Haha all right dudes first of all, I didn't mean anything vicious in my post, so relax.

I understand that all of our speculations (including mine) are worthless considering Anthrax's future isn't even close to being decided, so of course I don't think I have it 'figured out'. But since this is the Anthrax discussion board, I figured we could, I don't know, discuss what we *think* the fate of Anthrax will be. It's just having an opinion, we have all them, and you know how the saying goes.

I don't know why there's all this hostility towards even having an honest discussion. Feel free to disagree with the content of my post, but I was curious what you guys think about the two questions I laid out (what you want/what will happen) as well. And if you think it's uncertain just like Scott and everyone say it is at face value, that's fine too. I'm not trying to talk shit about the band, they're great, it's just an opinion.
Because were ALL done with the JOEY OR JOHN thing........ ok...... Bring it up and you will get Slammed GET it!!!!!
Not trying to make it Joey versus John, like I said, I like both of them. The focus of my post was mostly what everyone thinks will happen (which for the eighthieth time: none of us know for sure, but there's no harm in talking about it.).

A couple of you guys have serious anger issues.
:devil: OK you have 4 post on this board.... go back and read some othe post regarding this same issue ok...........Unless you signed on again and just like to start shit!!!!!!:devil: :err:
It's wasn't your post that fueled my rant, it just sparked it. I was bitching about other recent posts too. Feel free to post about your wishes, please don't speculate or second guess what the band has said or bash any current or past members. It doesn't go over well. Welcome U-V you struck a nerve real quick.:lol: :lol: Peace out!
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Welcome to the NFMB, utra-violence!

I predict that Anthrax will KICK ASS and continue to be my favorite band no matter who's singing or who's playing lead. Just as they always have.
ThraxDude said:
Welcome to the NFMB, utra-violence!

I predict that Anthrax will KICK ASS and continue to be my favorite band no matter who's singing or who's playing lead. Just as they always have.

Anthrax has never failed on me until recently. I'm not too crazy about the re-union. I have to be honest. But, I still had loads of fun at both reunion shows I went. More fun at the Starland gig though. The crowd there was cooler. Springfield is such a bore most times but this last time wasn't bad. My kid brother, who is a huge Anthrax fan because of me, barely recognized any of the songs played that night except the ones that Anthrax played live with Bush on recent pre-re-union tours. I'll have to ask his opinion of it again. He was raised on Anthrax with Bush because of me. Alot of my friends with various musical influences really liked WCFYA. Everytime they came to my place, they'd hear WCFYA. I'd play it at my bar too sometimes. Everyone really dug What doesn't Die and Safe Home. So...Who knows?? With more publicity, WCFYA could have been the John Bush/Anthrax album that put Anthrax back into a much more mainstream audience. And don't fucking tell me that it would have been selling out! Just because an album sells shitloads doesn't disqualify them of being geniune and creative.

I predict that Anthrax will do something smart. They're not just gonna give up. Who the fuck knows?? There's alot of behind the doors shit that we'll never know because it's their business. We do however, have the right to speculate since this is a public forum. And I think what pisses off the members off the most is when our speculations become true.
ultra-violence said:
"We're going to ride this reunion tour out, but more likely than not, unless the reaction to the reunion is mindblowingly amazing, afterwards we'll go back with Bush and Caggiano for a new album. But we won't say so right now to be fair to Spitz and Belladonna and this tour."

Sometimes I get this feeling too. We can only hope it eventually happens.
Even though I hope they go back and do another album with Bush, it would be interesting to hear new material with Joey. It could end up kicking ass and I bet a bunch of the reunion supporters would end up hating the new Post Bush album or swallowing their pride and just saying that it kicks ass.
they cant lose,if this next album dives with belladonna there will be high anticipation for another bush release,ahhhh its all fucking good just enjoy the fucking music peoples.
I think that if they do the new album with both singers (I hope NOT), quarrels between the two "camps" never stop... This band could bear only one singer, John or Joey. The both vocalists are too proud to share one stage together...
BallOfConfusion said:
doesn't matter to me what they do next, I will support it and buy it. Anthrax is the greatest band ever, with Joey and john.

Word! :headbang: