Industrial elements on AYDY?

Ralf said:
nah, it can't be bodom because there is no single "fuck" or "yeah"

Neither is there on Don't Stop at the Top, but Bodom just adds some fucks there. But still a cover is always a cover..
I don't quite get this: so many of you don't like the idea of industrial elements. Have I got something wrong, I mean does industrial mean a specific style, or just new and developed style??? Every CoB album sounds very different. The style could still change inrecognizealbe to the composings that were released with Trashed, Lost & Strungout, you don't really know what's coming out, just that it's more extreme, heavier and metal in the face. I think that half of the people here will rate AYDY the best album of the band, and having Latvala as the new guitarist must have reinvigorated Alexi's need to show off.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
and having Latvala as the new guitarist must have reinvigorated Alexi's need to show off.

You're right, especially after all those years working together in sinergy.

Dude, just be quiet :P
Chainsaw_Gutsfuck said:
^Newbies who only know melodic scandinavian metal and american bands such as Korn and Slipknot thinks that they have gone nu-metal when the music becomes heavier and less meodic

Yes, but american bands suck.

J/K , metallica is good . :loco:
Parn666 said:
Maybe I don't get whats heavy and what not...if you consider TL&S as verrrry heavy and brutal (lol) then we have different views of 'Heavy'....

I just quoted what Alexi said they can be axpected to be like.
I think Knuckleduster is pretty heavy, T,L&S is special..
But you will see this in how the instruments are tuned, how they're used and in the song constructions.
BoDoM0311 said:
ok...then go to the nevermore boards and stop trolling...asswipe

I'm not trolling, I'm a huge CoB fan (At least until this new album is released, apparantly).
All I'm saying is that Nevermore songs "mean" a lot more than Bodom songs, right down to way the music is played.
Naragul said:
I'm not trolling, I'm a huge CoB fan (At least until this new album is released, apparantly).
All I'm saying is that Nevermore songs "mean" a lot more than Bodom songs, right down to way the music is played.
oh alright man...apologies. I thought you were just some troll from another board trying to start shit. Everyone has their opinions...just ive never seen you post before know. Anyways, off to play some GTA san andreas for me
BoDoM0311 said:
oh alright man...apologies. I thought you were just some troll from another board trying to start shit. Everyone has their opinions...just ive never seen you post before know. Anyways, off to play some GTA san andreas for me

ARGH! I want that game. GTA games are great. Would be much better if they would do one related around Death Metal though, rather than all this rap shit.
Wonder how the music will change if there will be a 6th album one day, as the style has now been taken to limit of being extreme. I think this straightforward style doesn't take away the mysticism of the music, which is what you're afraid of, it's just the sound and the attitude, the creativity's still there, I'm pretty sure it will have more depth than HCDR even if it's more powerful.
BodomIsYourGod said:
Rap is not all shit.....Listen to Colt 45 by Afroman!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fair enough. I'm sure, just like metal, you have the shit popular bollocks, and then the decent underground stuff... but quite frankly I just don't like the sound of rap or the lifestyle it promotes.

I'd rather a dose of skull-crushing metal anyday.
BodomIsYourGod said:
Rap is not all shit.....Listen to Colt 45 by Afroman!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck man, I'm not even sure if you are joking. But if you like bands like COB and Death and listen to negro shit at the same time, you deserve to be shot
Chainsaw_Gutsfuck said:
Fuck man, I'm not even sure if you are joking. But if you like bands like COB and Death and listen to negro shit at the same time, you deserve to be shot

Well maybe you should shoot one person who also likes rap and metal at the same time... His name is A. Laiho :Smug: