Inferno 2006

would be nice if stream or record some of the shows from the festival (borknagar and emperor included :-) )
Hey guys stop complaining for nothin' . At lease in Europe you have a lot of Metal Festival , here in Canada :wave: ( especially on border of Ontario-Quebec ) the only show we've got it's :hypno: Gwar and Cradle of Filth:hypno: . Oh yeah also Stratovarius at Montreal or Toronto, and, Children of the Bottom at Vancouver, but it's still less expencive to go to Germany than Vancouver.

I see that some people complain because some band play in Germany (exemple) and they from Finland...hey yo , i have to travel 5 to 10 times that distance to see a good show:yell: ... Maybe it's just because i'm not born in the right country... One day i will travel 1 or 2 month in Europe just to go at some festival and finally had good time with band like Borknagar, Vintersorg, Manegarm and Arcturus.

Well I think that you guys will have a greater summer this year than me...

By the way keep an eye on the new cd's commin' in 2006 : Waterclime , Borknagar, Fission, Cronian and (if we are lucky ) Vintersorg ... maybe Andreas will deliverd us a 6 pack in 2006 ... will see ... :rock:
asgeir said:
No, it's: How about someone offer us a nice US tour?

- Asgeir
Hopefully, somone will and I hope it's not some numetal or core band that seem to be popular over here in the States. Anyways, look forward to the new album and I wich I could make it to Inferno Festival.
I got my 3-day pass and I plan on spending a few days extra in Norway. Also plan on going to the Ragnarok Fest on April 7,8 in Germany. Maybe a show or two in Holland. Waiting for things to shape up a little more before making any more definite plans.
aarghh too bad i can't go, am not 18 yet
ffs i wish i were older.
emperor probably won't be there next year :( :(
of course, if were able to go, it would be 50% for borknagar, 40% emperor, and the rest for the other bands =]
asgeir said:
There will be a new album before summer. I'm currently recording the drums.

- Asgeir

Recording the drums for which new album? The accoustic or a brand new one, with the Emp line up that was talked about in some other thread? or maybe this two are the same?
Please shed some lights on the events, as the official site says nothing (well, says a last autumn release :-))

I suddenly find myself in the position to go to Inferno since I'm studying abroad this semester. I guess I should hurry up and buy my tickets for $200 before those disappear as well. Then all I'll need is someone to hang out with. o.o
Ghul said:
By the way keep an eye on the new cd's commin' in 2006 : Waterclime , Borknagar, Fission, Cronian and (if we are lucky ) Vintersorg ... maybe Andreas will deliverd us a 6 pack in 2006 ... will see ...
what about Otyg?
Innipunn said:
Argh, age limit, I hate age limits.
Strange I as a Norwegian have to travel to germany to get to see any of my favourite artist. Wacken it is then, I'll miss Borknagar, but I don't think you guys will disband within the two years until I get 18 anyways.

Yeah but you better hope Vintersorg is still in Borknagar as well! Though I'm sure they will get another amazing vocalist.