Sep 13, 2007
Anyone save ticket stubs? Here are a few from the old metal days I have. I wish I'd save all of them, but being a drinker a few most surely were washed in the jeans, left on the "L" train and what not.



I was at quite a few of those shows too! I lost the majority of my stubs over the years though unfortunately. Amazing how many memories and funny stories and stuff are connected to those shows when I think about them.
I remember that Dark Angel/Death tour...that was later filmed (in a different city) and released on the Ultimate Revenge 2 video if I recall. I haven't seen that in years. There were many classic shows that happened at Cubby Bear back in the late '80s. A shame that isn't how it is now.
Heh, that's a great photo. I used to have my stubs saved in a photo album just like that, and I recognize several old Ticketmaster color schemes (like the orange backed or blue ones). My tix didn't lean that heavy, they were mostly Rush, Maiden, Ozzy, Triumph, etc. I decided I was tired of lugging the photo album from place to place, so I just put my list on-line ( and dispensed with the stubs. I didn't regret doing that until I saw your picture :)

I just thought I'd share them with everyone. A little history on some:

That 1st ticket is Black Sabbath, my 1st show in 1980. It was with Blue Oyster Cult on the Black N Blue tour. 1st without Ozzy. The crowd didn't like Ozzy not being there. B.O.C. smoked um.

I remember Iron Maiden at the old ChicagoFest at Navy Pier, when it was pretty run down. I still have a WMET ROCKS CHICAGOFEST button.

Metallica and Raven at the Metro

The Ozzy show from Apr 86 featured Metallica opening when they were at the top and with Cliff. After Cliff died they lost all of their power.

The Anthrax show from 87 with Celtic Frost was something I was looking foward too, as C.F. was my favorite band then. I heard they lost their gear or their luggage or something like that before that show and wore street clothes on stage.

Exodus and MOD was a great show. Billy Milano I think had a broken leg in a cast.

Dark Angel and Death was a ripping show. They had the small stage against the west wall and the pit was insane. The later Overkill show Dark Angel opened and they had a giant stage in there against the south wall. The fan area was reduced to next to nothing.

Kreator and Coroner was another bad ass show. They had the small stage.

The Godflesh Napalm show was killer. Godflesh played an in store set at Reckless Records on Broadway that afternoon. I was there and that was cool as hell. Might have been 25 people there and they set up in the back and played their sound for a good 40 minutes.

I wish I could remember some of the opening acts, because I didn't care much for Sepultura, I went to see the opening act, who ever that was.

Seeing Bolt Thrower in Sheboygan Wisc was bad ass. They hung with Me and Metal Dan Aldape(WHPK,WOUI radio) and Casey K. (Deathfully Yours Zine,Gutted Records)and invited us up to the pub backstage the next night in Chicago. Realm of Chaos and Warmaster are their best.

All the rest were killer shows to see and there were many more I saw.

Sacred Reich and I think it was Master or Abomination at Volumes in Steger was killer. I think Tyrannts Rein Opened too.

Saw Obituary at the old Fotches on Petterson and Lincoln. A place you could bring your own beer into. Me and Metal Dan were at EL Famous Burrito in Summit Il the night before and low and behold here walks in Obituary. We talked and told them we had no money to come see them the next night and they put us on the list. Heavy Eddie ran that place then. I saw him a few years ago at my clubhouse in Chicago, as I ride with the Rebel Knights Motorcycle Club. He's a friend of our's.

Armored Saint
Paradise Lost
Judas Preist
I recall.

What was the line up on the Clash Of The Titans tour?

Here in the UK we got Slayer / Megadeth / Testament / Suicidal Tendencies and it was awesome.

A packed Birmingham NEC (about 11,000 I think) and I thought all the bands were great. Slayer were brutal and Megadeth were class.

The funny thing was though that the previous gig at the NEC was a female singer and they had left the seat covers on and these things were flying about all the time which was great fun :lol:
Saw Obituary at the old Fotches on Petterson and Lincoln.

Damn!!! I haven't thought about Fotch's in YEARS!
My dad is in the beer distribution business.
He knew the owner of that place.

I only went to a couple local gigs there.
I do recall Obituary playing there.

If I recall, there was a side room where they had video games set up, and they had them set up so you didn't have to pay, just hit START. Sounds silly now, but was pretty cool to me, who was only 15 or so at the time!
Yep, I spent alot of time hanging out at Fotches. I played there once or twice with my band at the time (Shades Of Grey). I saw many cool shows there....Zoetrope, Znowhite, Realm, Contagion, Laceration, Macabre, Obituary, to name only a few....

Actually on the night of that Obituary show, lead guitarist Allen West came over to my house with some friends and partied with us. He crashed out in my parent's room (who were out of town haha). We went to someone's house before that for a party, they had an in-ground swimming pool and I managed to catch a stumbling drunk Frank Watkins from falling in at one point, LOL. Gosh I haven't thought about that in a long time. I don't even remember whose house it was that we all went to.
Pate's right. Anthrax/Slayer/Megadeth/Alice in Chains. I was drinking in the parking lot except for Slayer.

And Fotch's did have free video games and pool tables. A bunch of them.

I remember one show there when a band that played before us found a dead animal on the road and flung it around on stage and got some of it on the mic and Paul had to sing in that mic next. HA!

I don't know who Obituary were hanging with but I think they told us at the buritto join that it was in Palos Hills or Palos Heights.
Yes... I can't remember the name of that band... Dead Fetus maybe? They gutted a possum and were tossing the guts around all over the stage. The singer was handling them, and the mic. I gagged all night man. I remember Steve's Marshall switch pedal would slide when he stepped on it, because the entire stage was slippery from the innards. It was horrible.