information about yourselves


Jan 27, 2002
the man behind the devilish nickname...


hello my name is Bessi and I live in the West side of Reykjavik( the oldest part of town) in Iceland and I dislike the weather here pretty much(especially the wind) and the prices are high + there could be more trees here, but I think the nature can be awesome and we enjoy pretty high living standars here
age : almost 23 ( fuck I feel old and like I haven''t done anything with my life!) I live with my parent and 2 siblings.

I´m working part time at a mental asylum and studying spanish(god knows why... didn´t know what to do after high school/gymnasium... ) I might want to study to become a nurse in couple of years( haven´t got any better idea!)


music:among my favorite artists are: Vintersorg, Borknagar, old Black Sabbath, Slayer, Soilwork, Devin Townsend, Opeth, Pain of salvation, Iced earth, Moonsorrow, Nevermore, In flames, old Metallica, Böhze onkelz, Pantera...
beatles, ocean colour scene, travis, Nick Cave... nowadays it´s 90% metal
my CD collection is growing fast and it´s becoming a problem!

languages :can speak some german (make people understand me),
danish hmm.. (I´ve forgotten much of it + Danes are incomprehensible in speech, we are obliged to learn it here in school) a little swedish( I think it´s much clearer than the other nordic languages) spanish: it´s far from perfect though, french: forgotten most of it, english fluently

sports: I´d like to ride my bicycle, hike ,mountain climb, play football, excercise more often. however I´m lazy as fuck!
I sometimes watch football but I´m not always enthusiastic about it mostly the english league; I kind of support Chelsea/ Newcastle
I´d like to know how to ski and skate

seeing movies: there is so much crap out there and it´s expensive so I prefer to rent them

I´m a frequent visitor to the icelandic metal webboard/zine and sometimes write album and gig reviews and bring the latest news in metal... sometimes I think I´m a net junkie

food: I like chicken and indian food, chocolate .. cant think of anything more

travel: I love to travel It just brings meaning to a monotonous life. Lack of money, friends and initiative on my behalf hinders my to go all over the place
I want to go on interrail, work in Scandinavia via nordjobb, himalayas, South America, Australia, America/Canada among other things

reading: I could read a lot more, I am frequently to lazy to just start and there is tons of books I want to read like novels, philosophy, history ,poetry, religion, travel literature,
some magazines I like are terrorizer+ national geographic

going out occasionally I´d like to go out with friends but all the bars are boring filled with smoke and crappy music, instead I go to metal gigs nowadays and quiet cafeterias and don´t drink that often ( and not heavily)

sleeping and doing nothing: argh I´m wasting my time but it feels good

politics: I consider myself to be a liberal socialist, I feel that the state has some obligations to do to make society more humane concerning infrastructure, health care, schools and such... and I feel people are free to do whatever they want except hurting others. I believe in tolerance & people, "violent" music lovers and fundamentalist can and must coexist *cough*

and Wacken is my Mekka!
:wave: Hi
My Name is Tomas and live in Malmö, Sweden which is in the southern parts of Sweden.Sorry no pic of me I'm afraid.I live with my parents. I'm 19 will turn 20 in december(a true winter child \m/)

I study at kronoborg Komvux in Malmö where I study to improve my grades so I can go to collage or something like that.

I listen to bands like Vintersorg(no shit),Borknagar,Dimmu Borgir, Summoning,Bathory and many more.

Favorite food is mostly meat like barbecued Entrecôte, Gyros,Falafel,Kebab and pasta bolognese.

Favorite Movies are Braindead, Godfather trilogy,Apocalyps Now,Lord of the rings and many more.

I don't drink Alcohol(Never have , Never will), I don't smoke or do drugs.

I spend my free time mostly playing Computer games and listening to music.

I'm a Liberal atheist.
My name is Archie and I'm addicted to UM forums. I am 24 years old, still living in Los Angeles for almost 20 years of my life. I'm studying Computer Information Systems, doing computer-related work, and basically eat, drink, and breathe computers.

Other than that, I listen to most types of music, except rap and hip-hop. My favourite bands: Dark Tranquillity, Vintersorg, In Flames, Metallica, At The Gates, Arch Enemy, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, etc.

My name is Mark. I've lived in Minnesota my whole life. My parents have been divorced as long as I can remember. I barely have a life. Yes, I realize the shirt isn't perfect, but I made it myself, as you can tell. And yes, I used the name Vintersorg for Face the Jury.

Age: Only 17, I am quite the young one, but let's get past that.


Music: I listen anything from Classical to Oldies to Classic Rock to any type of Metal. I don't care much what a band is, I'll listen to them first before judging.

Languages: My mother tongue is English. I am taking Spanish in school, but that's because it's easy for me. I enjoy talking to people that speak other languages, and I am currently learning Norweigan, slowly but surely.

Sports: I like watching Hockey the most, we have a rather good team. I watch other sports too, but I am not fascinated with it. I'm not very good at sports, but I do play them in Gym.

Movies: My favorite movies are Braveheart, Gladiator, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within, and Tremors (the first and second). I don't like how so many movies these days have sex scenes, because I don't care about that, but I won't change that.

Internet: I visit, and I'll start to visit here more often, and I also check my mail frequently.

Food: I love pizza, especially pepperoni. I also like bacon cheeseburgers with barbecue sauce on it. I like sweet and sour chicken too. And lasagna is also a favorite. Or steak, I love steak with A1 sauce.

Travel: I don't travel often. I've been to quite a few places, but I won't get into that.

Reading: I just started reading more often, and I am currently reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. I also like Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat, Night by Elie Wiesel, and The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. I'm going to start reading more though.

Going out: I don't go out often. Mainly because of school, I like to go see movies, see my friends, and just get out of the house. But I don't do that much.

Sleeping and Doing Nothing: I sleep into the late hours on the weekends, and wake up really early during the weekdays. I watch The Simpsons on TV, otherwise I'm on the internet chatting with friends.

Politics: I don't have much of a preference. I just want someone who can do the job better than I would, which is pretty much anyone. I think that George Bush is doing an okay job, as opposed to what many others think. Sure, he could have handled Iraq better, but he took action in the wrong way. I think his dad was better, though. I'm mostly just for whomever I agree with most, obviously.