Introduce yourselves!

alejandra.Mexican living in the GTA area. Into metal, sort of. Someone sent me a meeting in place and time, i didnt know the band was Canadian, and in the GTA. Don't own the cds yet but i will eventually will. Mainly into doom and gothy stuff
Katatonica said:
Mainly into doom and gothy stuff
That can't be bad. Doom does the trick for me more often than not, as well. On the subject of gothic, you may want to check out Delain "Lucidity". It's a Dutch band with an ex-Within Temptation member. But it's better than WI. ;)
The whole thing is sort of an all star goth line-up, at least a fair deal of rather well known gothic type musicians and vocalists have contributed. Catchy album.
Hello everyone, my name's Paul and I am an aspiring filmmaker. I just graduated from college and have three short films under my belt (two of which will be turned into feature-length pieces in the future when the scripts are fleshed out).

I found out about Woods of Ypres about two years ago and over this past summer, I really started getting into them. All I have as of now is Pursuit..., but I was able to snag a copy of Against the Seasons... from The End Records store a few nights ago, so it'll be great listening to it when it comes in the mail in a few days. My favorite bands as of late have been: Woods of Ypres, Agalloch, Drudkh, Primordial, Autumn (Rus), Virgin Black, Boris, Mono and Year of No Light.

This seems like a more mature messageboard than I'm used to, which is a nice change of pace.
This seems like a more mature messageboard than I'm used to, which is a nice change of pace.

Welcome Burning Missive! + Good luck with the films!

Autumn (Rus),

It's interesting that you should mention these guys. I had never heard of them before a few days ago, but it looks like I'll be doing a trade with a Russian distro for a few copies of their newest album. I'm looking forward to hearing them! :kickass:
"It's interesting that you should mention these guys. I had never heard of them before a few days ago, but it looks like I'll be doing a trade with a Russian distro for a few copies of their newest album. I'm looking forward to hearing them! :kickass:"

I love them personally, I wrote a review for one of their albums a bit ago. It can be found here: Autumn Reviews at Lunar Hypnosis

Welcome Burning Missive! + Good luck with the films!

It's interesting that you should mention these guys. I had never heard of them before a few days ago, but it looks like I'll be doing a trade with a Russian distro for a few copies of their newest album. I'm looking forward to hearing them! :kickass:

Thank you for the welcome and for the fine music you've made with Woods... As for Autumn, I still haven't heard their latest release, but if it's half as good as Chernye Krylia, then you're in for a treat.
I'm some random guy living in the greater toronto area, who likes listening to metal. Some of my favourite metal bands include Agalloch, Amon Amarth, Bathory, Dark Tranquillity(The Gallery album),Death, Opeth(Orchid and Morningrise albums), Woods of Ypres, and many, many others.
I'm Mike, now living in Moncton New Brunswick but am originally from Windsor Ontario.

I first heard of Woods when my buddy Aaron started jamming with Dave.

This seems like a more mature messageboard than I'm used to, which is a nice change of pace.

agreed! :kickass:

I'm also digging the links people post to other bands' pages/myspaces :rock:
Hi ! I' m Alex and obviously i am a Woods supporter :rock:
I live in a town not too far away from Montreal ( 30 min. )...
First heard of WOY when i read a review ot Pursuit of the sun... in the Unrestrained magazine ( they gave it 10/10 ).
After that, buy the album from Amazon.
This is my first time on a forum ...
(use to write directly to David. Guess i will stop bothering him now HA! HA! )
Oh! and my first language is french so i will try my best to write in english !
My name is Ryan. I am 27 years old and live in Windsor, Ontario. I first heard of Woods of Ypres from David himself when he worked at HMV and had a radio show on the local university radio station.

Some of my favorite bands are: Woods of Ypres (of course), Into Eternity, Cradle of Filth, Metallica, Vintersorg, Helloween, Amorphis, Lunatica, Sentenced, Theatre of Tragedy, Leaves' Eyes, Tristania, Children of Bodom, Opeth, Nightwish, Dismal Euphony, Sirenia, Blind Guardian, and many many more.