Introduction thread

Welcome :D

yeah, Facebook and that stuff seems to more and more kill this lovely place here, so we gotta work hard to keep it alive :D
Hello, I'm Marie-Neige, F, 32, living in Paris, mediterranean born, french citizen, single, with a fetish for chocolate, Guinness, coffee and liquorice*.
After weeks of lurking I finally decided to get an account and spam that place with my chatter-box special skill the poor Cari already experienced on Twitter.
I'm using the same screename on Tyr's forum, so if you're hanging out there also, yes it's me again.

Welcome :D

yeah, Facebook and that stuff seems to more and more kill this lovely place here, so we gotta work hard to keep it alive :D

That's a pity because I dont add unknown people on FB and twitter is a pain with the 140 signs limit :heh:

On the other hand it's cool that's the forum is not crowded, because (hate me) when I read Turisas facebook's wall I tend to think Turisas fans are a little silly...But I'm sure it's not the case here :muahaha: everybody is smart and you'll make me change my mind.

See you later.

*in French we say toc-toc, not knock-knock.
*you get it? Yes, dark stuff mainly, but it's unrelated, I'm quite a joyfull lady.
yeah, "poor" me ;)

Naaaah, welcome around, hopefully you will fill this place with a bit of life :D
Turisas fans are a little silly? Turisas fans are totally silly (in Québec French we say that capoté)!

As far as this place goes, it's really not crowded at all. Unlike Facebook, over here people have coherent conversations. Facebook is more like "Come to Mexico!!" 17 people like this "We miss Netta!" 4756349875639845 people like this "Come back to UK!" 3 people like this.

Well, enjoy your stay here, however brief/lengthy/sporadic it may be!

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
When I say silly, it's not in the funny way. I can be silly. More like "Ho Mathias is my God I want him to marry me!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeee!!!!".
Or "when are you coming back to USA, you're my fave baaaand" Yes...they are your favorite band but you didn't notice the tour coming up? Turisas is not my favortite band and I KNOW they're planning a US tour since december...
Ok, ok, I know, I'm a bitch, guilty! Enough for the introducing thread, I'm going to "necromancize" old topics :)

Been a fan since last summer- still fairly new but enthusiastic. I'm very excited about Paganfest, I'm flying down to Portland (about an hour flight so not too far) to see them in April. I got the VIP pass so extra excited... It's always nice to have something to look forward to...ESPECIALLY when it's these guys! Anyway.. I follow them on Twitter and Facebook, figured I might as well poke around here too (since I live on my computer most of the time anyway) and meet the fans that apparently say more than just "I LOVE YOU!" "Come to Mexico/Argentina/Mars" etc.

so, yeah... Hi!!
and have fun at Paganfest.
I'm Andreea and I've been listening to Turisas since last year. I also follow them on FB and Twitter..even if i barely use Twitter and I check this forum from time to time, but I am not usually the kind that posts..
hello to all :)
Hi everyone! My name is Juliana aka Seven and I come from north of Portugal. I'm 19 and studying to become a music producer; a few months ago my friend introduced me to Turisas music and I absolutely loved it!
Hi everyone! My name is Juliana aka Seven and I come from north of Portugal. I'm 19 and studying to become a music producer; a few months ago my friend introduced me to Turisas music and I absolutely loved it!

Welcome Seven!! It's always great to see a fresh face around here!! oh, and watch out.. too much Turisas can be addictive :muahaha:
Hi, everyone! I'm Mari from Finland. I've been listening to Turisas since around 2007/2008 I think, but never really followed them in internet until recently. Eagerly waiting for the new album!
Hey Marabello!! Their Facebook and Twitter accounts are most active I think-much fun with the studio updates. So much anticipation for the new album!!