Instrument used in Black Rose Immortal


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
Just wondering what the instrument is just after Mike sings the line about "thirst and the rising sun"? Is it a mellotron (or a soundalike)? Van Halen have a song called Cathedral (on Diver Down) and it reminds me a lot of that.
That section of the song is brilliant - very atmospheric. :kickass:
There's an instrument like that in The Apostle In Triumph as well, if I'm correct?

I wonder. It doesn't sound like a Mellotron to me.
Yeah, volume twels and echo, nothing special about it...It has been done ages ago. In Yngwie Malmsteen's Live '85 video he did this a lot and he was not the first one...
I'm happy to see that someone has seen the Yngwie 85 video. That guitar solo is awesome! That's where I got it from. Simple...volume knob and a delay pedal and a little distortion and you're there.

There's a instrumental track on "Conspiracy" by King Diamond that has the same thing. I actually stole exactly that bit first without knowing where I got it from...had to change it a little bit.

Cheers, don't know why I replied to this one...I felt compelled because of the Yngwie recognition.
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I wish I had the thing of the little smiley dude bowing down right now!

Mikael, you rule!

It WAS a guitar...
Thanks for the reply Mikael :worship:
Does anyone know if the Van Halen song I mentiond (Cathedral) is the same thing, or is it a keyboard? Just interested.
Incidentally, I've been playing guitar for about 13 years and I never knew you could make it do that! Guess I have to play less Angus Young licks hehehe :D