intel i7 980x

well at this point i wouldn't be able to do that all, with a 20 second cold boot

i imagine my soft boot is probably 10 or 5 seconds haha

i just want the system to be very impressive, not only in performance, but in convenience. if i forgot i had to bounce down a stem after shutdown, i'd like to do it very quickly as i'll most likely be heading to bed at that point.

pretty much the fastest boots now are around 15 seconds... does the 5 seconds you would save really make that much of a difference?

my mac pro with 2 WD velociraptors in RAID0 boots in around 15 seconds

I would think you would have a faster boot if you got 2 SSD drives and put them in a RAID array.
Why not just set it to hibernate? Takes my ooooold laptop about 5 seconds to 'boot up' from hibernation. I restart my computer only when I'm installing things.

in theory this presents a problem in that you get cumulative errors over time. These errors used to be a big problem with the page file, nowadays with loads of RAM probably less so, but when you dump to disk during hibernation you are effectively just creating a sortof page file so maybe it's still valid.
what cooling are you using? your pc has to be loud as piss

Venomous X. Its about as loud as pissing on fresh snow. You can run that with no fans unless you are living in melbourne in the middle of summer or something, if not, strap your favourite silent fan on. Try it and see how you get on. The only slight noise I get is from the ATI I have, and when I can be fucked, I will be ripping off the stock cooler for a gigantic piece of metal.
Seems high, you running C-states off?

c state disabled

hault disabled

and speed step disabled

settings like these are a must for a daw because you have to have full throttle... anytime the system makes a change to how many cores there are, or the clock speed, you get a "hiccup" which can cause a pop or a click in audio.
51C idle was high for that part with c-states. TM2 is 100C so you're safe, part will turn itself off before it cooks. Burn-in is run @95C on the line. Wish powercfg offered an option to set c-states off for hi-perf modes.
windows on the mac pro should of been the way forward ;)

how did you disable c-states and speed step? bios settings?

urgh, uncontrollable CPU scaling is making me think twice about this mac pro purchase..

joey, £2800 on a mac pro or should i build my own? you've had both..

but macs look so nice! D:

urgh, uncontrollable CPU scaling is making me think twice about this mac pro purchase..

joey, £2800 on a mac pro or should i build my own? you've had both..

but macs look so nice! D:


unless you use logic, apple platform is terrible for native

i mean there's just no way around it man...

go pc if you're a native freak

edit: also for that amount of money, you'll get much more power out of a pc than you would in a mac
today i booted up and had lower idle temps, also computer is super quiet!

added another sata drive (non ssd), and adding a second in a day or so, performing smooth!

everything seems to be working swell. next i need to make installs and stress the system.