intel i7 980x

No problem with windows too here....if you know what you do, you've no problem. Way better if you don't connect it to internet.
I switched to Mac and I live way better, but it's not the only way :)
Getting into a poppy rock project maxed out this dual core pretty harsh pretty quickly so I'm stepping up into i7 land. 930, maybe some o/clocking, evga board cause black looks the shit and some 2000mhz ram cause it also looks cool :lol:
To clear some stuff up:

1. There is no issue not having a page file in windows in modern day as long as you have a beefy amount of ram, in fact if you have an MLC SSD you really dont wanna be using a page file as it is going to kill it. You will find that programs ram spike upon their initialisation on some occassions, and then calm down. I wouldnt build a new system with < 6GB RAM now anyway.
2. No problems having a Daw connected to the Internet if you know what you're doing with a computer.
3. I have no problems with the idea of storing program files over another drive just use braincells and backup if required (but generally, program files directories-why would you back them up anyway as they are replacables), but I like to avoid if possible. If you're buying into solid state you want to be running your programs off of the drive anyway otherwise you're not going to be seeing the performance gains in key areas. This excludes large sample libraries.
I got a 7.7 (out of a possible 7.9) on everything but my graphics

System is zippy as buckkkk!!!!

Can't wait for my other hard drive to get here so I can install goodies.

Cold boot to os is about 10 seconds. Bios is a little slow in that regard, but I haven't disabled unnecessary things yet.

Thinking about over clocking the ram to get quiet performance increase

For anyone wondering, the Mac pro is much quieter. Told ya so. The only thing in the whole computer making noise is the stock extreme CPU fan. And it's on quiet mode. :/
Lol how is it a bad idea? You have no evidence to support your ignorance.

I've been a windows user and administrator for 5 years now, and there is no difference to where your programs are stored or read from. As long as the drive is running on an internal bus (ie: no external drives)

In fact it's better to have your documents on a separate drive because you want your frequently accessed data to be accessed from a separately fragmented partition, rather than having the disk heave trough more fragmented data. The os file structure changes much less than the user data will. Therefore you should have your os functioning on it's own partition or drive to get the most performance in the real world.

So what are the specs on your older PC? And how much better is the new one?
anyone have any tips on faster boot time?

turns out its actually taking about 20 seconds to boot from power button press to windows 7 desktop
it takes at least 5 seconds for the bios to even start post

my BIOS takes forever to initialize usb, i turned off usb 3 and it still seems about the same...
Why is boot time that important? I always take it as an opportunity to go take a leak while it boots up.

well at this point i wouldn't be able to do that all, with a 20 second cold boot

i imagine my soft boot is probably 10 or 5 seconds haha

i just want the system to be very impressive, not only in performance, but in convenience. if i forgot i had to bounce down a stem after shutdown, i'd like to do it very quickly as i'll most likely be heading to bed at that point.
I've never understood leaving the computer on all day.
Great if no one has to pay for electricity but I think for most people it's probably a much smarter and cheaper idea to just turn the damn thing off if you're not going to be using it for extended hours of time.
I've never understood leaving the computer on all day.
Great if no one has to pay for electricity but I think for most people it's probably a much smarter and cheaper idea to just turn the damn thing off if you're not going to be using it for extended hours of time.

It's not that expensive, at all. Costs about $1.00 to run the computer for 24 hours, so if you're using it for 12-16 hours out of the day like Joey probably is, you're only saving $.30-50 cents, and the monitor is what's usually taking up most of the juice anyways.

It's more about convenience for me - even if startup/shutdown time is minimal, it's just way easier for my lazy ass to turn on/off my monitor.

The 'always on' mentality was fostered 5-6 years ago, when it was actually better for components to be running all the time instead of being turned on/off, as the heating/cooling differences stressed things like solder joints and sockets.
It's not that expensive, at all. Costs about $1.00 to run the computer for 24 hours, so if you're using it for 12-16 hours out of the day like Joey probably is, you're only saving $.30-50 cents, and the monitor is what's usually taking up most of the juice anyways.

It's more about convenience for me - even if startup/shutdown time is minimal, it's just way easier for my lazy ass to turn on/off my monitor.

The 'always on' mentality was fostered 5-6 years ago, when it was actually better for components to be running all the time instead of being turned on/off, as the heating/cooling differences stressed things like solder joints and sockets.

I don't think i've ever come across that attitude from anyone in the UK. Everything goes off, money/carbon-emissions is/are saved.
My leave on attitude started from an old pc that had trouble booting. It would run for months on end, but turn it off and you're in a world of pain getting it back on again!
Joey get the Prolimatech Megahalem Cooler. I just built a I7 and im running it at 3ghz right now and i got like 38 Deg idle temps and i push 60 deg when protools is at 95%. I went with a coolmaster (forgot which one) first and I was pushing 70 Deg when i was using prime95 under load. So i Switched to the Megahalem and im super happy.
Joey get the Prolimatech Megahalem Cooler. I just built a I7 and im running it at 3ghz right now and i got like 38 Deg idle temps and i push 60 deg when protools is at 95%. I went with a coolmaster (forgot which one) first and I was pushing 70 Deg when i was using prime95 under load. So i Switched to the Megahalem and im super happy.

I'm not really concerned with over clocking or heat, I just want the damn thing to make zero noise.