

Nov 9, 2001
I dislike intelligent discussion. Why?
Because in my experience, it doesn't end in action.
This causes intellect-cycles.
Let us imagine that we have a situation in which everyone is a reasonably intelligent person.

1) Serious topic is introduced.

2) Observations are made, opinions are given. Discussion happens.

3) Arguments, counter-observations, more discussion.

4) Maybe somebody learns something.

5) Discussion reaches a dead-end and dies.

6) Repeat steps 1-5 a few times

7) Eventually, we start to notice that one person or some people in this group are beginning to lose interest in the cycle of discussion.

8) Inane topic is introduced. Now we have concurrent intelligent discussions and people just fucking around.

9) Soon more people have lost interest in intelligent discussion and more inane topics are intoduced.

10) Soon, everyone is being ridiculous.

11) Someone gets tired of this, feels like they aren't being intelligent, something something, and introuces intelligent topic.

12) Collective intellect slowly shifts again from silly to smart.

13) The few who decide not to shift with the collective intellect (or are incapable of it) are ignored.

Argh, the point is, thinking without action is annoying. I hate when there's some kind of intelligent discussion and the only outcome is a bemused "hm."
well, sometimes people can talk the talk but are too fucking wimpy to really do anything with it. i mean, action failure shows a lot more than just failing to say something right (which can disappear completely in a second). ya know?
i mean, we have to face it. we're all generally wimpy. we're conformists... we are afraid of change... we avoid obstacles... so it's going to come up with intellect also. it's lame though.


step 11: No, seriously, they do.

That is awesome.

Anyway, I want someone to philosophize with me for 3 hours about some intense existential issue and then after the discussion is over, we put our hands in the middle of the circle like before a football game, do the whole "go team!" thing, and then rush out and start casting cure spells on people.
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Anyway, I want someone to philosophize with me for 3 hours about some intense existential issue and then after the discussion is over, we put our hands in the middle of the circle like before a football game, do the whole "go team!" thing, and then rush out and start casting cure spells on people.
When I try to do this at band practice, everyone insists I'm being GAY. But that's okay, cuz I cast impotency spells on them. Now they complain about 'not getting any'. But I know the truth.
after a year or two in forums, it becomes boring to read everything on long posts , also im not english language dweller. Portuguese Slipknot fans like to throw rocks at Nickelback and act completely dumb behind the scene jornalist... i think i hate those little Spliknot critters, why... why can't they die??

"uuuu me iz suu crase!! break shit everything kewl as ell!!":rolleyes:
Yeah, but the nobility of an intelligent discussion isn't in the results, its IN THE DISCUSSION. Getting there is half the fun and all that. Even if--when--a discussion peters out, everyone who participated and contributed something intelligent (or even just read the intelligent stuff others contributed) comes away with new ideas in their mind, which affects how they perceive and therefore react to the world, even if they don't know it. It was either Oliver Wendell Holmes or Aldous Huxley who said that a mind once stretched by a new idea never again returns to its original dimensions, and intelligent discussions are a primary cause of cool mind-stretching.
Originally posted by FuSoYa

step 11: No, seriously, they do.

That is awesome.

Anyway, I want someone to philosophize with me for 3 hours about some intense existential issue and then after the discussion is over, we put our hands in the middle of the circle like before a football game, do the whole "go team!" thing, and then rush out and start casting cure spells on people.

That's an awful lot of alignment checks. Which brings me to my important question: what alignment are the members of motw? Is it OK for your cure spell to be cast on a lawful evil fighter/ mage?

What do you mean, then what? Then you live you life, with a mind better equipped to deal with anything thrown at you. You might react differently to a violent acquaintance, agree or disagree with a politician you're about to vote for, or understand someone's perspective you never understood before...all because of the discussions you engaged in. I suppose this isn't true if your mind is pretty much made up about The Way Things Are, but many people are still open-minded at this age :)

Good point