Interviews (and new Reviews)

aaaaaaaand a new AUDIO INTERVIEW with Mathias:

why can´t people just stop asking about Lisko? XD
he left i-dont-know-how-many-years-ago and what is the point *sighs*

<<[...] as acoustic versions, and have that filmed. It´s not that "your best quality"-filming or anything like that, but it´s very live...>>
Well, that sounds good. not. *cough*
I have no idea, I just somewhen somewhere (can´t even remember where, and no, it´s not been FB) read that he studied something?! I don´t even know if that information is correct, or so...

So yeah, that would definetely be more interesting!
I guess not. But they have another 30 second sample of End Of an Empire and Hunting Pirates than Amazon so it's nice to hear a little bit more once again.
I slightly get lost with what I posted and what not...

but i know that i did not post the coming one, and actually it´s not even worth posting imo - so people, if you do not understand German, don´t bother google translator with it. Why? it´s a waste of time and resources, and poor google translator would shake its head if it could.

i know i usually try to keep my opinions slowed down, but this really made me shake my head till it nearly dropped off my head, i am sorry.
Don't be reluctant to voice your opinion or to water it down by reckoning that others might disagree or have other opinions. Just say it, make an obscene gesture to those who disagree, and then take another sip of beer. You go girl! I actually did Google translate the piece. The reviewer seems to like uptight metal from people who never smile. He shouldn't review anything else . . . same reason I don't review jazz singers.

I wanted to get a feel of what kind of reviews this guy actually writes, and stumbled upon the following (translated) piece in his Korpiklaani review:

"After "Beer Beer", "Vodka" and several other titles that are already involved directly on previous albums with the consumption of alcohol, now comes with "Tequila" an ode to the South African spirits."

This dude knows his stuff!

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
you know, at times it´s wiser to keep thoughts for oneself because certain areas in which you can work are smaller and tighter packed with connections that one might think at the beginning.
plus, the internet never forgets - what was once there, will always be there, somewhere.

but for my taste the reviewer shouldn´t have focussed on writing a "funny" tale about the album but more on describing the songs...
the writer has a great imagination, you have to give him that :lol:

anyway, every review is basically someone else's opinion on what they heard, so we can't expect everyone to like what we do or think it is great