Interviews (and new Reviews)

that writer could team up with that german dude from the bottom of last page and they could write tales together. i don´t get the points of such reviews.
oh man, i didn´t evenr ead the review at first, maybe I should have o.O

the whole passage creeps me out:
Some other songs are about the Byzantine Empire, the political fractions that existed by that time and how the Varangians fought on their side either to control the empire or against the Arabs. Maybe for the latter they have chosen them as the songs will surely be embraced by the neo-Nazis around the world. The whole thing is nothing but neo-Aryan fantasies of heroism and battle suitable to make kids rave-up for war.

I feel irritated somehow.
so let me summarize: the band´s lyrics state that they´re against Arabs and neo-nazis around the world will, because of this, like the songs very much and...okay, let me take a break and correct me if I am wrong or misinterpreting o.O
What's the negative historical connection between Arabs and (Neo)Nazi's to begin with? (sure, the Nazi's didn't think of 'em as "übermenschen" but there were Islamic Bosnian volunteers in the Waffen SS even! Not too mention that the Nazi's supported an anti-Zionist pre-WWII attempt to form an Arab (!) state of Palestine at the time, since both the hard-liner Arabs and the Nazi's didn't exactly like Jews)

I suggest this reviewer takes history-lessons. lol. Also, since Finns are an Uralic people, and thus not "Aryan" in the way Hitler meant it (since he thought of Slavonic people (ok, Finnic is close but still a tad different from Slavonic) to be almost as "low" as the Jews - this is all not my opinion mind you!). I find racial issues bullshit, personally, but it you want to use it as an argument you better know what the hell you're on about (and this reviewer clearly doesn't).

And what about the lyrics is anti-Arab, exactly? o_O

Sounds like *yet another* fucktard mixing up pride of your past and culture with narrow-mindedness and xenophobia...
maybe that´s why in the promo text it was written to open the history books again...I don´t know, I am just speechless about so much obvious mix-up with history things... :/

i really hope noone believes the stuff being written there, that would be very bad :S
Well, yeah, they seem to be not as hot on the record as I certainly was. They also seem like they didn't give the album the kind of time it deserves to grow. Though, I could just be biased. If you read the review, which I assume you did, you'll see that I thought it was fairly questionable in the beginning as well. The flow wasn't as good; but like a lot of my favorite records, once I got into it it's excellent. It just takes time when a band is doing things that are a little unorthodox, and reviewers don't usually make that time.

So yeah, that's why. Oh, and the quality of the English reviews wasn't the best, either.