Interviews (and new Reviews)


Not been a huge fan of the band up until now, but I got the new album to review and I thought it was fantastic, pretty much moved me from liking them well enough to being a fan. Can understand some grievances but personally I thought it was a highly entertaining record. Can't wait to have my vinyl copy sitting in my record shelf :)

Anyhow, shameless review plug:
new reviews:
(can someone tell me why the hell it is necessary to compare Netta to Lisko?????)

EDIT: this is not really review or interview times it´s interesting what ppl say on Twitter:

@Sonispheretix Sonisphere Tickets
Sebastien Chabal should be in turisas.
4 hours

other user:
@Sonispheretix you mean he's not ?! #faints

Sonispheretix Sonisphere Tickets
@*username deleted* half of turisas are ginger, therefore I presume he didn't want their disease.
4 hours ago
obviously there can als be found some stuff in that magazine- an interview and a review:

This is "just" a blog-entry by someone, but I felt like posting it though it´s in german.

The part that irritates me the most is (translated by me)- and I am sorry if I am taking music too serious:
"You shouldn´t take it too serious, but I think this also wouldn´t be something that Turisas aimed at."

EDIT: And some more reviews - if any of those already have been posted, don´t chop my head off or throw an axe, this is such an amount of reviews coming every day nearly that my brain is overloaded XD

I don't think it literally means "they didn't aim at taking it seriously" , as in "it's all a joke" or anything like that; but that they deliberately tried to sound more...fresh in some way.
Compared to the previous albums, you can tell the difference.
well, then I don´t understand my own mothertongue anymore hahahahaha
but since ppl either love or hate this album anyways, i mostly dont even read the reviews anymore XD
Sweden Rock Magazine #79 (Februrary 2011) has an interview with Mathias & Jussi. Can't find it on the magazine's website, though...

There's also a review of SUAF. It's short, so I'll just type it in here.

"Hårdrockens svar på Aqua är tillbaka med ännu en dos galna upptåg, ostig epik och lustigt krigssmink. De har lämnat Boney M i fred den här gången, men de kosackanstrukna melodierna gör att Rasputin ändå aldrig är långt borta.
När frontmannen Warlord med allvarsfyllda stämma i det ödesmättade titelspåret sjunger om att stå ensam i det fallande regnet, ackompanjerad av en plastig synt, infinner sig en atmosfär av den sista dansen på fuldiscot på Polenfärjan.
Annat blir det i "Hunting pirates", som skulle fungera i reklam för vilken irländsk tredjeklasswhisky som helst. Inledande "The march of the Varangian guard" är en korsning av Rhapsody Of Fire och den tunga skiten som Dimmu Borgir injicerade innan de klädde ut sig till Satans fåraherdar inför den senaste bandfotograferingen.
Det är lika omöjligt att ta det här bandet seriöst som det är att ogilla dem. Självdistans leder inte alltid till festligheter, men här är det bara att vrida upp volymen och lalla med i kören av idioter." 6/10. Jakob Raderius.
Aaaaaah finally!!!
The interview was most likely done in Helsinki last December if i am not fully mistaken (and on the same day as I did my interview with Olli and Netta back then)...
I so want to read it, but damn if it´s not on their webpage >.<
Yes, it was done in Helsinki.
I got the magazine from Akateeminen kirjakauppa, but I guess it is available in other places, too.

So my memory didn´t betray me...was already wondering when it´ll be published...
So I will start the magazine-hunt tomorrow *grins* let´s see ;)

Edit: okay, so Jyväskylä seems not to have an Akateeminen kirjakauppa >.< gonna annoy the other stores then. again.