Involuntary muscle twitching/ Shaking

Nov 28, 2002
San Fransisco, CA
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In the last year or so I've noticed that I've had this problem. Random parts of my body will twitch, my hands won't stay still, and I have a hard time staying completely still. Anyone know what may cause this? It gets really annoying sometimes, cause I'm not sure if people notice it or not. Should I go to a doctor and see whats up?
same thing happens to me. i have add so that might factor in, but i havent really had a problem with it. you might want to go talk to you gp and the a neurologist if whatever the gp gave you isnt helping
It sometimes happens when I go piss. I'm dead serious about this ...

I go to the bathroom, and it starts flowing. Then next thing I know I twitch hardcore. Sometimes it's so bad I miss for a second and then I have to clean the floor.

But if your problem is constant of happens frequently then I think you should get it checked out.
Ya I think that happens when i piss sometimes too haha

Its not like really bad twitching that I have, but its just annoying and i hate feeling like I can't be still. I think it happens more in public, around people i dont know. Might as well get it checked out I guess.
the twitch while pissing (for me after i run out) is pretty damn normal... i think there is a real term for it, too...
Oh really? Hm. I was talking to my friends about it one time and they said it doesn't happen to them. Maybe they just didn't know what I was talking about cause I said "Shake" instead of "Twitch".
Scourge of Malice said:
In the last year or so I've noticed that I've had this problem. Random parts of my body will twitch, my hands won't stay still, and I have a hard time staying completely still. Anyone know what may cause this? It gets really annoying sometimes, cause I'm not sure if people notice it or not. Should I go to a doctor and see whats up?

I used to get twitches in my eyelids all the time... but is stopped. Now my middle toes of of my right foot twitch. It's weird.
Perpetual Catatonia said:
I go to the bathroom, and it starts flowing. Then next thing I know I twitch hardcore. Sometimes it's so bad I miss for a second and then I have to clean the floor.

That reminds me of the time I had to sneeze while I was pissing. I felt it coming so I shut off the flow, because I didn't want to piss on the seat. But you all know how much that hurts when you shut off the flow while you're already pissing, so you can't hold it long. Anyway, I sneezed, farted, and couldn't stop laughing and pissed on the seat/floor anyway.
When I'm pissed and it's getting late into the night I shake really bad, like I'm cold and shivering but about 10 times worse then when I try sleep I keep waking up shaking massively. It's also happened to me when I was really distraught about something with my friend, so I think it's just an anxiety's really horrible though.

I twitch alot as well, but just at random times.
Guthrum said:
That reminds me of the time I had to sneeze while I was pissing. I felt it coming so I shut off the flow, because I didn't want to piss on the seat. But you all know how much that hurts when you shut off the flow while you're already pissing, so you can't hold it long. Anyway, I sneezed, farted, and couldn't stop laughing and pissed on the seat/floor anyway.

Okay that made me LOL a lot.

And I do think it is something to do with anxiety, as it mostly happens in social situations. I notice it mostly when Im on the bus around a lot of people or in class.
yeah that happened to me and then i go leveled now i look like this...

shaking and flailing= bad

Guthrum said:
That reminds me of the time I had to sneeze while I was pissing. I felt it coming so I shut off the flow, because I didn't want to piss on the seat. But you all know how much that hurts when you shut off the flow while you're already pissing, so you can't hold it long. Anyway, I sneezed, farted, and couldn't stop laughing and pissed on the seat/floor anyway.

you have no idea how hard i laughed at that!:lol: