Involuntary muscle twitching/ Shaking

Tongue_Ring said:
dr pepper is better than coke

Agreed. Except for those rare times you get coke from a fountain and its got the extra syrup in there.. I almost never drink soda these days but god was I addicted to Dr. Pepper for a while.

I think a large part of my problem maybe be due to coffee. I started drinking a lot for a while and I think it definitely increased during that time. I've cut down A LOT recently... I barely drink it now, besides the occasional iced coffee which is too good to resist sometimes.. I even turned down coffee for orange juice today when I went out for breakfast (I was realllly hung over and tired too so that was pretty rare) and I haven't really payed attention but I think it might have decreased. I'm sure its not ALL because of coffee but I have a hunch that might be one of the biggest reasons for it. I think it also might be due to some sort of social anxiety type thing... I mean I'm a pretty social guy but I think theres certain akward situations (like sitting on a bus and being in class for some reason) that bring it out more.
Oh, to those with "twitches" it could be symptomatic of a developing neurological disorder (ie MS or ALS or Parkinsons).. though most twitching could be fasiculations, which are benign and the result of perhaps a lack of certain minerals etc, who knows.

But you will want to go to a neurologist if you're sure its not due to a muscle injury of some sort. Also, if you feel muscle loss around the area of the twitching, that is also not a good sign and more reason to see a doctor asap.
judas69 said:
LOL holy crap. Until now I remember as a kid getting up to go to the washroom then during and after I'd feel lightheaded like I was about to faint (drop in blood pressure) and this kinda happens now and then though rare now.

lol All along I thought this was something that didn't happen often. I guess this is common.