iPhone 5

Ugh. Speaking of capacity.....

I got the 8GB iPhone 4. At the time, I was away on a job, my old flip phone got ruined, and was looking into a smartphone. A buddy tried talking me into the 16GB one....I was like "nah, I won't need that much space. 8GB should be plenty, not gonna put a lot of music on it anyway, etc."

Low and behold, 2-3 months into owning it, it tells me I can't take any more pics or video since it's filled up. GRR!!!

So I have to continuously dump my shit to my external HD to save space.
Samsung Galaxy SIII smokes the new Iphone as the SII smoked the Iphone 4s haha. Can't understand why people want to buy some overpriced "phone from a company that wants to control everything the user does.

Different strokes, I have had the SII in the hands and didn't feel like it was such an improvement, I think it's mostly counter-hype like this current trend of people thinking Samsung is a good guy, while their strategy is actually to create their own ecosystem as well. I actually like the philosophy behind it, all synchronized, in the cloud, the phone is even backeup online via wifi when I'm not using it, makes my life easier when I don't have a fucking minute to deal with details when I'm back from my day, it doesn't cost me so much since I can sell my 2 years old iphone 4 for 200e.

I don't really what people have against their "closed" philosophy. Makes my life easier on a day to day basis since everything is clear and neat

@Skinny Viking : do like me just select a part of it. It's not worth paying 100 or 200 more just to have more music imo !
@Skinny Viking : do like me just select a part of it. It's not worth paying 100 or 200 more just to have more music imo !

well, thats what I HAVE done, out of necessity :p

but there's still a lot of good stuff I'd love to throw on there

If they had a 128 gig model I'd have no problem throwing another bean towards it
Having that much music at all times is pointless. You're never going to need access to literally everything and I'm sure you can boil down the "must have at a moments notice" albums to a size that'll fit. Or buy an older Classic and be done with it; I have my phone for all my mobile/gym music needs and a 120gb classic in my car. Done.
+1 to the size of smartphones, the GIII is too big for me, I have seen some big android ones as well, can't remember the name, it's like half a tablet half a phone. I like to be able to have my phone in my left front pocket in my uniform all that with my phone cover that has an extra battery integrated, it makes the calculator ready for me when I'm on the ground and I don't lose 1mn trying to reach it inside my pocket behind my keys and through my harness. I was afraid when they were talking about a bigger screen but they had the good idea of keeping the width of the iphone the same, just gaining 1in in screen real estate in the length. So I'm safe with its size !

Also the whole game with apple is to embrace their ecosystem. I really really understood what it means when I got my mbp, made the iphone functionalities totally logical. It's a marketing strategy indeed, but I'm okay with it.
I second Jeff on the music library size, whatever phone you have. I used to be pissed off I can't have all my music with me but it's really easy to remove 75% of it because of all the discographies you have where you actually listen to only a few albums regularly. What you can do is set up 16Gb of your favourite albums/songs in a playlist. Then create a 16Gb playlist of random songs rated 4 or above, so that each time you synchronize you get random new good songs in your phone. Then the rest is free for your apps and movies and whatever.
I did about cream the jeans when I realized how much easier it was to send/read texts on the iPhone compared to my old Samsung flip-phone POS, and having to scroll through each individual text on that thing. Shheeeeeit, I can send multiple pics in a single message!
Having that much music at all times is pointless. You're never going to need access to literally everything and I'm sure you can boil down the "must have at a moments notice" albums to a size that'll fit. Or buy an older Classic and be done with it; I have my phone for all my mobile/gym music needs and a 120gb classic in my car. Done.

chalk it up to one of my few eccentricities :)
If you really really like listening through all your music, then buy a dedicated mp3 player that is audiophile and has a large harddrive (not even SSD if it exists so that you can have a large HD). I shat my pants the first time I used the iphone because I was used to my old Archos. It was like passing from plugin my headset from my Duet to a line6 interface. The iPhone feels like 2D compared to my Archos.
Samsung Galaxy SIII smokes the new Iphone as the SII smoked the Iphone 4s haha. Can't understand why people want to buy some overpriced "phone from a company that wants to control everything the user does.

Oh noes, once again the "apple controls everything the user does" argument which has never made sense because apparently I am able to do whatever the fuck I wan with mine!
So I almost bought a 4S by clicking on the appstore thinking "I'm gonna reserve it right now to avoid a 4 week queue" and because it looks so alike :lol: I'm lucky I checked the cart before hitting "buy"
Oh noes, once again the "apple controls everything the user does" argument which has never made sense because apparently I am able to do whatever the fuck I wan with mine!

Even resolder your new battery whenever you want! :)

Just trolling man, haven't used the iPhone so I have no idea if it's good or not.
the iphone 5 didn't make me shit my pants or anything - it's a great upgrade for anyone still using 3, even 4, but as an iphone 4 user i'm not convinced i will switch to the version five. might consider switching to 4s as the prices go down though; they're adding a lot of the neat-o stuff to it along with the iOS 6 update later.

i think the new Lumia was more interesting in most ways, with the great camera and bells and whistles like the wireless charging. still going to stick with Apple myself, but here's hoping that Nokia will be around to push the competition in a few years.

(sorry couldnt resist, I still have a general iphone user base hatred-present company excluded of course :D)
To those that say the S3 or OneX are too large... you simply haven't had much time with them. I'm guessing you played with one in a store, or maybe a friend's, for a few minutes, right? When I first got my 1X I thought I would probably return it because it is rather large (basically same size as S3), but that was based off the fact I was coming from iPhone4. After a week it didn't seem very large to me any more. Once you get used to it, it's not that much bigger than the 4, and certainly barely bigger than the 5. Takes some getting used to, for sure. But you can't accurately judge from playing with it for a few minutes in a store or a friend's phone. Of course it will be huge to you during your first experience with it, you are used to a smaller screen and smaller bodied phone.

The funny thing is I recently got a Nexus 7 tablet, and after playing with it for a while and then picking up my phone, it feels as small as my iP4 was :lol: It's all perspective.

Anyway, on the new iPhone... it's cool. After using Android for a while now the one thing I can say is that Apple may be playing catch-up on a lot of things, but they have a much more polished end product when they come out with something. Especially concerning the software and apps available for their devices. A lot of apps that I used on my iPhones that I have on my 1X were much nicer on iOS. Some apps, it's almost like when they made the Android version they just didn't give a shit at all.
Well I "need" my phone to fit in my uniform shirt pocket because otherwise one day I will forget it in the plane, at night in the dark and I will kill myself (happened to a few colleagues !) !

To me it's too large if you need a second hand to manipulate it. That's my own limit, I wanna be able to do everything while driving (I know it's bad) or with one hand in my cockpit.

About the apps on android, in fact they sort of don't give a shit at all, simply because the market is smaller on the android market from a business perspective. Also they face many more incompatibilities and unknowns regarding os versions, screen resolution etc. If you add the fact less people pay for apps on the android market, it makes it less appealing than the AppStore market where people are okay to pay a few bucks, from a developer point of view. And they know they "all" use the latest iOs version, and an iphone. That's a secondary effect of its hype and uniformity, it's easier for developer to analyze and predict consumers. I would develop for iOS over android anytime, if I were one. I think it's getting better though, as Samsung are being sold more and more, making it more logical for a game developer for example to port it to android right away if they except some sells.

I would actually enjoy a bigger screen, if it weren't permanent :)

@kew : I thought the same before trying the iphone some years ago, it makes sense after a few days/weeks, not before. It was shit on tactile (as opposed to sensitive) phones though