iPhone 5


Or just transfer all the content of those respective apps to their Samsung/Google equivalents ;) (assuming you cared enough to go to the trouble of course)

Or just transfer all the content of those respective apps to their Samsung/Google equivalents ;) (all this assuming you cared enough to go to the trouble of course)

I could do iCal and Mail to sync with Google services (gcal still sucks fat cock, though), but Notes, Reminders, iMessage, and iTunes still have absolutely no decent Android counterpart.

See my edit, though; sums up my thoughts, as ranty as it is.
I'm with jeff on this one, I'm a young mac user (only since a year ago) and I was immediately fed up with anti-apple mentality. There are less obvious breakthrough in the iphone5 to say the iphone 3GS, and I don't get why people troll on the iphone4S or 5 on having basically the same design. To me it's the best design ever made for a phone, it's gorgeous and I'm actually happy it hasn't really changed.

Reminders is awesome and it's only a matter of time before an android carbon copy is made (if it's not already), iMessage is indeed pretty practical especially for me who lives 100% abroad (think free sms in the native sms app via wifi at home), and I hated iTunes when I was on windows, and now I actually love it.

When you understand that if you use the native apps all together, your computer is neat, clean, everything is smooth and practical (I'm talking mac based environment). I use many 3rd party softwares (like Chrome instead of Safari cause it's so faster so i'm losing some functionality in exchange of navigation speed), but the core of my system is still all the classic apps like those jeff mentionned, and everything is easy. Even the pictures I carry on my phone, since I manage everything easily in iPhoto.

I don't know what mac hater need to stop bashing. A 8-core, 6in display, with the ability to boot linux apps ?
My (largely tongue-in-cheek) frustration mostly comes from wishing Apple would make a product more in line with my needs (bigger screen, more customizability of the UI, the ability to actually download files to the phone from the browser/email attachments/whatever and manage them with a file manager, not having to use goddamn iTunes and just being able to click-and-drag all my media like it's a flash drive), cuz there was a lot I did like about my iP4

That, and the fact that I'm in wireless sales (hopefully for not much longer) and many won't even consider Android simply because everyone else has the iPhone (oh, and we make almost 0 profit on iPhones vs. Androids :mad: )
It's honestly just a vocal minority of butthurt nerds who can't accept the fact that some people don't give a shit about customizing every single aspect of their computer/phone experience.

There it is again, being limiting is better. I don't want all that stuff.

Why in the FUCK would I switch to the SIII when my iTunes, Mail, Reminders, Notes, iMessage, and iCal information wouldn't sync natively?

Because its a better phone.

I've never seen an iPhone user go into a thread about an Android or Windows phone and talk shit like you do

Happens all the time.
This whole cell phone culture is ridiculous. Everywhere I go there are people with their faces stuck to a damn device. I'm not even that old and I miss the old days. :lol:
Ugh. Speaking of capacity.....

I got the 8GB iPhone 4. At the time, I was away on a job, my old flip phone got ruined, and was looking into a smartphone. A buddy tried talking me into the 16GB one....I was like "nah, I won't need that much space. 8GB should be plenty, not gonna put a lot of music on it anyway, etc."

Low and behold, 2-3 months into owning it, it tells me I can't take any more pics or video since it's filled up. GRR!!!

So I have to continuously dump my shit to my external HD to save space.

This is why when I finally got an iPhone (4S) I made sure to get the 64gig version. I basically told myself that the phone could replace my point and shoot camera so why not make sure I have enough space for pics and video etc?
I like all my ishit. I have a niftly little portable keyboard my phone plugs into and plays synths and shit like the animoog. Pluggin my guitar in and shit as well to play around with amplitube. Using the strobe tuner on the go when I don't want to haul a regular tuner around.

Garageband on iphone is also titties.

At night I just drop my phone into the alarm clock dock and wake to whatever tunes I want off my phone.

I don't care to give that up.
There it is again, being limiting is better. I don't want all that stuff.
Because its a better phone.

Saying, "I don't need the extra features but I value the ones I have" isn't the same thing as saying "limiting is better." It's saying that a seamless user experience is more valuable for that user than the absolute best feature list. It's a personal choice.
Saying, "I don't need the extra features but I value the ones I have" isn't the same thing as saying "limiting is better." It's saying that a seamless user experience is more valuable for that user than the absolute best feature list. It's a personal choice.

I understood what he said, but thanks. To me android is a seamless user experience, maybe its not for others.
^^ Right? :lol:

What have I started? I don't think I've ever created a thread and had it go this long, even when the content is pertaining to mixing, etc....
the ability to actually download files to the phone from the browser/email attachments/whatever and manage them with a file manager, not having to use goddamn iTunes and just being able to click-and-drag all my media like it's a flash drive)

Thats still going on? As much as the phone is engineering genius, I still struggle with the idea of buying into (what i see as) a crippled up over priced fashion accessory. What mainly kills me actually is that half the user base knows no different and believe all the lock-ins are some kind of cool norm when really they are being lead around by the balls.
So......I just went online to try to downgrade my data plan. Apparently....I'm stuck with either $30/mo - 3GB, or $20/mo - 300MB.

WTF?!?! I'm about positive that when I signed up, I had the option to get 500MB and like 1 or 2 GB?!??!!

It really is fucking crazy having to pay $100 a month on a phone! Some of my friends have the same plan as me and are paying like $30 less somehow!!
I understood what he said, but thanks. To me android is a seamless user experience, maybe its not for others.

Then something got lost in your response because all I heard was "I'm illiterate."

Android is certainly not a seamless user experience for OS X users; to suggest otherwise would be misleading at best.

Thats still going on? As much as the phone is engineering genius, I still struggle with the idea of buying into (what i see as) a crippled up over priced fashion accessory. What mainly kills me actually is that half the user base knows no different and believe all the lock-ins are some kind of cool norm when really they are being lead around by the balls.

First off, Kev, thanks for being so patronizing. I have never in my life wanted to download something and save it to my phone to access with a file browser type setup; why is my having no use, need, or want for that feature and it not existing automatically labelled as being led around by the balls?