iPhone 5

Here's my biggest question to the SIIIdouchesquad:

Why in the FUCK would I switch to the SIII when my iTunes, Mail, Reminders, Notes, iMessage, and iCal information wouldn't sync natively?

Not everyone is entrenched in iEverything.

You guys put too much stock in derailing other phones; pretty typical PC-fanboy mentality, IMO. People are going to use other stuff because they like it. It doesn't mean that they're dumber or less capable or somehow inferior to your precious Winblows/Android machines. I've never seen an iPhone user go into a thread about an Android or Windows phone and talk shit like you do; your response is going to be "that's because they have no ground to stand on trololol!" Unfortunately it's actually because they're not smug cunts who need to validate their underdog purchase by deriding the choices of others.

You don't think Apple fans are smug? What world are you living on, Jeff?

...and "underdog purchase"...??? Maybe when it comes to marketing, hype, and mainstream/average Joe awareness, but definitely not specs/capability/innovation.

The Galaxy SIII guys definitely have a point. The iPhone 5 is simply catching up to the competition when it should be leaping ahead of the pack, bringing new innovations/improved user interface/etc., but it's not. There are quite a few areas where it still doesn't keep up with the SIII, and it was released back at the end of May. More high end phones are coming in the next few months... both Android and Windows Phone 8.

Google will most likely release a new Nexus phone soon to go along with the Nexus 7 tablet that recently came out and got awesome reviews, and Windows Phone 8 is going to take off, just like I said it would months ago in a thread on here about smart phones. Have you seen how many companies are backing it? They have the major carriers on board, and they definitely have the hardware companies on board... The Nokia Lumia 920 looks pretty damn awesome and has quite a few innovative features compared to ALL other smart phones on the market. The Samsung ATIV S looks pretty nice too... it's basically the Galaxy SIII for Windows Phone 8. HTC will be releasing a few also. Apple is leaving the door wide open for the competition...

The iphone 5 will still sell like crazy though. Sadly, there are a ton of Apple fans out there who don't care that they aren't bringing any innovation, that they are forced to buy new proprietary cables/accessories/adapters/etc. to replace their old proprietary cables/accessories/etc. (when every other company is using standard cables), that they simply let you add another row of icons instead of improving the UI to take better advantage of the new screen real estate, and on and on and on... There are a ton of things to complain about, but millions upon millions of them will still be sold simply because it's the new iPhone...
1. Not everyone is entrenched in iEverything.

2. You don't think Apple fans are smug? What world are you living on, Jeff?

...and "underdog purchase"...??? Maybe when it comes to marketing, hype, and mainstream/average Joe awareness, but definitely not specs/capability/innovation.

The Galaxy SIII guys definitely have a point. The iPhone 5 is simply catching up to the competition when it should be leaping ahead of the pack, bringing new innovations/improved user interface/etc., but it's not. There are quite a few areas where it still doesn't keep up with the SIII, and it was released back at the end of May. More high end phones are coming in the next few months... both Android and Windows Phone 8.

Google will most likely release a new Nexus phone soon to go along with the Nexus 7 tablet that recently came out and got awesome reviews, and Windows Phone 8 is going to take off, just like I said it would months ago in a thread on here about smart phones. Have you seen how many companies are backing it? They have the major carriers on board, and they definitely have the hardware companies on board... The Nokia Lumia 920 looks pretty damn awesome and has quite a few innovative features compared to ALL other smart phones. The Samsung ATIV S looks pretty nice too... it's basically the Galaxy SIII for Windows Phone 8. Apple is leaving the door wide open for the competition...

The iphone 5 will still sell like crazy though. Sadly, there are a ton of Apple fans out there who don't care that they aren't bringing any innovation, that they are forced to buy new proprietary cables/accessories/adapters/etc. to replace their old proprietary cables/accessories/etc. (when every other company is using standard cables), that they simply let you add another row of icons instead of improving the UI to take better advantage of the new screen real estate, and on and on and on... There are a ton of things to complain about, but millions upon millions of them will still be sold simply because it's the new iPhone...

1. I never said they were; I asked why I would buy an SIII like you guys have so nicely told me I should considering I use OS X and only OS X.

2. Never said they weren't. Underdog purchase? Yeah, the SIII definitely counts as that. Less market share = underdog.

Apple doesn't need to be introducing huge innovations; they're improving on a form factor that works, and works really damn well. I'd rather them keep this going and do whatever big thing they plan to do with OS 11 in a few years than introduce wildly new devices requiring new protocols every 2 years. Yeah, the cable bit kind of sucks, but it's hard to call something proprietary when literally everyone and their fucking mother makes connecters that support it. I'd be willing to bet lots of money that you'd have a harder time finding a speaker/dock set that worked via micro USB or whatever connector non-iPhones are using these days than the old 30pin Apple dock.

There are tons of things to complain about with every new product; millions upon millions will still be sold because, despite what you guys want us so desperately to believe, it still competes in every way with other phones.

Really, what are we supposed to be getting out of a truly new and innovative iPhone? File browsing? Useless. Wireless charging? impractical and still stupid considering you have to plug something in. NFC? Seriously - useless.

Samsung underdog? Samsung has way more market shares then apple on the smartphone market. Think it was like Samsung 25-30% and Apple 10-15%

Samsung marketshare ≠ SIII marketshare, and things get convoluted when one company is producing only quality smartphones and the other is putting out a lot of shitty "free with contract" phones.
1. I never said they were; I asked why I would buy an SIII like you guys have so nicely told me I should considering I use OS X and only OS X.

2. Never said they weren't. Underdog purchase? Yeah, the SIII definitely counts as that. Less market share = underdog.

Apple doesn't need to be introducing huge innovations; they're improving on a form factor that works, and works really damn well. I'd rather them keep this going and do whatever big thing they plan to do with OS 11 in a few years than introduce wildly new devices requiring new protocols every 2 years. Yeah, the cable bit kind of sucks, but it's hard to call something proprietary when literally everyone and their fucking mother makes connecters that support it. I'd be willing to bet lots of money that you'd have a harder time finding a speaker/dock set that worked via micro USB or whatever connector non-iPhones are using these days than the old 30pin Apple dock.

There are tons of things to complain about with every new product; millions upon millions will still be sold because, despite what you guys want us so desperately to believe, it still competes in every way with other phones.

Really, what are we supposed to be getting out of a truly new and innovative iPhone? File browsing? Useless. Wireless charging? impractical and still stupid considering you have to plug something in. NFC? Seriously - useless.

The thread is about the Iphone 5 so I chime in on why I don't think its a big deal and get called "SIIIdouchesquad,typical PC-fanboy,smug cunt, butthurt nerds and illiterate"

Nothing on why I'm wrong about the phone being inferior haha. Even after all that, if I needed editing work I would have Jeff do it.
Totally different circumstance and situation. If it was a post about the new Fireball 2 that was being released soon and everyone came in talking a ton of shit about how much better their AxeFX was, your comparison might work.

this is a forum. forums are meant to discuss :ill: and to stay in this analogy... if there were clips demonstrating the fireball 2 and it sounds not that good, people have the right to state that they are not impressed.
about the screen:

i think Apple's right to just make it taller. we had huge-ass cellphones 10 years ago, so what, now we're going back to them not fitting your hand or pocket?

i've tried the SIII, and it is clunky. it feels awkward in your hand. you can say anything you want about it, but you can't operate it comfortably using just one hand. it probably looks glorious and awesome to watch movies on, but fuck, we've got tablets for that. and you know they'll only get bigger from here, they couldn't really even add any other physical features because the device is pretty much just a screen now.

i saw a hipster the other day, using whatever tablet he had as a phone, and it was the stupidest thing i'd seen for the longest time. i thought: at that rate, that'll be the future of cellphones, and i'll happily keep using my 3,5-inch-screened iphone in that future.

call me when they invent phones that project a touchable screen on air. anything in between that and what we have now isn't really necessary - think: do cellphone screens really need to get bigger and better from what we have right now?
First off, Kev, thanks for being so patronizing. I have never in my life wanted to download something and save it to my phone to access with a file browser type setup; why is my having no use, need, or want for that feature and it not existing automatically labelled as being led around by the balls?

No worries Jeff :lol: I wasnt aiming any of that at you or anybody else on here as this place is pretty clued up on tech. You're obviously quite happy with how you have your setup and i'm sure it all fits together damn nicely if you do go down the full apple route.

Cool example of something that happend to me the other week at a gig which left me wondering if it would be quite so straight forward on an iphone. I'd soundchecked and things weren't quite right, so as usual I fire up the laptop attached to the axe fx to make a few tweaks. Totally forgot that the emergency laptop didnt have the editing software on it though thanks to a recent rebuild, thought I fucked for that idea. The blackberry came to the rescue though in a pinch, and I was able to download the software quickly via 3g and blast it straight over a micro usb cable for install & setup on a blank OS. Yeah, we still dont have wireless in any of our bars here :ill:
@Jeff: I never said anything negative about the iPhone, I love the iPhone, had a 3GS and a 4. Hell, I even said the apps/iOS is more polished compared to Android in my experience with the two. My posts were merely pointing out the flaws to some people's arguments. Such as the size difference. Phones such as the S3 and 1X aren't as big as some people make them out to be, they are barely larger in width, biggest difference being height. When someone argues they want to be able to use a phone with one hand, implying that the S3 and 1X can't be used that way, they are just wrong. That's all I was saying. I have never, and don't ever plan on, doing all the rooting and bullshit that gets so heavily praised as an advantage of Android... my stock 1X has been great with what it's capable of out of the box. I actually have a friend that is all about rooting and custom ROMs and all that, I always told him I literally don't give a shit and he knows, now, not to talk to me about that nonsense anymore. I am not advocating getting Android per se, get what you want of course. I just hate to see someone not consider it because they are uneducated on the facts.

And I'd also like to point out that not only have I been a Mac user for many years now (dual G5, powerbook G4, now iMac 27"), and an iPhone user (3GS, 4), but I have been accused numerous times of being an "Apple fanboy." Including Apple/iPhone threads on this forum. I am in no way anti-Apple/iPhone. I am not a fan of the S3 at all. Feels like cheap garbage in my hand, a complaint I have with many Android phones. Additionally, I prefer the Sense UI to Samsung's TouchWiz UI. And I would just like to echo what Jeff has said about market share in the mobile space. You can't compare 14 gajillion phones from each Android phone manufacturer per year to the iPhone - one phone, per year, from one company. The experience is not seamless for Apple computer users at all. And as Jeff already pointed out, many of Apple's services do not sync with anything on Android, and the ones that do, don't sync well, especially not as well as if you were doing it with another Apple product.
Well, you can get used to anything. You can get used to sleeping on a bed of nails too. :heh:

Anyway, SIII aside, how much larger would you need the screen to be? Do you at least think the current sizes are pretty much the max you'd stick in your pocket?
Just preordered the iPhone 5, since that french low cost carrier just declared they are proposing a nano sim card for preorder in the next days (and will propose the iphone5 as well but in those low cost carriers the phone price is not lower, so i thought it was a better idea to buy it already unlocked and right now sot that I will be in the first to receive it and won't wait ages).
i cant believe how agitated some people get by a MOBILE TELEPHONE.

not everyone wants/needs the same thing. not everyone needs the slight differences between each handset. considering the thread is called "iphone 5" im surprised at the amount of lame-o's that have come rushing in.

if anyone jumps in on a strat thread harping on about les pauls then im dishing out the slaps.

FWIW, im more than happy with the iphone, im happy paying over the odds on a contract, im happy being tied to the app store and all apple's stuff. it works a treat. changing over would be a massive PITA with no real benefit at all.

iphone5 looks sweet but im not sure ill jump right in on it, its inevitable that each iteration of iphone will get less and less improvements. low light photo's are the only thing i really care about.
The whole train of thought is very simple, really. Let me make it clear to you Android guys:

- I like iPhones. I don't want to use an SIII/Lumia/whatever. I buy an iPhone. Yeah, it costs money. So what? If I can afford it, I buy it. It's not your money.
- I like Macs. I don't want to use a PC. I buy a Mac. Yeah, it costs money. So what? If I can afford it, I buy it. It's not you money.
- I don't want to compare the iPhone to other phones, because I literally don't care. Same with computers. I have zero interest in PC's. I like using Apple products, so that's what I use and that's what I pay for, but I have zero interest in converting other people away from their alternative devices. That's what I expect from Android/Windows Phone/etc. users, as well.


Innovative! Magical!