iPods - Genres and Playlists?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I have a 60GB iPod, which is nearly full. I had tried to keep everything within five simple genres. However, I've come to find, those genres (on which my play lists are based) are a little too wide ranging to be able to queue up a play list to fit my particular mood. So, I began to break those five genres down into about a dozen genres. What a pain in the ass. Obviously, there are those bands that simply don't fit neatly into any one genre. Even still, those genres you thought would be easy, like Death Metal, aren't really. For instance, Obituary, Carcass, Gojira, Amon Amarth and Blood Red Throne could all be considered Death Metal. But to my ear, they don't really sound as if they fit into the same neat little category.

So, how do you break stuff up on your MP3 players? Or don't you bother?

I usually just leave it as whatever the cpu puts when importing the CD. Unless it's something retarded like labeling Deströyer 666 as "general alternative."
By Artist. I have a 60 gig too, but I probably only have 1 gig on it.

I listen to one album for an entire week around campus.
Obituary, Carcass, Gojira, Amon Amarth and Blood Red Throne could all be considered Death Metal. But to my ear, they don't really sound as if they fit into the same neat little category.

Aside from Gojira, they are all absolutely Death Metal.

I have about about 20 genres set up on my iPOD:

alternative -- e.g. Swans, Joy Division
avante garde -- e.g. The Gathering, Neurosis
epic -- e.g. Manilla Road, Manowar, Slough Feg
folk -- e.g. Empyrium
pagan -- e.g. Primordial, Skyforger
progressive rock -- Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Rush

and NEW -- where I keep all the latest stuff I'm currently sampling
oh yeah, I can't sort by artist because I have 30GB worth of music on my iPOD -- this equates to approx. 400 albums.

I am entirely dependent on my genre definitions!
I used to have my Ipod full, then it crashed on me. I still had it sorted by Alphabet. I usually know what I'm going to listen to, and if I don't it's nice to run through the bands.
Well, to me, selecting a band is pretty much driven by what mood I'm in. So if I'm in the mood for NWOBHM, I simply go to my NWOBHM genre and only be presented with NWOBHM artists.