Irony and Rebellion


Nov 19, 2001
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Ive just had this on my mind for a little while: Metal to me is rebellion and aggression, given a musical context. Yet, the ironic thing to me, is just how controlled the chaos of metal is. Metal musicians and fans, including myself, want bands to be not only technically proficient, but to have some idea on how to craft more than a simple riff and chorus. Now when I listen to some hardcore punk bands, or even bands like Slayer, Sodom, the industrial Godflesh, even Black Sabbath- I hear more chaos, and simplicity. I was just wondering if any one else thinks this way- do we want our bands to be horribly proficient- do we want them employing progressive music theory, or do we want just chaotic metal? I personally like a split- intricate music, and just fast simple music.
speed said:
Ive just had this on my mind for a little while: Metal to me is rebellion and aggression, given a musical context. Yet, the ironic thing to me, is just how controlled the chaos of metal is. Metal musicians and fans, including myself, want bands to be not only technically proficient, but to have some idea on how to craft more than a simple riff and chorus. Now when I listen to some hardcore punk bands, or even bands like Slayer, Sodom, the industrial Godflesh, even Black Sabbath- I hear more chaos, and simplicity. I was just wondering if any one else thinks this way- do we want our bands to be horribly proficient- do we want them employing progressive music theory, or do we want just chaotic metal? I personally like a split- intricate music, and just fast simple music.

Interesting post, and one that I have strong opinions on. I personally believe in simplicity and chaos. They are, however, entirely seperate, and could be considered diametrically opposed, things. I enjoy both elements, either seperate or mashed together.

As far as chaos is concerned, I prefer the primitive chaos of bands like beherit, nuclear death and pig destroyer than the tightly controlled "chaos" of bands like Dillinger Escape Plan and Cryptopsy (yes, I understand that they are different styles of music).

Simplicity is another matter entirely. As far as I am concerned, the simpler the better. Complexity and technical proficiency merely mucks up the works, and dilutes the overall message. I personally think one of the greatest metal songs EVER is Satanic Blood by VON. It has one, single riff consisting of three chords, repeated over and over. It NEVER changes. And, it OWNS.
dill_the_devil said:
Didn't Dark Funeral cover that track? Point proven, I guess... hehehe

Yes, they did. They did not do too bad a job either, but it couldnt' have been too difficult! I assume that is your point?
Well, I think music that is well crafted is immensly more thought provoking and enjoyable than simpler song structures, but then again, I am a musician, and we tend to see music in a different way, I tend to break it down by the instruments, I LOVE technical drumming, Richard Christy is my favorite drummer right now, Flo Mournier(Cryptopsy) is another favorite, along with Pete Sandoval, Bill Ward, and Sean Rienert. I also like GREAT guitar playing, Loomis spings to mind, also Rust In Peace Friedman,I am a guitar player so I tend to like players that I can learn from. Bassists-two words-Steve DiGiorgio. ahem, and Sean Malone.

BUUUUUUUUT! While I listen to bands that are technically proficient, I also listen to bands that are not as technically sound, but write amazing songs, Crowbar are a band I need to here, they just rule, and it is all raw emotion, I can't describe them, raw anger and sorrow maybe? I also love Faith No More and they are not very technical, there is just something I connect to, I have always loved music and I listen from everything to Bluegrass, classical, Jazz-to-DM Thrash and well, most metal. So I guess I have my cake and eat it too.

To me, music was and is never about chaos and/or revolution, maybe the lyrics are but not the music, the music is first and foremost human emotion expressed the only way the people who create it(including me) know how.
Ive never heard of VON- ill try to pick it up- if they make one riff sound good- that is saying something.

One point i have is that Metal is at times becoming too technical for its own good- I got to put something simpler and emotional on all the time like Anathema, or even Entombed; bands that are skilled- just that dont over do it.

Lastly, almost all metal bands follow a certain song structure- especially melodic death bands, and power metal bands- in a way the structure is becoming quite tired to me- it needs a breath of fresh air- it needs bands like EPhel Duath and Enslaved. Metal to me, does not need anymore of the many bland black, death, thrash bands etc- that are to numerous to count- and whose ever popular claim to fans, is that they only offer well played music- nothing new at all, just more of the same.
I agree music isnt about chaos and revolution- but Metal and Punk seem to be a music genre built on rebellion, even freedom from tired restrictions.

Black sabbath is the perfect example- the first metal band- pretty much started the genre becuase they rebelled against the happy pop and psychedelic songs of the 60's.

Now that i am thinking about this, maybe metal has lost its soul, its calling. It seems metal is more about Teenage Angst, and Wankery then anything else anymore- Im starting to sound like Dying Sun- excuse this little rant please- its just an idea.
i like bands that are more emotional but do it without being completely simple, like my dying bride, i like slower things but i also like ultra fast chaotic music whether its controlled or uncontrolled, like Cryptopsy(controlled) and Immortal(uncontrolled)

but for the most part i love music thats a lot more deep and emotional than just blunt music
speed said:
Ive never heard of VON- ill try to pick it up- if they make one riff sound good- that is saying something.

One point i have is that Metal is at times becoming too technical for its own good- I got to put something simpler and emotional on all the time like Anathema, or even Entombed; bands that are skilled- just that dont over do it.

Lastly, almost all metal bands follow a certain song structure- especially melodic death bands, and power metal bands- in a way the structure is becoming quite tired to me- it needs a breath of fresh air- it needs bands like EPhel Duath and Enslaved. Metal to me, does not need anymore of the many bland black, death, thrash bands etc- that are to numerous to count- and whose ever popular claim to fans, is that they only offer well played music- nothing new at all, just more of the same.

You will be happy to know that my band is getting totally away from song sturcture, as I am now writing the songs it is up to me, and I don't like monotany, My lastest composition is a thrash song that consists of elven different riffs, the only structure is two verses. That is it, the rest is arrangment, all thrash and extremely heavy. I have two other new songs that we are currently working on as a band, both unfinished, one currenly consists of eight riffs, the second has eight riffs so far also, just arrangement, it is good shit if I do say so myself, and while someone might think I am spouting pretentious BS right now, I am just saying that there are bands out there who are doing something different, we aren;t punk, we are technical thrash with a little bit of DM and Prog thrown in, and almost no structure...just good riffs.
speed said:
Ive never heard of VON- ill try to pick it up- if they make one riff sound good- that is saying something.

One point i have is that Metal is at times becoming too technical for its own good- I got to put something simpler and emotional on all the time like Anathema, or even Entombed; bands that are skilled- just that dont over do it.

Lastly, almost all metal bands follow a certain song structure- especially melodic death bands, and power metal bands- in a way the structure is becoming quite tired to me- it needs a breath of fresh air- it needs bands like EPhel Duath and Enslaved. Metal to me, does not need anymore of the many bland black, death, thrash bands etc- that are to numerous to count- and whose ever popular claim to fans, is that they only offer well played music- nothing new at all, just more of the same.

Yah, check out VON. The entire album (Satanic Blood) is great, but that song in particular really shines.

If you are interested, I will burn you a copy? Or, I can just burn you a copy that song in particular, if you are interested in that.

Let me know.