Irrational Fears

It appears that both this:


and this:


go by the name "daddy long legs". But the former has the unique name "crane fly", and the latter "harvestman".
Btw, how the hell does a crane fly look like a spider? I've always thought it just looks like a giant mosquito.
I've actually handled them before. All they ever do when they see you is just bumble around, scared shitless. I can't imagine one of those ever stalking and biting a person.
Wikipedia said:
There is an urban legend stating that the daddy long-legs spider has the most potent venom of any spider, and this same legend is attributed to crane flies where they commonly go by the name "daddy-long legs" (principally in the United Kingdom).

However, both the daddy long-legs spider and the crane fly are in fact innocuous; the spider's venom is practically harmless to humans, and the crane fly is not venomous. The commonly confused harvestman, also known as daddy long-legs but which isn't a spider, is also not venomous.

Nuncheon: What is it about icicles that makes you afraid? I think they look really pretty when the sun bounces off them.

They might look innocuous... but here's the thing-- they're actually evil. When I see icicles, I feel that at any moment, one could decide to suddenly just commit suicide, fall down and pierce me through the heart, taking my life with it. I'm extremely afraid of death by icicle. Also, an icicle would be a perfect murder weapon. They're sharp and deadly, and leave no trace once they're melted. That's creepy.

But I guess I don't really need to be explaining to you why they're scary since they're irrational fears, and I know I'm a bit strange for being afraid of them, but icicles are seriously fucking creepy. Seriously.