I doubt he had no talent, but if that's your opinion I don't care.
I just don't understand how this beeing talentless fits with kurt beeing one of your favourite guitarists?
I never was maried with courtney, but I doubt it was too hard for her and too "nice" of him that he commited suicide, since she's still trying to rip him and his bandmates off.
you can't be such a nice person either if you try to get cash out of your beloved husbands suicide.
didn't you get that story about the unpublished songs a while ago?
she's a bitch if you ask me. maybe not the only reason for his suicide, but surely one of them. a guy, lucky in love, doesn't suicide.
he didn't like his life, he didn't like the way media handled his music and he didn't like the people that became his fans. he couldn't identify with.
there are many very unhappy people who commit suicde becouse of very different reasons, but I never heard of one who killed himself coz of beeing mean to others.
but it's not my job to defend kurt in here... if you don't like him, whyever, that's fine with me.