You got something against lacrosse players? For what it's worth, I played in high school.
My dad contends that he would've gotten into a better medical school had he been a minority back in the day given his grades. I don't know how true that would've been in the 70s.
ok but is graveland racist or not
otherwise i leave philosophy and politics well alone even though i'm a philosophy grad because the internet broke my brain a long time ago and id 100% rather just listen to heavy music and jack off. pity me if you will but this is the good life!
I mean, I've been friends with Schmidt (Master_Yoda) since high school, and we've had numerous conversations about topics like this since he knows I'm a pinko-lefty SJW, probably furry, or whatever fucked up illusion people that are proud of their complicity in the culture we live in delude themselves into believing. The language he uses is always interesting. It's like he concedes that there are certainly a multitude of fucked up things going on without any tenable solutions, and that it's probably wrong not to investigate the nuances of them; but I'm too busy listening to Summoning, so fuck it.
On a completely different note, I have a question regarding people that disparage "Social Justice Warriors" (as Mort said, this is a silly buzzword that makes you a fucking moron if you use it without a semblance of irony) without getting totally irate; instead falling back on comedic non-sequitirs to avoid the issue. I would completely accept that it's a fucking heavy metal forum, not the appropriate venue to discuss such matters and agree; but I see this happen in real life all of the time.
To me, that's totally cool. So long as there's at least an acknowledgment that there is an issue that is to be taken seriously, but you're too busy worrying about other things, at least it's better than complete insouciance in the face of ugly, eminent social matters.