Is it becoming all about the $$$$$ ??


New Metal Member
Mar 31, 2002
New Hampshire
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I do hope im wrong, but it is my first immpression.

Just to throw in my opinion, I also was a bit disappointed in this years lineup. I DID expect this years lineup to be rather PROG heavy, but I also thought that this would be the year that PROGPOWER, busted out, so to say, with a line-up that would make people stand up and take notice.

Although I think it will be a good show, I think Glenn had a real opportunity to REALLY get this festival noticed this year. and i dont see that happening, but then, thats just my opinion.

I have heard Glenn say on a few occasions that he thinks he can finally make some money this year, and I am all for that, I hope he can make a damn good living someday doing this, but I also hope that he doesnt try and cut a few corners here and there to try and make a bit more.

With that being said, I will enjoy seeing

RAGE - Unity kicks major ass

CIRCLE II CIRCLE - I havent heard any of their material yet, but with
Zakk on vocals, It can only be good!!

EVERGREY - I can get into them as well.

The rest, well..........just not any of my favorites. (im trying to be diplomatic here)
err, and what bands could have gotten this festival REALLY noticed?

I think just having any festival like this in the US is a bonus, reguardless if Glenn manages to get all of the most popular prog or power metal bands, or just OK prog/power metal bands. Just be happy we have this at all.
SAVAfan said:
I do hope im wrong, but it is my first immpression.

with a line-up that would make people stand up and take notice.

And thats exactly what I did!

I am so fuckin pumped for this show its not even funny!
I cant quite agree with you Riceloft, I think to become the PREMIER US festival, which I thought PROGPOWER was, one has to try and have the PREMIER artists.

Just OK bands, (as you put it) are just that, OK, my only problem with this lineup is that for me personally, It doesn"t have that "gotta see" act on the bill.

As i tried to state before, I just dont quite seeing this years festival living up to the potential it could have had.
I'll chime in here :). For me as a fan, I am psyched! Nightwish!? Never thought I would get the chance to see that happen! You realize this is their "year off" as well, so Glenn really made it happen with that. Rage!? how many albums do they have now , like 20? FIRST appearance ever in the USA. That's a big deal. Evergrey and Symphony X return for good reasons, people love em and request it out the ying yang. These 2 bands are hotter than ever as well. Circle II Circle! You think we're gonna get the chance to see this band on a big stage anywhere else in the USA anytime soon? Think not, Glenn took a chance on this one, one I am GLAD he did. The material (in case you didn't realize it's Zak, Ex-Savatage singer) is like Edge of Thorns era Savatage! Pagan's Mind!! This is on eof the mot hyped bands right now, and personally it's one of my top albums of 2002. Redemption! I won't give away any surprises on this one, but the album kcisk butt and it has some top notch players, definitely an up and coming band to watch. Secret Sphere!? Again, who else would ever give these guys a big stage to come over and play on. This is one of the hotter Italian bands out there. I personally love em. Mercenary! This band will appeal to the more aggressive loving crowd. HEAVY.

So, you have to look at this lineup and take it for what it is. A killer balance of Power/Prog (which Glenn purposely tried to keep balanced this year) and presented in a highly professional stage/manner that you absolutely will not see anywhere in the USA, unless you want to go watch some major label big buck paying bands at OzzFest. Glenn simply can not afford to bring in ALL the big names out there like you may be asking. Money does make a difference unfortunately. As it is, Glenn will be investing around 50+ grand on this show, that takes BALLS. Now, there were some other bands that almost played but for this and that reason it just fell through. I will leave that up to Glenn to divulge at a later time as he feels like.

Bottom line is, the bands may not hit everyone's fav lists, but majority of people out there will be highly stoked to make this show. There will absolutely be NO corners will be cut anywhere, that's not an option. I believe PPUSA IV is keeping with the tradition and quality it has lived up to/is expected from fans.
MetalAges, you forgot Vanden Plas, another superb band that's finally getting over here, and one Glenn went out on a limb for considering what happened with PP II.

Also, and no one's mentioned this yet, but perhaps the bands many (myself included) had pencilled in to play had scheduling conflicts when the festival wound up being in September rather than later in the fall?

For example, Iced Earth is headlining Wacken this year, and perhaps they're going out on the road in Europe in support of the new album and things just didn't work out. I'm sure it's not for lack of trying on Glenn's part. Everyone relax, it's ProgPower, it's going to rule.
I have no idea what it is people want for "premier" bands. For one thing, -last- year's lineup made people stand up and take notice. No problem there. I think this year's lineup mixes some good standbys (Rage, Nightwish) with the best of the up-and-coming (CircleIICircle, Pagan's Mind(!), Secret Sphere).

There's not a band on the list that I'm not looking forward to seeing.
Rage might be "ok" by your standards, but if you ask me they are a deservedly a headlining act. Theya re one of the greatest bands ever (up there with Gamma Ray, Angra, Blind Guardian, Helloween, etc) It is all a matter of taste and opinion.
I think by saying "bands that make people stand up and take notice", what is being suggested is to have bands that a significant amount of people actually recognize by name or actually listen to:

Helloween, Children of Bodom, Stratovarius, Rhapsody, Sonata Arctica, Running Wild, Pretty Maids, Sentenced, Axel Rudi Pell, Iron Savior, etc.

I'm not saying these bands are "better" than any others, I'm just saying that they are all more recognizable than Pagan's Mind, Mercenary, or most of the others this year. Rage is Ok and NIghtwish is good on that level, but I gotta agree with the first post here.
Well the stand up and notice bands really are bands that headline large venues in their home territory.. nightwish is one of those.... Helloween woudl be, Gamma ray, BG, Angra those all were...

Regardless of hwo much you liek a band doesnt make them bigger or more noticeable or a better draw..

I love RAGE but I know they are not as big as nightwish.. Hell i think Aria is better than every band except helloween btu i know they wouldnt draw over 200 people in the entire USA.

I know what glenn is doing, i just dont think the prog bands have the same kind of draw as teh power metal bands.

i wuld have liked to see 4 "big" bands t with 2 "medium bands i.e. RAGE and then 4 small bands i.e. " silent force" yes i know it s matter of cost. just saying what i woudl liek to see. I hope glenn can eventually get to a 5k seater venue
I wasn't saying that the bands this year are just OK (well, maybe in your opinion, but its just that, an opinion), I was making a point.
MetalAges said:
I'll chime in here :). For me as a fan, I am psyched! Nightwish!? Never thought I would get the chance to see that happen!

I have to say that for me this was the "MUST SEE" band I never thought I'd see either. So much so that I got tix to see them when I heard they were playing Bloodstock UK.

I am ecstatic they are playing Prog Power. As for the rest of the line up I'm happy with it. I've seen SymphX and Evergrey and they are damn good and can't wait to hear the other bands but Nightwish was the icing on the cake.
Ifor one, have never seen any of these bands live.. so Symphony X will be a special treat for me since everyone else here seems to follow them on tour they've seen so many shows :p

Nightwish is one I'm happy with
Circle II Circle - love Savatage, didn't know Zak had this band
Evergrey.. got into them right before PPIII

the biug suprise for me is Mercenary.. I can't wait to get both their CDs.. the 2 songs I've heard have droolin for more. I'm a huge fan of "heavy metal" as well hehehe for like of a better genre AND I'm suprised a band like this got on the bill. :headbang: to me this seems like a trend from III-IV, because I didn't think Devin fit the "format" last year. I think it's a cool idea to have a band like this at every PP. Just one though.. before all you people start wishing for the ultimate Darkane/Soilwork/Terror 2000/Defaced PP super lineup.
Nah, he does it all for the nookie.

I just don't see Glenn as a "money-hungry" promoter. He's doing something he loves. Some money has to be made to be able to continue the festival.
And if he does makes a few extra bucks, what's the harm in that? He deserves it, IMO.

As for the line-up, I'm satisfied. :) Will the line-up make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time? Nope. But PP offers a variety of bands for fans with a variety of tastes.

There aren't any other fests that I would even consider traveling almost a thousand miles for. All hail Glenn!

FataMorgana said:
There aren't any other fests that I would even consider traveling almost a thousand miles for. All hail Glenn!


REALLY? I love Glenn and appreciate his efforts as much as anyone, but you wouldn't even consider traveling for oh, say, Wacken Open Air? Or any of the countless festivals in Europe? If that's so, then, wow.