Is it me?


A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
Or does this song just hit the spot? This is one of those songs that has the arrangement I can't get over. The chorus just sounds beautiful melodic, something I don't hear often anymore in most metalcore bands.

Not a fan of the Fall Out Boy-style vocals, both stylistically and for the fact they feel out-of-place to me - it would've been much better with growls/screams IMO, at least for the verses. Also, they just about used up their yearly ration of 16th-note arpeggios. I dig the production though
It's been one of my favorite albums since it came out and the mix is absolutely phenomenal.

Ugh, growls in this more than what's already in there for the breakdown would kill it - these guys are too good to be lumped in as another growled verse/sung chorus band.

Totally agree. I admit I wasn't the biggest fan of the vocals when I first listened to it but they grew on me along with the help of the vocal melodies being pretty sweet.
Love this band - the intro to this song gets me every time.

Even if you don't like this kind of music at all, you can't really deny the amount of talent there is in terms of the arrangement and musicianship. I love these guys :)
The songs kind of remind me of Periphery a bit, or just Djent in general. Maybe Djent was an influence??? Does anyone hear it too?
[UEAK]Clowd;9627771 said:
I don't understand how anyone could dislike this.

I would claim the exact opposite... Isn't this shit for emo girls?

EDIT: now that I've forced myself to listen to this to give it a fair chance, the vocals is the key aspect ruining it all. And those Muse-keyboarding parts are just killing off whatever chorus that ever was... They should ease of on the ambient and keyboards and it would make a better song.

Dig them, dig them a fucking lot.
Love the guitar parts.
The singer.
The Drums.
Its awesome.

That being said, I can see how people would hate them.

The same reason why I don't listen to Nevermore and such bands a lot.
The singing fucking KILLS the songs.

But with this I love the singing.

This with screaming would ruin it IMO.
Big mountain range echo of drews first post
I got about 5 seconds in, not for me
I can't comment on the arrangement for obvious reasons