Is it respectless or am I so uptight?


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Last night in rehearsal, almost at the end of the end of the night, the singer just started spitting on me and my drumkit, for no reason. He thought it would be funny. :mad:

I immediatelly stopped playing, put down my sticks. And said get the fuck out, tonight is over. :heh:

Now the guitar player, who sort of encouraged him, made his apologies. The singer however kept his mouth shut, like I was completelly wrong in my reaction, and should pick this as joke.

Now, what may be weird is that my biggest frustration is him spitting on my drumkit, completelly disrepsecting my gear, something I worked hard for to earn.

Just needed to get this of my chest. No apologie till now or something, he just kept quiet to me for about the half hour drive back to the train station.

"Singers: 100% of the time the biggest asshole in a band."
It happened to me at a concert the same, except it was the bassist of another band spitting on my cab while they were playing.... I almost wanted to kill him with my old foot board controller:


But before hitting his head with that thing I stopped doing it, I said to myself "he's just a moron, I'm gonna talk to him about this" as soon as I walked on stage I told him "What the fuck you're doing?" several times and eventually this pissed him off and wanted to punch me in the face... then total mayhem: a riot was happening lol
Of course I have seen all the mess happening: people form the outside getting in to just punch people, people from the blocks away getting in just to make some good mess.
As soon as all this shit was happening I said to the guys of my band "just leave before someone calls police" hahahah
In the inside people fighting and we outside packing gear and going to another club to drink something! lol
So in the end I think you were a cool guy saying that, you did the right thing and remember: your singer will always think you were the asshole for being pissed off at this, people like that don't understand you put money heart and soul on your gear!!!!!
to me, spitting on a person is one of the single most disrespectful things you can do...i personally would've been on top of his shit in a heartbeat

honestly, i'd hit my own grandmother in the face is she spit on me
As would be punching him really really hard in the face.


to be honest, he got off light!!

I don't mind if a singer has to spit to clear his mouth, but spitting on you or your kit... he needs to get his act together, at least your guitarist apologised...
to me, spitting on a person is one of the single most disrespectful things you can do...i personally would've been on top of his shit in a heartbeat

honestly, i'd hit my own grandmother in the face is she spit on me

This times 100000... it's disrespectful.
to me, spitting on a person is one of the single most disrespectful things you can do...i personally would've been on top of his shit in a heartbeat

honestly, i'd hit my own grandmother in the face is she spit on me

Only time I ever slapped a chick in the face was right after she spit in mine

I apologize for nothing ... that shit is beyond rude and disrespectful
it's fashion in here, don't know why but every shitty band here spits in their own mouths, to the band AND TO THE AUDIENCE!

Learn to sing/scream first, bastards

Rifle them
How on earth is spitting on someone and his gear even remotely funny and/or amusing?

I think your reaction was apt. Definitely an awkward situation to be in though. I hope you sort it out without it aggravating further.
Yeah you handled that pretty well i'd say. I would have hopped over the kit and went all kimbo slice on him. That's one of the most disrespectful things to do to someone.
If someone spits at me, i will bash their fucking head in.
Im serious.. if you ever want to die, spit me in the face.

I could probably take a kick in the groin as a joke, but if you disrespect me by spitting on me, you are fucking dead.. and i dont mean dead as in "you are so dead", i mean dead as in "Wow, i didn't know that thing could leak!".
It happened to me at a concert the same, except it was the bassist of another band spitting on my cab while they were playing.... I almost wanted to kill him with my old foot board controller:


That would have done more damage to the FCB than that guy's head. :saint:
Spitting on another one's gear isn't a joke. I think spitting in general is pretty disgusting too, kids which just have reached puberty think you look tough when doing so at busstations but i think it's very fucking disgusting.

Also i think i would be much more of an asshole towards him, i would have probably stopped playing, put my sticks down and he wouldn't have left the room without making apologies