Is it respectless or am I so uptight?

if i were you, ii would never allow him in my presence again without an explanation and a sincere apology, and even after getting those... IF you do... you should still be firm, and let him know that he's "on notice" with you. one more incident, and you should either fire him or quit the band yourself... it's not worth it to put up with such degradation.

if you let it go too easily, it will only be that much easier for him to walk through that same door again, the next time he feels like it.... the same also though if you make TOO big of a deal about it... because then he will know exactly how to push that button and set you off.

some people are just hopeless though man... for whatever reasons they never learn to have any respect for other people, and they only show it to those they fear. there's something broken in these type of people, and it's sure that you or i are not qualified to "fix" it.... you just have to write them off and move on. life is too short.

ftr, like everyone else, i too would have found it extremely difficult, to impossible, to contain my immediate rage... as you get older though, once you leave your twenties and have more in life to lose, violence seems less and less a wise course, regardless of how righteously angry you are.... simply put, even if he spit on you, if your response is to kick his face into the dirt, he could soon own your drum-set, figuratively speaking. best to deal with him quietly or legally.... and spitting on someone is considered assault, btw.
Last night in rehearsal, almost at the end of the end of the night, the singer just started spitting on me and my drumkit, for no reason. He thought it would be funny. :mad:

I immediatelly stopped playing, put down my sticks. And said get the fuck out, tonight is over. :heh:

Now the guitar player, who sort of encouraged him, made his apologies. The singer however kept his mouth shut, like I was completelly wrong in my reaction, and should pick this as joke.

Now, what may be weird is that my biggest frustration is him spitting on my drumkit, completelly disrepsecting my gear, something I worked hard for to earn.

Just needed to get this of my chest. No apologie till now or something, he just kept quiet to me for about the half hour drive back to the train station.

"Singers: 100% of the time the biggest asshole in a band."

thats singer is the relaxed one, whereas, my co-guitarist and I tend to be the ones who take things too far...

but spitting on another person, in my opinion, is pretty much just a dick move.
Hey, at you are not the lead guitarist for Stratovarius.

Jens Johanssen urinated on Timo Tolkki's leg while he was playing a guitar solo live. Lmao
Unfortunately i couldn't find a picture of it anymore...
Hey, at you are not the lead guitarist for Stratovarius.

Jens Johanssen urinated on Timo Tolkki's leg while he was playing a guitar solo live. Lmao
Unfortunately i couldn't find a picture of it anymore...

that was in retaliation to Timo's behavior for the whole tour previous and the show they were playing

in other words, may not have been the best thing to do but it wasn't unprovoked either ;)
Good to read that my I'm not over reacting. It felt humiliating!
Today I actually felt like hitting him in the face, but I had enough of that in my teens, that I sort of left that behind, and now deal with it another way.

The most weirdest thing is actually that I would've never expected this from this guy. We actually never had any personal issues, or he never tried to cross any lines..

Upcoming friday we have a show. I told the rest of the band I won't be playing friday if there's no sincere apologie. 2 bandmembers told me that I'm over reacting, and just needed to let this go, I gave them the response.."if that's the case, i'm out".
Upcoming friday we have a show. I told the rest of the band I won't be playing friday if there's no sincere apologie. 2 bandmembers told me that I'm over reacting, and just needed to let this go, I gave them the response.."if that's the case, i'm out".

My Man!
only time i ever spit is if im feeling particularly phlegmy after a smoke, and that's only if there's no-one else outside but me, and only on some fucking soil or something, otherwise it's fucking disgusting. if someone spat on me, at me, or on my gear, the only solution would be a swift punch to the face.
I had a girlfriend, that liked me spitting on her haha, but even then i couldn't realy get it over my heart haha

Anyhoo, i can see the point in spitting live, but at rehearsal and on each other? what the fuck....

I'd say your more then right to ask for an apologie, and if they would rather spit on eachother then have you in the band then that says enough now doesn't it?
You'll get justice man, don't worry ;)
to me, spitting on a person is one of the single most disrespectful things you can do...i personally would've been on top of his shit in a heartbeat

honestly, i'd hit my own grandmother in the face is she spit on me


I fucking CANNOT STAND people who spit on people.
If it ever happened to me i would straight up just fucking lose my shit.

You were completely in the right man.