is it roopes fault?


Dec 23, 2009

i was wondering this and i dont know if u guys noticed but, the cob sound changed when alexander left the band and roope entered. they did their last big album with alexander (hcdr) and then with roope they did areyou dead yet, blooddrunk and rrf, the worst albuns of cob (even though great). i know its alexi that composes everything and i love roope (i really think he is a total master with the guitar) but u guys think roopes entering in the band has something to do with the sudden change of style of the band? maybe to suit roope better? i dont know.. what do you think?
Well your entitled to your opinion, but honestly RRF has to be one of the strongest albums of Bodom's discography, the vocals are harsh and powerful, the melody is there, and the thrash is there also. Thats why RRF is at the top of my list followed closely by FTR and HCDR.
Alexi also has been a fan of Roope so don't you think his influence in the band would have been there right from the beginning? Plus Roope's mastery of the guitar would allow him to adapt to whatever Alexi needs him to play, so its Alexi thats caused the change not Roope.
i know its alexi that composes everything

there you got your answer. This change is not Roope's fault, it can't be since Alexi composes everything. This change is Alexi's evolution, you can't evolve if you stay always the same. This evolution might have come in a way that most of us didn't like (I still prefer their first albums), but it's life. We can't demand for people to do the same thing their whole lives...

Alexi also has been a fan of Roope so don't you think his influence in the band would have been there right from the beginning? Plus Roope's mastery of the guitar would allow him to adapt to whatever Alexi needs him to play, so its Alexi thats caused the change not Roope.
^plus this.
well i never said that i thought it was roopes fault. i just found out that its a big coincidence the entrance of roope and the start of a new type of sound, so i just wanted to know what you guys thought about it... i just think people like altitudes and ipot should calm down with the insults cuz they must be some fucking emo fag guys that need to be agressive to everything that moves and i think thats not a good way of living. everybody else answered in a normal and respectful way, whys that?
i just think people like altitudes and ipot should calm down with the insults cuz they must be some fucking emo fag guys that need to be agressive to everything that moves and i think thats not a good way of living.
No, I just hate retarded people who feel the need to state obvious things.
I implied that you had to be at least deaf if you didn't notice that COB's sound changed after HCDR -.-

ah that. ok but i didnt create a topic saying: COB SOUND CHANGED AFTER HCDR OMFG:| i create a topic asking if that has anything to do with roope, which theres a big coincidence of his entrace with that change, which could create some debate. it isnt that obvious, therefore im not the retarded your saying i am:fu: (yes i find this smile funny)
It's not roope's fault Alexi wants to make more riff orientated music, and more progressive riffs too. He used to do all this BM style riffs with a bunch of powerchords, but I guess he's not into BM anymore or not as much at least.
I'd presume the answer to the thread's question is an obvious no, since as stated man times, Alexi writes the music. But what I find interesting, is that why most people always talk about "the big change" of HCDR -> AYDY. COB's sound has progressed on every album, and for example the changes SW -> HB, HB -> FTR, FTR -> HCDR are a lot bigger than the change from HCDR to AYDY. The smallest change IMO is AYDY -> BD, and HCDR -> AYDY being the second. Is it the number of other things (departure of Alexander, changing of guitars, concentrating on US, lyrics shifting to "fuck you-attitude", starting to tour with gay bands etc.), that make that change look much bigger than it really is, and people somehow think it's just the music? I'd say it's, that the songs on AYDY are just plain bad, but the style is not that different from HCDR. It's essentially the same, with slightly more thrash and less/no atmosphere. I find the change between the first two albums to be easily the biggest .
its a big coincidence the entrance of roope and the start of a new type of sound

Did anyone notice how Alexi became much less depressed around HCDR days? Maybe that was because he was happy when Ale left! It can't be coincidence! Or maybe because they deliberately sold out to America? Or maybe Alexi took mental meds which killed his creativity? Don't think too much. :)

With Roope they're doing what they want to do, cos if Alexi wasn't happy and couldn't write what he wanted, he would've taken another guitarist.
If Ale was somehow behind it, he'd have an own band and claim he's continuing the old COB music, and earn all the fans of old COB. But even that makes no sense cos he was with them when they made HCDR = the first new style Bodom album.