is it roopes fault?

i know its alexi that composes everything

but u guys think roopes entering in the band has something to do with the sudden change of style of the band? maybe to suit roope better? i dont know.. what do you think?

as you said alexi still composes everything (by far the greatest parts of the music)
I think the change in their music after hcdr is a `normal´ thing which just happened (they said that many times in interviews). people change, they made knew and different experiences, improved their guitar skills- why should they play the neoclassical elements over and over?
I think it`s not fair to blame roope for their musical change. when they (alexi and roope) played together in sinergy they had all those melodies too :)
One thing I want to point out that I feel like a lot of people misunderstand is that Alexander would have no fucking problem playing any of the new material live, so the theory of Alexander's skill being some kind of hindrance is bullshit.

The way I see it, sometime around HCDR Alexi starting writing for himself rather than to sound like something in particular. AYDY, BD, and RRF are in my opinion just products of the way Alexi was feeling musically and emotionally when he wrote them. The albums before that, from what they keep saying, is Alexi trying to be an Yngwie style band because that's what was really popular at the time.
One thing I want to point out that I feel like a lot of people misunderstand is that Alexander would have no fucking problem playing any of the new material live, so the theory of Alexander's skill being some kind of hindrance is bullshit.

How many people say that?

The way I see it, sometime around HCDR Alexi starting writing for himself rather than to sound like something in particular. AYDY, BD, and RRF are in my opinion just products of the way Alexi was feeling musically and emotionally when he wrote them.

And the earlier albums are not?

TThe albums before that, from what they keep saying, is Alexi trying to be an Yngwie style band because that's what was really popular at the time.

No, it wasn't. Neo-classical playing was popular in the 80's
why should they play the neoclassical elements over and over?

It was never all about the neo-classical stuff... It's the feeling, the atmosphere, the mystery, the passion... something like the melody in SKO or Roundtrip, that's the stuff old fans enjoy about Bodom.
Joonas you have come a long way since your starry-eyed blind love for COB back in the day. You understand that new COB isn't what it can be, and may not ever be what it can be again.

With that said, I don't think it is Roope's fault even though for me, Roope is a negative presence in the band (Due to the fact the band went completely south since he has been in the band.). The band clearly changed between Follow the Reaper and Hatecrew Deathroll. They went to lame ESP guitars, drop tuned guitars, thrash songs, and opening for retarded bands.

I know there are a few on this board that feel the same way I do, and they are unsettled at claiming COB is awesome. I used to have no shame in saying that COB is my favorite band of all time, because their music was so brilliant and connective. Now when I tell people about COB I sure hope to hell they look up their old stuff and don't listen to their new stuff, because I don't want them thinking that is my kind of style. Sh*t, I would rather listen to current Bullet for my Valentine than current COB.

They say you should focus on solutions, not problems. I have plenty of friends who were die hard COB fans from their "first 3" and now don't even like the band anymore. I showed one kid Kissing the Shadows back in the day, and immediately he said "Wow, this is now my favorite band" We need to get some people to quit sucking off Alexi, and tell him he is wasting his valuable lifetime playing garbage to posers who really don't appreciate the talent that he clearly possesses.

I'm going to come up with rational arguments and flood the COB mailboxes, because it is worthless complaining to you guys about it. If Alexi at least realizes one of his absolutely die hard fans feels let down by the band, maybe he will change and give us some of the brilliance he displayed as a teen and young 20-something.
I don't know what happened but Alexi/COB changed around when he started writing Hate Crew Deathroll... there's greatness in every Bodom album, but personally for me it's unfortunate to hear much thrash influences... When there's a good moment in Relentless Reckless Forever it feels like Alexi's been living a confused dream and is about to remember what made COB great.

Personally my wet dream is a COB album that shares the atmosphere of the Hatebreeder & Follow the Reaper albums, shitloads of orchestra hits and brutal riffs but most of all the atmosphere and interesting melodies with a lot of depth, and of course lake Bodom back in the cover art. If I was billionaire I'd offer Alexi millions to make this for me lol.
Alexi was very young during the first albums, and wasn't he pretty suicidal too? I think it shows in lyrics and the somewhat grim atmosphere (atleast compared to the new stuff) the old albums have. He surely cheered up after that, which you see in the music and lyrics (FTR -> HCDR) too. Also in his younger days he listened mostly to black and death metal, and the band even toured with such, and I think that shows in the music. Nowadays they tour mostly in states and play with gay bands. That, (and surely Alexi's own changed musical preferences) shows in the music too. I think he said in some 2-3 years old SOB interview, that he could compose stuff like SW, but he doesn't want to. I believe it. And obvioulsy they are aware, that many old fans hate their new style, Janne even made a "Everything after Follow the Reaper sucks!"-joke here.

But as much as I dislike the new stuff and like the old, I think the band has to do music they like themselves, so it doesn't become forced (check the new Deicide, hah). "Shitty" music with soul is better than "good" music without one.
Alexi was very young during the first albums, and wasn't he pretty suicidal too? I think it shows in lyrics and the somewhat grim atmosphere (atleast compared to the new stuff) the old albums have. He surely cheered up after that, which you see in the music and lyrics (FTR -> HCDR) too. Also in his younger days he listened mostly to black and death metal, and the band even toured with such, and I think that shows in the music. Nowadays they tour mostly in states and play with gay bands.

I've even thought to myself maybe he took meds around then to stop the depression and they also put a veil before his deepest creativity... but I'm not sure if Something Wild wrecks that theory cos personally I don't find that album so deep, it's weird, dark and personal but quite different from the two that came after. It could possibly all be just hallucination in our heads that Alexi changed his mindset dramatically which reflects in music... maybe it's more an attitude change in the music, from writing about lake Bodom to writing about alcohol and stuff.

I think he said in some 2-3 years old SOB interview, that he could compose stuff like SW, but he doesn't want to. I believe it.

I believe also that technically he could write stuff similar to the old (he talked about the first albums), but it's not just about technicality, but vision. If he really could, then why didn't he write SNBN 2 for the new album instead of one of the weaker songs? Cos they've done it before? Well they've done the new shit quite a lot now too so that won't do for excuse. Lots of bullshit goes on when they defend the newest work imo. I'd like to ask them if they can name some properties in their old music that was better, or if the new is better in every aspect. Of course they could say not better but different.

Of course the early work had a strength and a weakness of its own as does the newer work, so it's impossible to say which is the 'best' COB album, that's why a lot of analyzing has to be done when accusing something to be worse. Hugging each other here and trying to decide if they're metal enough or not, it's a bit lame but what are you gonna do.
the change is probably because they want to hear new progressions, melodies, and rhythms. Remember, they play the same songs over and over and over, night after night, for months... years.

For musicians of their skill, its inevitable that the bands ears beg for different colors. thats all.

IMO RRF is great!