well, for me it is nearly dead, little to offer anymore, maybe because i'm not into it anymore, don't ask me, maybe i wasn't in it really. I mean there are little bands except Metallica and Iron Maiden, that i have been listen to. I never liked the typical Metal vocals and so i turned into other genres like doom and gothic. Nowadays, i don't care which genre a band is in, i simply like it or not because of various reasons. But back to metal, the only band which i would describe as something new or inventive is System of a down. I liked a few songs, but couldn't really listen to the whole cd. And maybe Tool, if you call them metal, then they are a good thing for metal. But then, there is not really much imo, but maybe i'm not too much into it to judge it as dead.
I'll leave this to others.
I'll leave this to others.