Is metal "dead"?

Is metal "dead"?

  • Yep. All new bands are crap. Same old shit.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Well, probably. Bands that offer something new to the scene are very few.

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • Can't say. I like some new stuff, but I miss the good old golden years.

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • I don't think so. Most new bands are very interesting and should be checked out.

    Votes: 6 14.0%
  • No way. Metal is stronger than ever. Hail to the new order.

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
well, for me it is nearly dead, little to offer anymore, maybe because i'm not into it anymore, don't ask me, maybe i wasn't in it really. I mean there are little bands except Metallica and Iron Maiden, that i have been listen to. I never liked the typical Metal vocals and so i turned into other genres like doom and gothic. Nowadays, i don't care which genre a band is in, i simply like it or not because of various reasons. But back to metal, the only band which i would describe as something new or inventive is System of a down. I liked a few songs, but couldn't really listen to the whole cd. And maybe Tool, if you call them metal, then they are a good thing for metal. But then, there is not really much imo, but maybe i'm not too much into it to judge it as dead.
I'll leave this to others.

What i'm sayin is that traditional metal is probably dead. Arcturus, Solefald, Opeth and all these bands you mentioned cannot be discribed as plain metal. They have so many different influences (pop, rock, electro, goth, punk, etc.) And like Bambi said all these "power'' metal bands that stick to good old metal have nothing to offer. Why do i need Hammerfall when I had Warlord and Helloween in the '80s, for example? The same with thrash and death metal. It's all the same. And the bands that do something different, ultimately have to move away from the classic metal fields...

I voted for the second option. It's not dead but it doesn' have much to offer... Sorry for this pessimism but that's how I think it is...
Ive heard Sigh, Arcturus and Opeth and its ok stuff but you cant put them alongside Celtic Frost or Bathory. I thought Samaels 'Passage' was a good album but even that was years ago now :(
The reason I dont listen to much metal nowadays is because it simply aint good enough. Theres much more innovative and exciting artists doing electronic stuff and they dont have to rely on nice t-shirts and impressionable kids to keep people interested.
metal changed a lot through the years, but i still think that there's some decent stuff nowadays, althought that sometimes it's hard to find...
saturnus are metal,arent they?cool stuff,and they are on the way of releasing a new one.
but i can say that decent bands dont get the attention they the metal business involves a lot searching,at least here in greece.and it becomes even more fascinating!

and most of the swedish death bands are ace,with dark tranquillity in front!!!do we need more? i dont think that it's possible to have like 20 bands that are in their peak simultaneously,for everyone's tastes.

btw,arcturus sham mirrors?ha?
Originally posted by Strangelight

if we're looking for metal of this kind...then, no. sorry, we dont have such bands now. i did buy mötley crüe's last album and it's really a great rock 'n' roll album but those times are gone, lets face it. metal has taken a new, experimentalist direction now and i think it's great! band like opeth (and especially opeth) lead the metal scene today. arcturus and emperor (R.I.P) had some amazing stuff out recently.

metal is not dead, it's changing and this is inevitable for all kinds of music. you know "the only thing that doesnt change, is 'change' itself." pick up a swing/jazz album from the 40s and compare it with today's fusion/jazz stuff. amazing difference!

and for those who look for something that resembles the oldies a bit, check out slayer's last album. :)
No way. Metal is stronger than ever. Hail to the new order.

Just look at the website we're all posting at... ultimate metal

There's lots of great bands at this site...

Metal today is far superior to the stuff from the 80's.
That's probably cos you like prog (which is on the rise)... But what about metal as a whole? And still most prog bands today are terribly overrated if you ask my opinion...
Originally posted by sol83
That's probably cos you like prog (which is on the rise)... But what about metal as a whole? And still most prog bands today are terribly overrated if you ask my opinion...

I like a lot more than prog.

Metal as a whole is at its creative zenith right now. It's time for metalheads to stop living in the past. There's a lot more out there than your nostalgic 80's acts.
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
I like a lot more than prog.

Metal as a whole is at its creative zenith right now. It's time for metalheads to stop living in the past. There's a lot more out there than your nostalgic 80's acts.
I'll agree to that... Personally I do not like the 80's (Sophia will kill me for saying this :D )... The 90's had much more to offer... And still in the new millennium we are seeing bads like Isis that take this kind of music even further... Prg metal is at its best, though I find it kind of tiring at times... Take bands like Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity, Opeth, or even System of a Down! They are at their best right now!

If you are talking about classic 80's metal (Maiden, Priest, Megadeth etc.) then yes it is dead... But I would not call it death... I would call it evolution... Imagine if 5000 bands released albums exactly the same as "The Number Of The Beast"... Not that it is not a great album, but life would be sooooo boring if there was no originality...

Enough said for today... Take care :D
the only metal band i really still look for new releases is sentenced. i really like the way they mix lyrics and music, it's proper ace.
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
I'll agree to that... Personally I do not like the 80's (Sophia will kill me for saying this :D )... The 90's had much more to offer... And still in the new millennium we are seeing bads like Isis that take this kind of music even further... Prg metal is at its best, though I find it kind of tiring at times... Take bands like Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity, Opeth, or even System of a Down! They are at their best right now!

totally agree with you at the point that 90's is better than 80's.but don't think that Amorphis and System of a down(god I hate 'em) are at their peak right now..:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Eos
THAT CD RULES!!!! That´s how death metal vocals should sound like :rock: :rock: :rock:

HarmonyDies do you know (or maybe have something to do with) the band Harmony Dies? :confused:

negatory, just like them alot. i wonder what happened to them.