People who abandon metal music

Abcidia said:
yeah i have, my siter downloaded from emule, whop i mean she bought it. lol

I am 25 and still listen to loads of metal, its the best music in the world. And is the music with the most faithfull fans.
I love classic rock as well, Oh come on you have to admit it , rock and metal music rules.

so youre actually retarded. cool.
so victor, what about people who stopped following metal bands because they genuinely think the scene has become shit, but dont deny they used to like metal and still listen to their old metal records? i need you to illustrate me.
I wonder on what basis Mehdi chooses between nice or shitty comments to bombard a specific e-girl with.
Alwin said:
I'm 29 and still listen to a lot of metal and go to concrts as well, but I don't follow the scene as much as I used to do

but you try your hand at the dire attempt on your sig link instead
:tickled: a fucking cat could do that

id be ashamed to post that up mate

good work...
Miles Behind said:
I would DYE FOR METAL!!!!
And what would you DYE FOR METAL???:tickled:
My father's 46 and he still listens to fuckin' heavy metal, so i guess you can be a metaller all your life, but it's not forbidden to listen to other types of music
i was listening to very early swedish death metal one night recently, must of took 6 hours for my fix, good grinding bass and uno botte de vino! all these metal bands nowadays are pure shite, someone gave me this new slipknot cd a while back, ffs i know those riffs backwards and forwards, ive heard it all before but better. cant believe they can get away that