People who abandon metal music

Light said:
What about people like me, who listen to metal, and techno, and stan ridgeway, and don't watch telly, ever, except for UFO films and shit?

i like you
I listen to a bunch of styles, and metal is one of them; so I don't think I'll "outgrow" it or get sick of it. If I only listened to metal since my early teens, I'd probably be sick of it now. I've had a very open mind about music since I was like, 15, and I never pigeonholed myself into one genre.
MoonsOfJupiter said:
I listen to a bunch of styles, and metal is one of them; so I don't think I'll "outgrow" it or get sick of it. If I only listened to metal since my early teens, I'd probably be sick of it now. I've had a very open mind about music since I was like, 15, and I never pigeonholed myself into one genre.

that's about how i am too.
Trust alwin the comedian not to get the joke. It's the first time hes actually posted something funny :tickled:

On a more sombre note: go fuck yerself Alwin, ya economy sized tard :Spin:
Miles Behind said:
I would DYE FOR METAL!!!!

Hell, I'd even pay for metal!
Bambi said:
Trust alwin the comedian not to get the joke. It's the first time hes actually posted something funny :tickled:

On a more sombre note: go fuck yerself Alwin, ya economy sized tard :Spin:
that felt good now didn't it?
I'm 29 and still listen to a lot of metal and go to concrts as well, but I don't follow the scene as much as I used to do
metal is far from being dead, take such great bands for example:

Primordial, Orphaned Land, Katatonia, Opeth, The Provenance, Madder Mortem, Hollenthon, Morgion, Arcturus... and many more
yeah i have, my siter downloaded from emule, whop i mean she bought it. lol

I am 25 and still listen to loads of metal, its the best music in the world. And is the music with the most faithfull fans.
I love classic rock as well, Oh come on you have to admit it , rock and metal music rules.
Fenre said:
I listen to the music I like. fuck whatever genre they're categorised in. that's only for narrominded idiots.
But what about the sceeennnee maann?? what about being a faithful fan?? what about the warm security blanket feeling you get of knowing that everybody at a gig is just like you and you wont hear anything new or challenging that will make you feel unsure of whether its okay to like it?? :cry: Unless, ten years after it happens, musical innovation filters down to your sceeennee in the digestable form of arcturus or somebody :tickled:

to quote ikeaboy: " :Puke: :Puke: "
Hypnos said:
metal is far from being dead, take such great bands for example:

Primordial, Orphaned Land, Katatonia, Opeth, The Provenance, Madder Mortem, Hollenthon, Morgion, Arcturus... and many more

You did forgot my nicest metalbands!!! "Motor Head" and "Slader" much nicer than your list!!! They are unfamous bands I think :yuk:
Bambi said:
damn right miles, carry the correct my cronologically challenged bro!!

Binevenue metalfreind!!! Did you hear one song of "Slader" is it called "Iiiiiitsss Cristmaaaaaaas!!" singer has nice side beards""""