People who abandon metal music

The tell-tale signs of the "I've outgrown metal" syndrome:

- Metal bands who, when asked by interviewers which metal bands they listen to or have been influenced by, list no metal bands... "Oh, I only listen to singer-songwriters, indie, techno, and trip-hop these days..."
- The "only metal bands whose heydays were in the 80s (DiAnno-era Maiden, Motorhead, etc.) are valid and credible" claim
- The denial that ANY-- even ONE-- metal band to have come out in the 90s is good
- Speaking of metal in an ironic, "I'm-so-hip-and-above-that-and-I've-got-a-shag-haircut-even-though-I-had-a-fucking-lion's-mane-6-months-ago-and-I-wear-those-trendy-black-small-framed-glasses" condescending manner
- Revisionist history... denying, for example, that a few years ago you were listening to death metal and instead fomenting the myth that you were always into 'hip', 'deep' bands, often punk(ish), like Killing Joke, Neurosis, Swans, Fugazi, etc, and fucking singer-songwriters.

Remember, you can't escape your metal past. There are some things, after all, that a 'hip' haircut, a pseudo-eclectic attitude, brand new cut-and-pasted-sensitive-indie-playlist, and a sudden disavowal of past pursuits cannot obscure.
It will haunt you, your past. Face it, you ARE METAL.
Against what?

One of my friends, who's early twenty-something now, said the same though, he hates when someone says "I don't listen to metal any more" :D He said he thinks he'll always be a metaller.
its just music at the end of the day, listen to what yis want, that top statement is for geeks. i loved 'billy jean' when i was 6
overgrowing metal does happen and, in many cases, is normal. live with it!

listening to music, and even better, writing music is deeply connected with the state of mind and personal mood one has or is going through. it is as simple as that. also, some music can be compleately understood at a certain age or level of maturity. so if you start to understand pink floyd, for example, you will not feel the same way about "3-riff chords-bands", hence the expresion of "overgrowing" metal. but this case is limited, so the expresion is often missused and offensive even.
No musical style is stagnating if you really make efforts to discover good music for yourself, not waiting for it to be promoted as the next big thing. Still, it's a completely different thing to say 'it does nothing for me anymore' for whatever personal reason or to exclaim 'style x has become shite, I miss the early days, boohoo, and I'm standing above it now anyway'.
what about the people who are listening to metal nowadays and denying that they used to like popmusic?
What about people like me, who listen to metal, and techno, and stan ridgeway, and don't watch telly, ever, except for UFO films and shit?