Is Origin a dissapointment for you?


It's one of my favourite albums of 2006. And the remake of "Ocean's Rise" is absolutely brilliant. In fact, it's my favourite song from this album.

I'd like to hear another acoustic Borknagar release in the future, after the next two "normal" albums, made with a different approach (personally I'd like more piano and less folk next time). Or maybe an EP or a bonus acoustic cd, that would be nice.
I'm not so agree with that. All depends of Oystein... if he compose better songs or not is the Deal...

I have to disagree. Oystein can do no wrong. For me weather or not the new album is good depends on if Mr.V continues to awkwardly push his vocal range. He sounded great on Epic but there were parts on Origin that made me cringe because he tries to push his voice so damn high and it sounds strained. I don't see why he can't go back to the deep vocals, surely he's still capable of doing them. So why not do both?
I have to disagree. Oystein can do no wrong. For me weather or not the new album is good depends on if Mr.V continues to awkwardly push his vocal range. He sounded great on Epic but there were parts on Origin that made me cringe because he tries to push his voice so damn high and it sounds strained. I don't see why he can't go back to the deep vocals, surely he's still capable of doing them. So why not do both?

I agree with this so much. He can go experiment all he wants with Vintersorg or Waterclime etc. But why Borknagar? I personally feel it's just not working with it, and for me is ruining such beautiful music.
It is my least favourite Borknagar album, but still it's not a disappointment. I remember before album came out, it was described basically as regular Borknagar songs played all with their acoustic arrangement. Sounds about right to me. I enjoy it from time to time but it doesn't have that huge, fiery mightiness to it because it is intentionally subdued and mellow... so as I said, not a disappointment, though I'm not so hot on it either. More or less what I expected.
I also agree with Det Som Engang Var regarding Mr. V. Even though I think he has improved his voice a lot throughout the years, I miss some deeper clean vocals.
I have to disagree. Oystein can do no wrong. For me weather or not the new album is good depends on if Mr.V continues to awkwardly push his vocal range. He sounded great on Epic but there were parts on Origin that made me cringe because he tries to push his voice so damn high and it sounds strained. I don't see why he can't go back to the deep vocals, surely he's still capable of doing them. So why not do both?

Just bear in mind that my vocals are much "higher" on Epic that Origin

mr V
My mistake Mr.V, I guess I payed less mind to it on Epic since that's my favorite album you've sang on.

I realize I'm being pretty rude, and I'm sure you aren't because you're Mr.V and I'm nobody, but I have to say anyway that I hope you don't take any of my stupid opinions personally. I wouldn't want you to dislike me. You're still one of my favorite singers of all time sir, regardless of what vocal style you're doing.
My mistake Mr.V, I guess I payed less mind to it on Epic since that's my favorite album you've sang on.

I realize I'm being pretty rude, and I'm sure you aren't because you're Mr.V and I'm nobody, but I have to say anyway that I hope you don't take any of my stupid opinions personally. I wouldn't want you to dislike me. You're still one of my favorite singers of all time sir, regardless of what vocal style you're doing.

OH, This is what you're whining about on your MySpace. I think I've insulted Andreas way too much, don't worry about it. He'll just make sure to purposely fuck up his vocals on the next album to annoy us all <3

Also Andreas, I think your clean vocals are more noticeable on Origin than Epic because you growl on Epic, whereas Origin is purely clean. So it's an easy mistake to make. Also he wasn't necessarily complaining about how high your voice is, but more about the vocal ranges you seem to be trying for and how you jump from one to another. One thing I always disliked is how you can go from a high note to a lower note and it kind of jumps rather than flows into it, and even worse is I find it just has no connection with the music being played.
Mr V's vocals have come along way since he first started out. I didnt really like his deep voice, but these higher vocals are sweet!
Yeah I was drunk last night Isjungfrun I worry over stupid things when I am.

And Kazaum we might bitch a lot, but when its been seven years since a band has released its best album I think some of our bitching is justified.
My mistake Mr.V, I guess I payed less mind to it on Epic since that's my favorite album you've sang on.

I realize I'm being pretty rude, and I'm sure you aren't because you're Mr.V and I'm nobody, but I have to say anyway that I hope you don't take any of my stupid opinions personally. I wouldn't want you to dislike me. You're still one of my favorite singers of all time sir, regardless of what vocal style you're doing. must have been drunk to sound like such a kiss ass.

But i agree that sometimes mr. v's voice does sound strange when he pushes for those high parts...he has a strange voice in general anyway. Sometimes it is very good and sometimes it is very bad. One time i dated this chick and i made her listen to vintersorg and she was like "whats wrong with the singer, he sounds really weird".
Yeah, it's a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting something a bit more metallic. Even though I knew it was going to be an acoustic album, I was expecting it to be a bit more hard edged than it is. Don't get me wrong, I still like it. But if I want a mellow album, I'd much rather listen to "The archaic course". Plus I prefer the original "Ocean's rise". And as others have said, it's delayed the release of a proper metallic Borknagar album.

So... Empiricism part II, please!