Is Origin a dissapointment for you?

I'm with you about White not being that great, despite Lars' awesome vocals.

Seriously though guys, The Human Nature and The Spirit of Nature. How can you not pick those? I'll never forget last winter when I was high as hell and was in some nature with The Spirit of Nature stuck in my head. It was just amazing. And The Human Nature is EASILY the most emotional Borky song. As much as I love Simen, theres no way in hell he could have done what Mr.V did with that song.

I've been thinking a lot about my post regarding Mr.V in this thread since I made it and I hope he reads this because I've changed my mind a little. I think I'm starting to prefer his newer voice, as long as he doesn't really overdo it with the vocal range. He certainly conveys more emotion with it than he could on an album like Till Fjalls, but I stand by my statement that he should do both vocal styles. Variety is always a good thing.
Bergen is the place to be.

That's what I hear.

Too bad my great-grandparents thought differently; they left the paradise that is Bergen, Norway for...South Dakota.

Someday I hope to visit; my father really wants some stuff from over there. And he actually kindasorta likes metal; he thought Origin was some great music.
I can agree with you on most points, except the last one: What is it that makes this song go down so well with so many of you? Its number one in the poll, and . . . well this is in fact the only song on the album which I cant stand. Its got this hysterical vibe thats simply discomforting. "White" is my hit and miss on Origin . . . which by the way is a VERY competent album, WAY better than the horrible Cronian output from the same year. Whereas Terra is painfully lacking of any feeling whatsoever, Origin overflows with beauty and emotion from start to finish - White being the sole exeption - and the climactic point being Acclamation, by FAR the best song on this stellar masterpiece. Mr V's voice is perfect for acoustic pieces and overall, i must say, this is a better production than Epic, a record on which the electric guitars where left with a rather blunt sound, painfully forcing its way through the mix. Yeah, almost forgott: the artwork and layout for Origin is top-notch, Asgeirs best job together with Empiricism, no doubt.

I liked Cronian a lot. Some of the songs reminded me of tunes on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It just has a... I guess, scifi-winter epic-vampire slaying mood to it? =) I love Iceolated and the Alp... I think they're great songs! And the last song on the album (Durance? forgot the name and I'm without my playlist / music in general)... except the little shiny-twinkly sounding thingies that were obviously Mr.V's idea (and I know it was because they appear, better used, on the Focusing Blur).
Rivfadír;6832725 said:
I really liked Terra as well. Much more than Origin, although I don't know why we're comparing them.

No specific reason at all. The only two reasons why i mentioned them in the same post was because - first - they are the product of the combined creativity of Mr. Brun and Mr.V, and - second - they were released the same year. Musically there is very little that bonds these two, that's for sure. When it somes to Terra, the description "disapointing" is far more fitting then when it comes to Origin. I think the whole title of this thread is misleading. to me tis album was a positive surprise. One could fear that an accoustic piece easily would tend to be a rather one-dimension effort - but how wrong i was in my preconception. Origin is full of dynamics, beauty and well-developed, soulfull music. I'm not one bashes lightly, but when it comes to Cronians Terra it's definitly the other way around, for me.

Now, i have really given this album a chance - no, not one, maybe hundreds! I have approached it from every possible angle trying to find a way to grasp it's musical expression, but every time it slips away. Terra, to me, comes out as uninspired and horrible oversaturated with keyboardlayers, in-your-face-strange drumprogramming and lack of strong songwriting. But most important: i doesn't deliver the atmosphere it sets out to conjure up. Next time: less is more. don't pack in to much bobbling gobbling keyboards. If you want to create a musical interpretation of an arctic landscape, try explore the dynamics of a more naked, stripped-down sound.
Now, i have really given this album a chance - no, not one, maybe hundreds! I have approached it from every possible angle trying to find a way to grasp it's musical expression, but every time it slips away. Terra, to me, comes out as uninspired and horrible oversaturated with keyboardlayers, in-your-face-strange drumprogramming and lack of strong songwriting. But most important: i doesn't deliver the atmosphere it sets out to conjure up. Next time: less is more. don't pack in to much bobbling gobbling keyboards. If you want to create a musical interpretation of an arctic landscape, try explore the dynamics of a more naked, stripped-down sound.

:lol: Your opinion is noted. But I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing ;) I'm sorry you didn't like it but that's ok. Honestly I could write pages about how people love Opeth and Nevermore, but I simply can not get into their music no matter how hard I've tried (and god knows I have in the interest of being open minded). In the end, it's better, in my eyes, just to keep it to yourself. I realized that you can voice your opinion, but it's better to keep it brief :p To go into so much detail about something you don't like never made much sense to me. I'm only speaking for myself ofcourse because I learned a long time ago, however immature, it is only natural that some people get offended/mad at such rants. I can respect someone that doesn't like a band I do, like Borknagar for instance, but it would make me a little sore to hear them go on and on about why they don't like them, etc. I'm glad that you have given it a chance though, that makes me respect you a lot because, to me, the only thing worse than going on about something you hate is hating something you were too ignorant to listen to in the first place (and therefore shouldn't really have an opinion).

EDIT: Wow, I wrote a lot :lol: Too early for me to be on the internet I think.
I just think Origin is way too "thin" and Mr. V is using his voice in all the ways he is the worst at. It's all just too light. I was hoping for more of a dark album, like Kveldssanger was.
In the end, it's better, in my eyes, just to keep it to yourself. I realized that you can voice your opinion, but it's better to keep it brief :p To go into so much detail about something you don't like never made much sense to me. I'm only speaking for myself ofcourse because I learned a long time ago, however immature, it is only natural that some people get offended/mad at such rants. QUOTE]

Well there is a lot to say about this, but i will try to keep it breef and focused. To some extent i can agree with you: mindless bashing to the left and right for the sake of being mean/rude/arrogant or whatever IS pointless. however, creative analysis of art is in my world something quite different. I dont set out to offent either the band or anyone at the board. Is my analysis incorrect in your opinion? Well, then crush it whit some wellfounded analysis on your own, and please share it, becacaue - for me - reading different opinions/reactions to musical outputs gives boards just like this one some of its worth. Forums just like these give every individual a chance to be a reviewer him- or herself, for what its worth. But again, mean bashing is something way different, at least as far as i am concerned.

And I will stick to my guns on Cronian ... but i shall for the sake of fairness and balance add that Terra actually contained at least one really good song - Illumine. They should just have done it in Borknagar instead :loco:
Not a big fan of Terra either although I haven't given it much time to grow on me. Heartless, listen to Dreaming Neon Black by Nevermore a few times if you ever get a chance, and learn a little about the concept behind it. Half of their albums are just awful so I can understand why you wouldn't like them.