Is Origin a dissapointment for you?


Borknagar is the spirit of NORWAY

The day there are Borknagar songs in Swedish is the day the band ceases to exist. It would have to be renamed, I dunno, VINTERSORG.

I think that Borknagar could record an album using ukuleles, a marching band, and Saami yoiking, and as long as Øystein Brun is involved, it'll still be recognizably Borknagar.
I liked Lars in that video. Yelling on the loud speaker and then before it shows him doing backing vocals:

*hand on chest* AHHHHHH! AHHHH AHHHH AHHH!

And then Oystein messes up and goes OOOOAAAAAAWWWWWWW *picks nose* *acts like he's gonna eat the camera man*

Who was the one who said "...Gallery of the grotesque" I bet it was Asgeir that was really funny too.
I thought Lars mostly handled the camera, so I expect it was him. Sounded like his voice when he said "...Gallery of the grotesque".
Damn I need to watch that video again. It always cheers me up.

I'm expecting to run into Oystein in the middle of the street or something. Yeaaah lmfao.
NEVERMIND, Just re-watched it, doesn't sound like Lars as the voice is too deep, so much be Asgeir.
And being able to figure this out suddenly makes me feel extremely creepy.

Also, not planning to go until around May anyway. Going to hit Oslo for a day or two, go out drinking with an internet friend and then head over to Bergen because BERGENZ IST TR00 BLARK METUHL etc. Really wanted to go to Kristiansand and Trondheim though, just going to have to save them for another time when I have a better income, because DAMN is Norway expensive. I was checking out hotels, the cheapest one I can find is like £100 Per person per night. So we'll be taking around £500 just to have somewhere to sleep, nevermind money for anything else ;_;

hi borknagar guys give us a place to stay!
Oh yes! It's such a great video. It's also on youtube.

I'll go as far to say it's the best video I've ever seen without Simen in it, including tv shows and movies.
I have been listening to it again recently, and I think it is a beautiful collection of songs. Lately on these boards I have been hearing that Origin is a disappointment. Why is that? It is quite unique and full of flavor, sort of like sushi. :)

I think Origin is a great album :) I don't understand either why people says it's bad :u-huh:
The song "White" is just wonderful !!! :cool:
NEVERMIND, Just re-watched it, doesn't sound like Lars as the voice is too deep, so much be Asgeir.
And being able to figure this out suddenly makes me feel extremely creepy.

Also, not planning to go until around May anyway. Going to hit Oslo for a day or two, go out drinking with an internet friend and then head over to Bergen because BERGENZ IST TR00 BLARK METUHL etc. Really wanted to go to Kristiansand and Trondheim though, just going to have to save them for another time when I have a better income, because DAMN is Norway expensive. I was checking out hotels, the cheapest one I can find is like £100 Per person per night. So we'll be taking around £500 just to have somewhere to sleep, nevermind money for anything else ;_;

hi borknagar guys give us a place to stay!

Bergen is the place to be.
I think Origin is a great album :) I don't understand either why people says it's bad :u-huh:
The song "White" is just wonderful !!! :cool:

I can agree with you on most points, except the last one: What is it that makes this song go down so well with so many of you? Its number one in the poll, and . . . well this is in fact the only song on the album which I cant stand. Its got this hysterical vibe thats simply discomforting. "White" is my hit and miss on Origin . . . which by the way is a VERY competent album, WAY better than the horrible Cronian output from the same year. Whereas Terra is painfully lacking of any feeling whatsoever, Origin overflows with beauty and emotion from start to finish - White being the sole exeption - and the climactic point being Acclamation, by FAR the best song on this stellar masterpiece. Mr V's voice is perfect for acoustic pieces and overall, i must say, this is a better production than Epic, a record on which the electric guitars where left with a rather blunt sound, painfully forcing its way through the mix. Yeah, almost forgott: the artwork and layout for Origin is top-notch, Asgeirs best job together with Empiricism, no doubt.