Is the Still Life reissue released yet?


Mar 3, 2002
Sudbury, Ontario
Visit site
I went into my local music store this afternoon, and wanted to buy Still Life and Blackwater Park today and they had MAYH, Morningrise, Orchid, Deliverance and Still Life. Anyways i pick up Still Life which is in a digipack packaging and on the back it says 2003 Peaceville which im sure is the remaster but i look on amazons web page and it says that the release date is is April 29 2003 which is next month. Did i get an early release somehow or did they just make a typo on the amazon web site? Thanks
I am thinking of getting the digi pak edition, I saw 2 in my local cd shop yesterday, but no cash. It either that, or Viva.

Is it worth? I mean, I would only get it to put in my collevtion, i like to have all memoribilia :grin:

Dvoters said:
I am thinking of getting the digi pak edition, I saw 2 in my local cd shop yesterday, but no cash. It either that, or Viva.

Is it worth? I mean, I would only get it to put in my collevtion, i like to have all memoribilia /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif


Well, if you already have the first edition i dont think its worth it because there is no difference between the two. There are no stickers, ect with the reissue, it just comes with the booklet. But if you dont own Still Life, it is for sure worth it because the CD kicks ass. But then again if you like to collect everything Opeth and if you have the cash, go right ahead and buy it:rock: