Is there any old Opeth fans who actually LIKE Deliverance?

I don't.

At first, I told myself to give it time, because Opeth often takes a while to absorb. But then I realized there's nothing to absorb. It's all pretty straightforward.

Let me stress: Not bad. I'd like it if it were by another band. But I hold Opeth to a higher standard.

Sorry to be a pooper.

edit: Of course they're still my favorite band by far. ;)
I might be the only one who thinks that Wreath wasn't a good choice for the opening track... I think it drags on and pulls you into a slumber too much to be a good opener. To me, the song gets a little boring at times and needs something else especially when it goes into that brief soft part before the growls of "calling me back" start up again... Right there it seemed like it was leading you somewhere else, but then it went right back to the same thing again, before ending with same riff as the intro. I think Deliverance would've worked better to start off the album.

I still do like the album, but I can't see how someone wouldn't find The Leper Affinity to be a much cooler song than Wreath, especially for an opener. When the band made the comments about this being really heavy and brutal, I was expecting songs with more asskicking riffs than the title track of Blackwater Park and The Funeral Portrait... but they're not really to be found here in abundance. No song on the album compares with the song Blackwater Park in that regard, except maybe By the Pain I See in Others, but that doesn't flow very well in my opinion.

To me, this album needs one more song with a moderately fast pace to it, that flows well and keeps you moving and wandering what's going to happen next... I guess that's one of the reasons I like The Leper Affinity so much.
I'm not new to Opeth really...

And I'd say Deliverance is great, but not stupendous. In other words, its worthy of having OPETH stamped on its cover, but not worthy of its own hype. I find myself really liking Deliverance, but not to the degree I liked all the others when I first heard them.

Of course...I don't think its fully grown on me yet, could pull a Morningrise and hit me in the face with its brilliance like that CD did...8 months after I got it no less...:eek: (it really suprised me when I had had Morningrise for so long and yet never got fully into it, than one day...BOOM I was obsessed with it...:rolleyes: )
Originally posted by godmachine12
It has some of the best guitar work, especailly the solos. They are soooo much better.
Yes, it has solos, but the rest of the guitar work sucks. Since when does Opeth compose riffs on one note?
Originally posted by Hearse
Its kinda "darker" than earlier Opeth albums, which I like ALOT :D
That´s because you´re an underaged goth pussy. Which I like alot. Join me and we´ll be flying over the nocturnal skies with dark bloody wings.

I´m pissed because the food is late.

I don´t love it. It´s OK, even good and gets better all the time but there are lots of (in Opeth scale) things I don´t like in it.
i dont know how anyone cannot like that album, yes it's different, buts thats opeth, each album is different, thats how it should be, they keep progressing and trying new things with there music.
Not all Opeth has to be good. I´ve never felt necessary to get Orchid for example. Didn´t like it that much at all.

Of course they keep progressing and changing but I´m a fan of their music, not them. I don´t have to like the change.
I am 30% Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.
I don't like the way Opeth is evolving.
"My Arms..." and "Still Life" are ex aequo best Opeth albums in my opinion. That's because each time I listen to them, I recognize more and more guitar work put in them. All the heavy riffs with accoustic guitars somwhere in the background ("April Ethereal", "Demon of the Fall", "Moor", etc.). All the acoustic masterpieces played several times (or with several guitars) at once with slightly changed notes each time to provide very complex result. More! Heavy riffs change to acoustic parts naturally, logically. This is great! Sometimes I start listening to "Prologue" and then I "wake up" from the trans at the end of "Credence" :)
"Deliverance" surprised me in not-so-positive way. I was expecting alot better album after superb "MAYH" & "Still Life" and very good (almost great) "Blackwater Park". "Deliverance" is simply good. What good are heavy riffs and growls if the whole song isn't constructed as logically as the ones on previous albums?
I'm glad most people aren't that happy with Deliverance...
perhaps Opeth can get rid of all the fans who jumped on the bandwagon after BWP... lol.

Seriously, I guess I'm an old time Opeth listener (started listening right after Morningrise '97-98). To me it's good... sure I miss some elements from the earlier days... I enjoy the classic, almost 70's vibe of Morningrise and Orchid and the coldness of MAYH, and the superior production of Still Life... But overall, it's a album I'm glad Opeth made. A bit more acoustic guitar (not just strumming) would be nice... and less of the whining type BWP guitars (especially at the end of songs) would also be nice...
A really good album on the whole, though...
I've been listening to Opeth for some years now and to me Blackwater Park was a disappointment. Deliverance however is not.
Now I'm not sure why I love Deliverance, perhaps because I haven't listened to Opeth much lately, but it did rekindle my interest in them bigtime. I'm still uncertain how to rank it compared to the others but I know I like it a lot more than Blackwater Park and perhaps more than Still Life as well.