Is there any old Opeth fans who actually LIKE Deliverance?

Originally posted by FlatteningOfEmotions
Another thing...I kind of feel bad about not liking Deliverance much. I feel like I'm obligated, due to how hard the band worked on it.
Are you Opeth's "fan" or "fanatic"?
Everyone has favorites. Get used to that concept. Deliverance is a good album, better than 90% of the stuff that will be released the last 2 years.

You really want me to tell you that there is something I don't like as much on Deliverance that I liked about the other albums? Its not as "deep". There.

It still rocks. Its evil and beautifull, its all I can ask for.

do you mean old-opeth fan or old opeth-fan?
I've been listening to them for only a year. However I do love their old stuff as long as the new. I'm an opeth fan in the way that I ENJOY-LIKE-LOVE-PRAISE-WORSHIP every single note of theirs. And I think Deliverance kicks ass. It's NEW. I do think that sometimes it becomes raw, but it has many deeply melodic parts as well. And ,of course, it needs time to absorb because it's OPETH. It's the kind of stuff that (like their other volumes) I'll never get bored listening to.
I agree that "Wreath" was a poor opener, not at all like the opener of BWP, which just nails the listener. However, I do like it, even if it didn't grab me right from the start.

I'm an old fan, and I'm impressed with it, but I wouldn't dare say it's the band's best. Still, solid, straight-ahead metal.
I find it for the most part to be bland and boring, don't get me wrong, musically it's still great but for me it lacks the atmosphere and emotion that i expect when i take an Opeth cd out of the case.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed i guess, when i think of the other opening tracks, in mist she was standing, advent, april ethereal, the moor, even the leper affinity, they all blew me away from first listen and set the mood for the rest of the album but in comparison wreath just seems weak and apart from a few moments the album doesnt pick up much from there.

Personally i don't listen for the musicianship although i still respect it, i listen because of how it makes me feel, its about that moment as the last track fades away and you just sit staring, unable to move, still captivated by it. Deliverance left me with nothing, i tried to like it, i want to like it, and if it was by another band i probably would like it, but its an Opeth album and i just expect much more...
Some of you people need to get a hobby. I think all you do is live to bitch about things and try to sound like you know something the rest of us don't. If they'd done something different, you'd bitch. If they'd made the same type stuff, you say they've gone stagnant and bitch about that as well. (mocks) This sounds like this part in this other song on 1:11 into the intro. This sounds too much like this. Big deal. It's called having a sound. To the hopefully few of us here, not to name names or point fingers, who have this nasty habit, give the rest of ours ears, or eyes if you will, a break. Go to work for Rolling Stone. They know everything too and would love your talents. I mean, if you don't like some song or part for whatever the reason, fine. But for the sake of sounding musically superior or something like that is monotonous and boring. No, I don't like everything on this album either but you don't hear me dissecting every part like a frog in biology class and nitpicking about similarities or whatever either.
I personally love Deliverance.

It's not my favorite Opeth album (MAYH is tops for me), but it's great in it's own right. Opeth's albums seem to grow on me over time. The longer I listen to it, the more I like it. I've been listening to Deliverance for about 2 weeks, and I like it more now than when I first listened to it.

By the way, I've been listening to Opeth for about 2 years and am no way a Blackwater Park bandwagon jerk. I started with Orchid and worked my way up to Blackwater Park.
I am disapointed with deliverance, it is, well, rather boring. Listening to other albums, like orchid, and my arms your hearse take my breath away. I get a feeling of a music orgasm, but not with deliverance. i did hope it would grow on me, maybe it wasn't that bad after all, but ut hasn't happened yet, so I don't know
Your are 62% Goth

Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a good chance you're bi. Freakiness pumps through your viens, but you can still laugh at yourself.

Deliverance is an Opeth album, and Opeth proves with each release how talented they are compared to a majority of bands out there today.

You may have a favorite sound, whether it be softer or harder. You may like clean vocals or growling. You may like or dislike repetition.

But no matter - can anybody actually say that Opeth is not talented? There is so much crap on the market. When I put on Opeth, it is so obvious that these guys know what the hell they are doing as a band. As a unit - they put together some pretty amazing music.

I may not like classical music, but I can still listen to an orchestra and know they have talent. So you may not like the "sound" of Deliverance, but I'd be hard pressed to believe anyone who says Opeth is not talented.
I've been listening to Opeth since I saw them tour with Nevermore. I love all their albums, including Deliverance. I think Deliverance is just as good as any of their other albums. I really don't see what is wrong with it. I feel its just as "deep" and "Opeth" as any other album, but in a different way. Just like BWP was Opeth in a different light, as with SL, and MAYH, etc, etc.

I guess I am what you call and old-time Opeth fan... got "Orchid" shortly after it was released and have been into Opeth since then. I do see why some people aren't very pleased with the way Opeth has evolved. They've sort of strayed a bit from the heavier path, and gone more towards the progressive kind of music. I myself can't see any flaw whatsoever in this choice, since I absolutely love the last three albums. "Still Life" is what really put Opeth among my top 5 bands ever. Blackwater Park was somewhat weaker IMO, since it was a bit more "mainstream" (stupid word to use when talking about a band like Opeth, they'll never be fucking mainstream, but you get the point). With Deliverance however, I think they've taken the good stuff from BWP and combined it with the good stuff from "Still Life". As if that wouldn't be enough, they've evolved quite a bit as well. This record is so far beyond any earlier Opeth-stuff that I can see why some people love it, and some people still have a way to go before they love it. The metal society is divided into two parts: The ones who love Deliverance, and the ones who will. You who really don't like Deliverance should probably stay far away from Damnation once it is released. I believe it will be almost entirely progressive, soft, and very different material. Or in the words of Martin Lopez:
"- Damnation is a totally different thing, a completely acoustic album without distortion besides a few solo guitars. We can say the whole album is in the vein of song like 'Benighted' or the 'Face Of Melinda' without the end and all the ballads. So the new stuff is a pretty progressive album and it`s not metal at all. "