Is there anything TRULY EXCITING going on in metal these days?

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
Is it just us? Or were the years 2000-2004 THAT MUCH BETTER FOR METAL? It seems like every week something new and interesting was coming out. But since then I (now speaking personally) have become jaded. There are SO MANY mindblowing things going on in rock/pop/electronica/etc right now that I have a hard time getting myself even moderately interested in the metal world.

So.... What has happened in the past five years that merits my attention? My only qualifications are that it has to be:

1) Very good


2) New. Just crafting a quality re-make of Epicus Doomicus Metallicus doesn't cut it anymore, even if the album itself is 8+/10. I want something that pushes boundaries, not something that could've been released 20, 10 or even 5 years ago.

That is all. Thanks.
From my wanderings around the internet I feel like "real" metal just isn't very popular anymore.

Other than some mythical point in the 80s, was it ever?

And with the internet, does a geographical "scene" really matter that much anymore? If not, does that mean that the internet is part of the problem?
@ Great Deceiver: Pretty good songs (especially The Chasm, who have always been some of the best at what they do), but for the most part these fail at my #2 qualification. I feel like all these songs could've come out in 1997 (especially Christicide). Portal pretty much does nothing for me from any standpoint.
yeah, i was talking to you :loco:

i'll check these out and my mind better be blown ... I saw you drooling for the Gorillaz all over Facebook. Isn't that some band that had a quasi mega hit in the 90's?

btw, I have nothing new or mind blowing in the metal field. why does stuff always need to be reinvented? it doesn't mean if its "new" and "different" it has soul or balls ... the 2 things a song must have ... either/or really. but innovation better come packaged with the fore.
I saw you drooling for the Gorillaz all over Facebook. Isn't that some band that had a quasi mega hit in the 90's?

Gorillaz are pretty much Damon Albarn (of Blur fame) and a shitload of guest stars. The new one has Lou Reed, Mos Def, De La Soul, Bobby Womack, the National Orchestra for Arabic Music and many more. This is only the third album under the Gorillaz name (the hit you're probably thinking about is "Clint Eastwood" from their first album). Anyway, I think they perfectly represent pop music from the future, basically a mad combo of hip-hop, dance, rock, 80s synthpop, etc. Ear candy for sure, but fun as hell. Nothing artsy-fartsy here.

btw, I have nothing new or mind blowing in the metal field. why does stuff always need to be reinvented? it doesn't mean if its "new" and "different" it has soul or balls ... the 2 things a song must have ... either/or really. but innovation better come packaged with the fore.

I sort of agree with this. Of course anything without "soul" is merit-less. I guess the standard question at this point would be, "Would it be okay if Slayer released RIB over and over again?" (Maybe that's a bad example. I almost think that it would.)

For every re-hashed metal album, there are just as many failed experiments. Just ask Tiamat.
So you've got XX band who may be the best thing since Nemtheanga picked up a microphone, but only some fucks on an internet message board care at all. These bands are not influencing the mainstream. at. all.

I think you're underestimating the internet. I know, from a rock/pop/indie standpoint, the internet is directly correlated with the explosion of amalgamations (i.e. electronics/sampling becoming more and more a part of guitar-based music), especially the "freak folk" movement of the mid-2000s. I mean, you had bands coming out influenced by god damn 1970s albums that I'VE never heard of. I think we're going to see a cross-pollination of epic proportions, with all the obvious positive and negative effects you can imagine right now. Another example would be the West African sound that is the hip new trend (see: Vampire Weekend).
2009 was a mindfuck of year for metal. Some would argue the best of the decade. Now, if we were to limit selection to truly unique things though, I can think of a couple. I'll provide direct DLs to each album.. your choice if you want to youtube clip hunt but I'd advise against it. These are experiences that should actually be experienced... fully. The first 2 things I mention come from that year.. the last comes from 2007.

Master's Hammer - Mantras

This album is simply out there, but what do you expect from these guys. There's electronic (dance?!) parts in some songs such as Bodhi. Really bizarre. Really fucking amazing.

Skagos - Ast

Cascadian Black Metal. This band puts WiTTR to shame in virtually every way imaginable. In fact, I only mention WiTTR as a point of reference more so than them being similar, so don't worry about it failing criteria #2.

Caïna - Mourner

Not sure how to describe this still to this day. Post-Black Metal I suppose. This is NOTHING like Altar of Plagues to be clear however. Expect The Cure/Pink Floydish elements strewn throughout. I hated Caïna when I first heard it (happened to be this album in fact), but I something drew me back to this album about month later and I've loved it ever since. Probably one of the most unique (and thus unsurprisingly hated by kvltist) pieces in BM.
People who've never heard Deathspell Omega before shouldn't be allowed to post at RC. :)

Ummm I have....just never anything other than Si Monumentum.

Anyone with such a terrible taste in music as evident from your Youtube posts, should only be able to post about Devin Townsend's Terria.
Ummm I have....just never anything other than Si Monumentum.

Anyone with such a terrible taste in music as evident from your Youtube posts, should only be able to post about Devin Townsend's Terria.

You are the worst human being on the planet.

Doomcifer: who the f is that?

Also: why is my computer suddenly not opening .rar files?!?! Help me somebody!
ok, just sat through FOUR TET - Circling ... you have to be shitting me right? this could be the soundtrack to a science show on Channel 13 in the 80's.
without the video, that's not even a song :loco:

I raise you this home made ditty to go neck to neck with that track

on to the next one, Gorillaz ... the lurch needs to hear some new mind blowing stuff :loco:
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