Is there anything TRULY EXCITING going on in metal these days?

"I've told you guys before: bands shouldn't have girlfriends. What if you have a Fleetwood Mac situation? A love triangle. But that was more like a love square. Granted, they did make some of their best music back then."
"No. That's all true.

haha ... but yeah, it makes listening to the lyrics that much more interesting.

kind of like revisiting early Metallica after finding out Hetfield had those fucked up parents ... those song lyrics take on all different meanings.
that's the innovative part? :lol:

I think it has more to do with the second part of what I said. You know, in parentheses.

That said, Gorillaz (and Liars) have to be taken more within the context of the albums that they appear on (upon?). Especially Liars. Everyone should do themselves a favor and listen to Drum's Not Dead (not the new one) all the way through at least once. 8 billion times more atmosphere that 98.3% of this so-called "extreme metal" shite.
that CHASM track was not all that btw. i don't get the hype about this band. never did.
Fuck you lurch, this Beach House song is BLISSFUL. It almost tastes like red velvet cake. Or something.
Doomcifer: don't feel ill of me if I post the link in your sig to my FB account. Informative (and saddening) stuff.
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:lol: This feature is hi-fucking-larious. Censorship FTW!
Doomcifer: don't feel ill of me if I post the link in your sig to my FB account. Informative (and saddening) stuff.

DDDUUUUUUUUDDDEEEE!!!!!! We need as much nimwits to open their eyes and actaully realize what the fuck is going on in the past 12ish years. The irony of it all is that its making music no longer musical.
I am 100% certain in my belief that when metal seems to be old and stagnant and everything new is bad, it's just me that's grown into an old cranky geezer who's too lazy to scour the underground for the quality hellrippers.
I am 100% certain in my belief that when metal seems to be old and stagnant and everything new is bad, it's just me that's grown into an old cranky geezer who's too lazy to scour the underground for the quality hellrippers.

i am almost equally sure that there is a greater share of worthless and unoriginal bands now than there was in the 80's and 90's

there might be a greater number of worthy bands overall but the percentage is abysmal.
i am almost equally sure that there is a greater share of worthless and unoriginal bands now than there was in the 80's and 90's

there might be a greater number of worthy bands overall but the percentage is abysmal.
I'm not sure that there is a greater number of worthy bands, but worthy bands do exist, that's all I'm saying. And they're most likely not really as few as it might seem, it's just that I/you/RC/whoever hasn't heard of them (yet), or maybe heard but dismissed them after a two minute half-listen because I/you/RC/whoever is dead certain that all new sux and never gave it a proper chance with enough time and attention.

I completely agree that there's more shit bands, and they're also more in your face these days with the internet and everything - in the old days, noone tape traded with losers who made crappy music more than once so they died faster than they do now when they can easily whore every fart they record on the interweb ten minutes after it's stopped smelling.