Is this sound real, or fake, or what? Please guess the amp! Surprise content.

And the winner is... Soulltrash!:D

Yeah it´s Nigel in rectifier mode. The sim is lacking some highs and gain. But with some tweaking and post processing, you get a nice ampsim that doesn´t affect your cpu.

Thannks for your enthusiastic participation:Spin:
external IT, or does nigel emulate cabs also?
sounds really good to me, maybe a bit undergained
for exterme metal but especially Test2 seems great
for hard rock and similar stuff! :)
Nigel emulates cabs as well. But i used boogex with Gods Cab IR. Problem is, i had to boost almost 8-10db highs and gain seems weak also. But i only fiddled araound a few minutes...

BTW: It´s killer on bass too.
Whole thing sounds programmed to me guitars included


If those guitars were programmed they wouldn't sound sloppy in a lot of spots... and i know what i'm talking about since i'm the one playing the guitar here :)

It's fun to hear my DI's through other people's "rigs" btw.

Drums are definitely real. Played and recorded/mixed by Kevin Talley.
Whole thing sounds programmed to me guitars included

I believe he used my DI's and theyre not programmed :P

(I know i'm late again :\)

edit: I'm referring to the second clip he posted.. I think i misunderstood since I didn't notice there was two different songs posted :P