Israel VS. The Arab World

Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
Israel is taking it to the Palestinians and the Lebanese. I'm not a big fan of Jews or Israel, or Muslims for that matter but these guys dont mess around! I kinda feel for Lebanon because from what I have read the kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers was probably led by Hezbollah who is backed by Syria and Iran if I am not mistaken. I know Lebanon semi revolted against Syrian interference in their country. Beruit used to be such a nice place to visit before the extremists came about.
Hell i beg to differ,,,they have a much harder core attitude towards defense than we do....

we might have given them the start but they have vastly improved upon what we started them and study is deeply ingrained in the israeli culture even through the religion itself.
IAN442 said:
Hell i beg to differ,,,they have a much harder core attitude towards defense than we do....

we might have given them the start but they have vastly improved upon what we started them and study is deeply ingrained in the israeli culture even through the religion itself.

If it wasn't for those fat nukes we gave israel in the 70's they would'nt even exist today..In fact, Israel is an excuse for us to be in the middle east. Do you honestly think anyone in the Government give a fuck about them?
Buzzard said:
Do you honestly think anyone in the Government give a fuck about them?

Ermmmmm, yeah, I think all those peace-loving tolerant Kykes who pull the strings in your Government absolutely give a fuck.
Which is why the US says nothing whilst the Yids indiscriminately shell civilian homes in racially segregated areas of Palestine/Israel , destroy power plants in acts of "collective punishment" (a recognised War Crime), and constantly defy United Nations Security Council Directives (poor old Saddam ignored one and next thing he knows he's hiding in a hole in his underpants).

It's also why the US gave more money to Israel to help build their illegal wall (once again, in defiance of the UN) than they spent on building a fence to secure their own borders, then claiming they are super-terrorist vigilant and hassling every poor fucker who tries to enter the US through legitimate channels on an aeroplane. (If I was a terrorist, I'm not gonna fly in via JFK, I'm gonna fly into some fly-bitten South American country, then walk across the sieve-like border with a knapsack full of C4.)

Wanna know why the sand my pals hate the USA? Because they see the USA and Israel as being one and the same.
Evil Dead said:
Beruit used to be such a nice place to visit before the extremists came about.

Its true. I had a Lebanese girlfriend for a while (biggest melons I've ever seen on a girl, Arab or otherwise).

Anyway, she and her family used to go to the beaches of Beirut in the middle of the civil war in the 80s. And so did everyone else. Enjoying the white sand, blue waters, perfect temperatures, splashing about, having fun...

While behind them, the entire sky was blackened with smoke from burning buildings, explosions rocked the ground, artillery fire echoed over the ruins of the city, airplanes fired missiles, etc, etc.

Kinda surreal shit. But the beaches have always been killer in Beirut. Sometimes literally.

Buzzard said:
If it wasn't for those fat nukes we gave israel in the 70's they would'nt even exist today..In fact, Israel is an excuse for us to be in the middle east. Do you honestly think anyone in the Government give a fuck about them?
The way everyone tells it, there are alot of Joos in US goverment.
TheAssMaster said:

Wanna know why the sand my pals hate the USA? Because they see the USA and Israel as being one and the same.

Exactamundo...give this man a fish.

If it wasn't for the entanglement of Christianity and Judaism, we would have probably bombed the area to kingdom come long ago. When I was young and brash, I asked my dad why we don't just bury thermonuclear devices in the ground, pull our troops and turn the entire region into a sea of glass...he told me that it's because the whole region is where the "final battle" of Armageddon will take place and where Christ will return. This whole bullshit struggle in the Middle East is all about that.

I mean, have the Christian Bible that says to beware when peace comes to the Middle East. Shit, they even say that the person who brings peace to the region is the "Antichrist".

So the whole problem is that you have people who really want peace there, but you have the kooks who continue the violence because to have peace is to usher in the end's like the United States and Israel are holding back Armageddon.

Read "The Great & Secret Show" by Clive of the characters, Kissoon, is holding back a moment in time by sheer force of will. This is exactly what we're doing. Holding back the moment that Christians believe is the end of days.

Some Christian faiths want the end to come...but I believe that there is a secret sect that is working behind the scenes to ensure that peace NEVER comes the Middle East because they are scared of "The Beast".
All those fuckers know how to do over there if fucking blow each other up, nothing better to do than prove to each other who owns what, and who's got the bigger balls. I say fuck em all.
I sum up Americas interest in Israel as a forced guilt--in 47 we really pushed for the creation of the Israeli nation because of post wwII/holocaust guilt--not doing enough for the jews before the war, and ever since we have felt the need to help, protect, and turn a blind eye to Israel, partially because of the same guilt and partially because of the amount of jewsih interests in out country. Israel is the real reason the arab world hates us-because we take their side over everything and anything.

Question, if Syria started bombing and launching full scale military operations in say Jordon or Israel do you think we would sit by and let it happen? We would be threatening sanctions, UN security council, or even force. What is the US response to Israels agressions? Nothing