
israel can fuck off but so can islam. and judaism, zionists and christian fundamentalists. no answer to it. will be nuked anyway i reckon.
Strangelight said:
Define 'terrorist' then.

Roughly speaking, a group or member thereof which uses tactics calculated to inspire fear for life or limb as the predominant means to achieve its ends, when such a group is not a legitimate governmental authority, and is not acting under the auspices of international law.
israel doesn't listen to any international law organisation.
puts all decisions of the united nations besides them, has nuclear weapons and still america doesn't demand international embargoes like 'no medication is allowed to go into that country' as we did to irak.
when such a group is not a legitimate governmental authority, and is not acting under the auspices of international law.

Yeah, cos terrorism is fine and dandy when it has a government backing it :erk:
pagan2002 said:
israel can fuck off but so can islam. and judaism, zionists and christian fundamentalists. no answer to it. will be nuked anyway i reckon.

You must find it very acceptable and secure to sit in your UK chair while all of you in UK are kissing American ass just to secure peace. You just copy in a bad way, "The American Way"...
Israel besides have it's own position and will to fight for what they're think it's right, They accept America but not in your way...
I can't believe you express yourself in that way for Israel and religions...Innocent people are dying man, wake up!!!
The style of the "fucker" doesn't fits you, sentimental and "Thank you, we love you all!" must be a fine live line to make money...
See you in Greece... ;)
Bambi said:
when such a group is not a legitimate governmental authority, and is not acting under the auspices of international law.

Yeah, cos terrorism is fine and dandy when it has a government backing it :erk:

No, what I mean is that terrorism when it's backed by a government is not an act of terrorism, it's an act of war.
Well now, I have lots of responses to the posts so far, so i'll try to keep it quick.
"Roughly speaking, a group or member thereof which uses tactics calculated to inspire fear for life or limb as the predominant means to achieve its ends, when such a group is not a legitimate governmental authority, and is not acting under the auspices of international law."
-that sounds exactly like the Bush administration. We have a big problem with the culture of fear in the states, fear is good like it makes you worry about your neighbour rather than the government spending money on advertising. Oh yeah, Sadam was taken out and no infrastructure put in place, we have replaced a tyrant with what?. The country had a 89% literacy rate which has gone to fuck now.
Sadam used the media as properganda. Strange the Bush recently used god knows how much on campaigning, on fake news reports.
You can't bomb terrorism, it's an ideology. With bombing this terrorist group, than that, Bush and Blair have effectively united muslim extreme groups together.
nah, theres loads of instances of govts who werent at war carrying out acts of terrorism, israel, us , spain, UK, russia. Its all the rage, declaring war is sooo 1940s
Su Jacko said:
The country had a 89% literacy rate which has gone to fuck now.

Oh come on, the war on Iraq brought many evils, but it didn't make the Iraqis forget how to read. Even if the most hardcore Shi'ites take power, they'll still want the people to be able to read, if only the Koran.