Well now, I have lots of responses to the posts so far, so i'll try to keep it quick.
"Roughly speaking, a group or member thereof which uses tactics calculated to inspire fear for life or limb as the predominant means to achieve its ends, when such a group is not a legitimate governmental authority, and is not acting under the auspices of international law."
-that sounds exactly like the Bush administration. We have a big problem with the culture of fear in the states, fear is good like it makes you worry about your neighbour rather than the government spending money on advertising. Oh yeah, Sadam was taken out and no infrastructure put in place, we have replaced a tyrant with what?. The country had a 89% literacy rate which has gone to fuck now.
Sadam used the media as properganda. Strange the Bush recently used god knows how much on campaigning, on fake news reports.
You can't bomb terrorism, it's an ideology. With bombing this terrorist group, than that, Bush and Blair have effectively united muslim extreme groups together.