
Strangelight said:
If it was so official then why didnt they claim responsibility?

The army was official, not the attack. At least, that's how I understand it. Maybe it was some secret unit. Whatever, the point is that they were agents of the British government.
lord667 said:
The army was official, not the attack. At least, that's how I understand it. Maybe it was some secret unit. Whatever, the point is that they were agents of the British government.

So planting car bombs on the main shopping streets of a city centre is an 'act of war?'
Dora said:
creastfallen what you write is stupid as hell and its just offensive accusation so dont say your a tolerant person when you cannot bear other ppls opinion - pagan was against philosophycal and religios beliefs theories and systems of violent extremist groups, not ppl (here), ffs, and you are offending a person - thats a big difference. and from a govermental action you condemed a whole nation... If anyone is a racist/fasist/biased/aggressive/evil here then its you. shame. get a cold shower.
and look up "hypocrisy" in a lexicon, maybe you didnt notice that its what you did.

Come on now again?
You make it sound that i'm the wrong and bad person in here...It's pagan2002 who wants to NUKE the world... :err:

Who hired you as a lawyer for pagan2002...? Hasn't he a mouth to speak for himself? Or are you another slave or worshiper of the "almost famous" people?
Get over it Dora, they all are people like you and me and there are many "opinions" that someone must keep for himself if he or yourself can't accept the free public critic for what you write.
I also wrote down my opinion on something, doesn't that make you an offencive person too? Leave it Dora, you're just confuced, let others speak for themselves.

Oh...I almost forgot...i don't have to look up what "hypocrisy" means because it's a GREEK word, if you didn't know that. Maybe you sould look it up and if you don't understand i'll gladly explain it to you...check it out!!! You'll also find your photograph beside the word. ;)
whats going on here, all of you calm down , actually no dont i like to see the opinions :hotjump: heeee fight fight fight erm A G R O what does it spell Agro :hotjump:
Allan said:

You can't go to war over an act of terrorism. Osama Bin laden is a Saudi Arabian subject, but because his actions are terrorist and not government policy, we have no justification to invade the Saudi. If he was the Saudi King, then we might.
lord667 said:
You can't go to war over an act of terrorism. Osama Bin laden is a Saudi Arabian subject, but because his actions are terrorist and not government policy, we have no justification to invade the Saudi. If he was the Saudi King, then we might.

Before anyone jumps in, the Afghans were known to be harbouring and supporting terrorists, so we did have a justification against them.
lord667 said:
Before anyone jumps in, the Afghans were known to be harbouring and supporting terrorists, so we did have a justification against them.
Who died went to heaven , and put you in charge of the fuckin war :D
lord667 said:
You can't go to war over an act of terrorism. Osama Bin laden is a Saudi Arabian subject, but because his actions are terrorist and not government policy, we have no justification to invade the Saudi. If he was the Saudi King, then we might.

So if you're a person of authority, your actions are acts of war and all those who you claim authority of, are responsible, not yourself primarily. I'm still confused as to what your point is.
Strangelight said:
Surely thats just as unacceptable as the Palestinian 'terrorists' though, killing civilians and that. Its exactly the same thing.

But the justifiable retaliation is different. If the real Irish Army had been responsible for Omagh or Canary Wharf, under orders from the Irish government, the British response may well have been somewhat different to that which the terrorist IRA, unaccountable to the Irish leaders, provoked.
lord667 said:
The Rainbow Warrior could have been viewed as an act of war by the nations of any of the passengers. The French government's official secret service attacked foreign nationals in foreign waters without just cause. Dublin and Monaghan could have been an act of war because the British government's official army bombed and killed Irish civilians. Either could have easily started a war in more militaristic times. As for the Indonesians - you can, though I wouldn't normally call it such. It would be a cause for civil war, rather than (uncivil?) war.

please tell me that you dont believe the things you have just written. please tell me at least you are not sure.

otherwise, there's nothing i can say to you really. wow, when hamas kills israeli civilians, it's terrorism, but when a State does the same thing, it's war? so, like, it's justified? i dont get it.

i smell hypocrisy. a kind of george-bushy hypocrisy...funny, all this talk of black-white reminded of the time when he said "you're either with us, or them"

yeah, sooooo simple
Susie said:
Who died went to heaven , and put you in charge of the fuckin war :D

Jesus. He phoned me up and said, "listen Dave, this lot don't know what the fuck they're doing, we need you to cook up a plan B just in case it goes tits up like it did in Vietnam. The Yanks'll listen if I tell them you're with me. Oh, and Marilyn Monroe says hi."

Before you ask, I tried 1471 but he blocked his return number.