
lord667 said:
Jesus. He phoned me up and said, "listen Dave, this lot don't know what the fuck they're doing, we need you to cook up a plan B just in case it goes tits up like it did in Vietnam. The Yanks'll listen if I tell them you're with me. Oh, and Marilyn Monroe says hi."

Before you ask, I tried 1471 but he blocked his return number.

That's the most sense you've made on this thread so far lad!
lord667 said:

oh i see what you mean actually. you're only AND ONLY talking about what is war? what is terrorism? you're not debating whether they are just or not. i see

but still i think you are wrong, mate. im against all kinds of violence (both between people and between States), but if there's gonna be war, then civilians must NOT be involved. be it a State or a group of people, anyone who kills innocent children is a terrorist. their aim is to cause TERROR and CHAOS to reach their goal.
lord667 said:
And I already answered you. The difference is that the justifiable responses are different.

So it's ok to kill terrorists but not terrorist supported by authorities, because their terrorist acts are acts of war, to which the only justifiable response is war, not terrorism, but then if your supported by authorities, your terrorism is an act of war too, and thus ok? State funded terrorism is war. Damn, I'm more confused than ever.

Too bad for people without authority who are targeted by authoritised terrorists, they have no justifiable resoponses. I'm still confused about your point.
Allan said:
So it's ok to kill terrorists but not terrorist supported by authorities, because their terrorist acts are acts of war, to which the only justifiable response is war, not terrorism, but then if your supported by authorities, your terrorism is an act of war too, and thus ok? State funded terrorism is war. Damn, I'm more confused than ever.

Too bad for people without authority who are targeted by authoritised terrorists, they have no justifiable resoponses. I'm still confused about your point.

You should really read some of the other responses. This is the THIRD time I've said that "no, just because it's an act of war and not terrorism doesn't make it OK."

As for your confusion:

You can't justifiably respond to a terrorist act by declaring war on the terrorist's country, if the country doesn't support them.

You can justifiably respond to an act of war by declaring war on whoever told the person or persons involved to carry it out.

It's OK to kill terrorists, whether or not they're supported by a state, but if they're supported by a state, you could conceivably go to war with that state AS WELL.

Whether or not your act is an act of war, it's not OK to do it.

People without authority targeted by authorised terrorists, where the authorised terrorists answer to the same government as the victims, have a justification to rebel or declare civil war if the government refuses to stop the terrorists' actions, and to call in outside help if it's available, be it UN, NATO or just an interested third party.

People without authority targeted by authorised terrorists, where the authorised terrorists answer to a DIFFERENT government to the victims, should appeal to their government to take appropriate action, up to and including going to war upon the government from which the authorised terrorists derive their authority, and the victims' government has a duty to take such action in order to protect the people under its protection.
lord667 said:
You should really read some of the other responses. This is the THIRD time I've said that "no, just because it's an act of war and not terrorism doesn't make it OK."

Yeah yeah, i meant ok in the whole justifiable response context, that whole thing only brought me back to my initial question.
Allan said:
Yeah yeah, i meant ok in the whole justifiable response context, that whole thing only brought me back to my initial question.

Well then I can't see what you're confused about. The differences in the justifiable response ARE "the difference that it makes". That IS my point.
lord667 said:
You can't go to war over an act of terrorism.

Going back to this, Israel killin Yassin (finally remembered his name) as a response to terrorist acts, but killing him wasn't terrorism, but an act of war, but then.... arh, confused again.
Allan said:
Going back to this, Israel killin Yassin (finally remembered his name) as a response to terrorist acts, but killing him wasn't terrorism, but an act of war, but then.... arh, confused again.

Killing him wasn't an act of anything. As an anti-Israeli terrorist, his life was forfeit to the Israelis. Remember, these aren't the UN's rules, they're just mine.
lord667 said:
People without authority targeted by authorised terrorists, where the authorised terrorists answer to a DIFFERENT government to the victims, should appeal to their government to take appropriate action, up to and including going to war upon the government from which the authorised terrorists derive their authority, and the victims' government has a duty to take such action in order to protect the people under its protection.

So you think Israel had every right to kill Yassin, but the Palestinians have every right to go to war with Israel because of it?

Seems you share the logic that resulted in this mess.
Allan said:
So you think Israel had every right to kill Yassin, but the Palestinians have every right to go to war with Israel because of it?

Seems you share the logic that resulted in this mess.

Palestine have to have the right to go to war if Israel start killing their citizens, yes. When they're deciding whether or not to do so, they should consider that Israel had a blood claim on Yassin and wasn't just attacking random Palestinians. Maybe they will, maybe they won't.
in 9 days, the palestinians send two children with belt-bombs to israel! one was 10 the other (from yesterday) is 14 years old.
what is your opinion now?