it is tough being an anthrax fan when.......


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
Charlie and scott always come off as huge whiners and complainers. I have been an anthrax fan since the 80's and will always be one. They must realize that there are tons of bands competing for the spots on fests like ozzfest. They weren't the only ones kept off as a result of ozzfest going from nu rock to metalcore heavy.

Except for possibly winning over some kids, I am starting to wonder who they really might win over new fan wise in the states as most metalheads around the web do nothing but laugh at this constant complaining that gets made really bad when it gets posted over at the cut and paste masters-

Charlie has always been one of my favorite drummers but he needs to realize there isn't a big conspiracy against him.
Ya know Sean, I was sorta with you....but where would Metallica be w/o these guys? Although I am sure that want no claim to what the Mediocre Met have become. And look at the shit spewing from Milano's hole, and that ass-wipe playing for Sebby Bach.

Yes, I am a fan-boy, but who could follow these boys on stage not feel second rate? Who could say they are as fan friendly and oriented as Anthrax? Why are they always asked to play on a "tribute" album? Ian has answered an e-mail or two of mine, would Hetfield/Lars/Simmons/etc,etc?

Yea, I guess, they bitch a little, but hey, I would too.
I must admit that when I started reading BlastBeat, my first thought was "here we go again..."
well i sympathize with charlie. anthrax always seem to have it tough and go through loads of shit.

how frustrating can it be to make such a killer album like WCFYA and struggle to sell 50,000??

things don;t go their way and so he bitches about it - what's the big deal?? i would do the same.
Do you think some of these bands are insecure and don't want to get one-upped by Anthrax's great live performances? Something to think about...

Hmmm...I haven't posted very often, though I check the message board at least once a week. I have supported Anthrax since 1987, have seen them seven times, and have all of their Belladonna/Bush era studio CD's. I am a fan by the standard definition. It's great that many of you have a cool rapport with the band, though my experiences have been quite the contrast.

The first time I met anyone from 'Thrax was in late 98 in Boston for the Vol. 8 tour. My friends and I were grabbing a bite to eat and a drink pre-show at Boston Beer Works just up the street from the show. While waiting for a table we saw Paul, Scott & Frank eating at a table. We were then seated and we decided to send them over a round of drinks. Some other fans went over to the table while they were still eating, askied for autographs, etc... Paul was the only one who acknowledged us and personally came over and thanked us. We finished eating and the guys were still hanging out, waiting for their bill or something. So we walked over to say hi, can't wait to see the show, ya know the usual banter. I said to Scott, "This is the 6th time seeing you guys, I've been a fan for 11 years"..his response "I gotta take a piss." And he walked off. Diss #1. Again Paul was cool, Frankie wanted to get the hell out...we took hint and left them alone. The show was great. Post show I saw a record label rep I knew from my job as a record store manager. He said to hang with him cause he knew John from the Saints Metal Blade days. He introduced us to John, who kindly took some pictures with us and chatted for a few minutes (hell, he even remembered the date of the show Armored Saint played in Bangor Maine 14 years earlier?!?). Then Frank stuck his head into the hallway, saw the overwhelming crowd of about 12 people, shook his head and slammed the door. Diss #2.

Fast forward 5 years. Anthrax release what I consider to be the best CD of their career and of the year 2003. On top of that they are coming to Bangor Maine of all places. My friend and I know the club owner, who asks that we help him clean up post show and we'll get to meet the band. Cool. We end up nearly first in line for the post show meet & greet. We chat with John, show him the pics from five years before, have a couple laughs and move down the line. The new guy in insignificant to me, Frank is bored, Charlie won't shake hands (too cool ffor school I guess) but he will touch knuckles (whoopee!!!). I tell Scott it was a great show and ask if I can get a quick picture between he & Charlie(which he had just done for someone else) and he tells me "No, it will take too long." WTF!?!? Diss #3.

Basically I have come to the conclusion that John is the heart of this band, and Charlie & Scott are angry individuals who are obviously jealous of many of their peers (as evidenced by the many tirades we've read over the past few years.) For two guys who claim to be fan friendly I have yet to see it. Scott can go on VH1 and mug it up for the camera, but when it comes to the treatment of his own fucking fans, the ones who buy his music, and his concer tix...he shits on 'em. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has stories about these two.

BTW, I laughed my ass off when Charlie whined about Navarro' entourage cutting in line at Starbucks. Fuck you non-handshaker!!!!
Wow quite harsh, yes Scott can be a dick, he didn't even stick around in INDY, and Charlie waited to long "backstage" to come out and sign a few autographs, and it was way too cold to stand and wait.

John, Frank and Rob were all cool, except for the scribbling they tried to pass off as autographs.

Now on to Charlies rant, he said that no bands take them out and support, hello? Didn't they just do a small tour with Maiden and Priest before that?

Oh well, I understand they are hurt about Ozzfest, and frankly I would like to see them instead of Dimmu or BLS.

Maybe they should stop bitching and put their own festival thing together like a return of the Clash of the titans or something, and they can headline it and bring the bands they dig.

But it won't happen they will just keep bitching.
i have never met the guys so i cannot comment but they do seem to winge a fair bit,they forget to realise that the worse thing u can do is change frontman at a crucial time in there career,now i understand that this needed to be done to keep the band alive but they made that decision and its as simple as that!!!

how many bands outta the countless bands that change singers actually have a succesful second bite of the cherry

as yes we can rattle of van halen and acdc but how many otherss at least kept the same success or bettered it???
Scott can go on VH1 and mug it up for the camera, but when it comes to the treatment of his own fucking fans, the ones who buy his music, and his concer tix...he shits on 'em. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has stories about these two.

100% with you there, But Charlie has always been cool with me. But Scott is a prick no doubt.
he didn't even stick around in INDY, and Charlie waited to long "backstage" to come out and sign a few autographs, and it was way too cold to stand and wait.

He was back there kinda long aint
I had a very good experience with all the band members. They were all cool and I even got to take pictures with all of them. I remember Scott was on his cell for over an hour, talking to someone and he was pissed off! When he hung up, he still looked pissed, but he still signed autographs and took pictures with several of the fans.

You can check them out here:

Just click on the pictures link.
People who have bad experiences ALWAYS speak up. Those who have good experiences rarely speak up. That is the case with everything. I've met Scott probably 5 times and each as hell. Charlie twice, both as hell. John met twice, once before the most recent Orlando show, got to tell him how HUGE of a fan I was of him in Saint and in Anthrax. Met him after the show and he remember meeting me before and asked if he lived up to my expectations. Cool as hell.

We all know Anthrax should be HUGE again after WCFYA. I would be a little pissy if I did something that took that much work and it got ignored for reasons beyond my contol.
I am glad that this has caused a lively conversation. I obviously have better sources than blabbermouth or the more fact oriented but unfortunately alot of people live by that stupid page.

I have a suggestion for Anthrax. With the release of the upcoming cd of older hits, why not try to hook up with death angel again, along with exodus and testament for a real return of the clash of the titans tour 2004 style???:Spin: :headbang: All bands mentioned will have new cds out this year:worship:
Hey, I agree completely. I love these guys, but from the Joey firing onward, you could tell that it was Charlie and Scott's "vision" for the band that came first and foremost. They easily lost 65% of their fans when they kicked Joey out of the band, and they probably lost an additional 10% when they kicked Spitz out of the band. I remember when I first saw Anthrax on the White Noise tour in '93. While standing in line, the majority opinion was "Hey, I'm just here to check out the new singer. If he sucks, I'm gone." Chances are, most of those guys are gone---whether John was better or not.

White Noise was a great record that got a good push from the label. Everybody knew who Anthrax was coming off of the Bring the Noize record. As a result the album and tour did really well. Then what happened? Two things: 1. The label fucked them, this is well documented. 2. Stomp 442 wasn't a very good album overall. Compared to the range and quality of White Noise it was a major dissapointment. No singles, a video was made but never seen. I could go on and on.

By the time Volume 8 came out, 80% of their fanbase had eroded. Volume 8 was a good album, but not great. Then FIVE MORE YEARS go by and they put out the best album of their careers. That's TEN YEARS after they peaked with White Noise.

The moral of the story? Considering the adversity and poor decision making, they should be glad they sell any records and can fill any venues. I completely understand their frustration, because I feel it too. But sounding like a whiny prick sure doesn't help the situation. I think if they continue to tour hard and build the grass roots support, the time could be right for a big comeback.